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Yellow Moonshine


Posted by
October 5, 2005
Date Submitted
I posted a report on these recently under another username and it was deleted, for whatever reason :/ .. this is my first report on this new site, so bare with me!

The pill was big.. average diameter, but very 'fat' (I'd guess 7-8mm high).. it smelt/looked/tasted almost _exactly_ like the "Yonex's" from 99-00 did, and had much the same effect.
(I'm no dealer trying to flog pills.. I just had such a good time on one of these that I'd like to see as many other people as possible experience them too! :) )

nb: other ID characterics.. _stank_ of saffrole/aniseed, tested straight to black with Marquis. Everyone who took one loved it, so it wasn't just me with my low tolerance these days :)
Pale yellow
Round, barrel - fat pill!
Soft/crumbly.. melts in the mouth!
No bevels that I could see..
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Marquis Reagent
User Report

I was in a shitty mood and surrounded by strangers when I took it, so the set/setting were waaay out of whack.. but 45 mins later I was telling everyone how fucking fantastic I felt.. and I mean _everyone_ :) .. been doing this shit for 10 years, and I know MDMA when I have it.. and this was _definitely_ the bomb.

Best I have felt in a _long_ time.. these were virtual carbon copies of the famous (?) Yonex's, and it should be mandatory that everyone on the planet takes one. ;)


bledwhite (member since September 30, 2005)

what's happening with all the reports?
any photos of the actual pill and reagent results??

October 5, 2005, 10:21 am GMT

pollyvomit (member since October 3, 2005)

was there no logo because they were so crumbly that it had dissapeared?
cause i just bought some "yellow moons" which the logo is almost gone due to crumblyness.

October 5, 2005, 11:49 am GMT

buckled (member since October 5, 2005)

i had plenty of these babies on the weekend... i am a regular user and these are probably the best i have gotten my hands on in a while... highly recommended

October 5, 2005, 12:34 pm GMT

kenobee (member since October 3, 2005)

im not having a go here but id much rather trust a detailed well set out report rather than someone telling me that they arent a dealer and how great and off their face they were...............

October 5, 2005, 12:44 pm GMT

zaineaol (member since September 29, 2005)

^Kenobee (assuming ur the Kenobro), if thats you... the pill the guy ate was one of mine... (danbro uleh!!)and they rock jocks, and he saw my reagent test :)

October 5, 2005, 11:41 pm GMT

luvinlife (member since October 6, 2005)

i managed to score these last weekend, took one, waited about an hour, nothing happened, took another half (thank god i played it safe), thats when it hit...
it hit VERY hard, surprisingly hard coz i got a rediculously high tolerance, one of these sent me through the roof! STRONG hard solid peak, eye wobbles, loved up, i was very confused coz i didnt get hit that hard in probably 7 months.. almost forgot what its like... had to sit down and absorbe it all... it started wearing off in about 4 hours, took another one, when that hit, the peak hit me that hard that it sent me blind with a headrush for a good 5 seconds.... overall unbelievable pill, but the sensation it gives u is completely different from pills like the butterflies or the tulips... i rate them very highly though, sure beats everything else on the market right now.

October 6, 2005, 12:02 am GMT

pollyvomit (member since October 3, 2005)

but i need to know if there is any logo on them at all?
is it like a moon but it's really difficult to see cause they break so easy?

October 6, 2005, 8:27 am GMT

zaineaol (member since September 29, 2005)

yes, the logo is like an outpressed dome with a little slit in the side, ie: like a cresent moon.. if u get the gist?

October 6, 2005, 9:27 am GMT

rockinnn (member since October 6, 2005)

Got these bad boys 2 weeks ago,

first impressions- The bag off them reeeked off MDMA! one of the strongest smells ive had with biccies. The pill is slighlty crumbly, nice pressesed domed with a nice imprint of a moon to the right side. Did i mention these things stinksssss

- had these on 2 occasions both same affects
dumped at 11.30
12.30 slight come on
1.00 thinking these were an ok pill
2.00 on my ass from the strength of these things.
3. still rockin
4. peakin harder than i ever had.
5 still feelin it
sleep time now
wake up at about 8 and im still buzzin

all this off one biccie and i drop every weekend and had these in a binge week of drugs. These pills are extremely strong and will send u flyin for ages. slight hallucinations of one.

If u get one of these and are thinkin they aint workin DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER unless u like tottally being out of this world. It will come and it will come hard

these biccies come on then off
then on a little harder and off
then a little more
and more
till u tottally gone
they are unreal and are a real nice pill to rail up!

keep on rockiinnnnn

October 6, 2005, 9:45 am GMT

lsd303 (member since October 5, 2005)

^^ agreed with all positive reports above.. sorry if it was a lame report to start with, I've had a _big_ break and haven't posted a report (let alone dropped) in years! .... but it kicked arse ;)

October 6, 2005, 10:57 am GMT

pollyvomit (member since October 3, 2005)

now im hella excited but will go easy with the amount i take. :P

yay for saturday night.

October 6, 2005, 11:42 am GMT

complex (member since September 29, 2005)

thes sound good, a pic would be great also.

October 6, 2005, 4:05 pm GMT

princess (member since October 6, 2005)

got sum of these atm cant wait to try em!!!

October 6, 2005, 10:34 pm GMT

redmitzy (member since October 2, 2005)

As rockinnn said ---> these biccies come on then off then on a little harder and etc etc.....

I have a really high tolerance to all bix & these ones fool u into thinking they arent doing anything until u have your next then they hit ya! I have seen all of my friends nearly flip out on these things... be patient with these ones, they will deliver & they last for a very long time. Enjoy

October 9, 2005, 9:08 am GMT

pollyvomit (member since October 3, 2005)

these did basically nothing to me.

this is what i wrote in the other report;
"took one and a bit on friday night.. didn't do a lot to me.
so dissapointed cause people had told me to only take one or two, or i'd be on my arse. my usual intake is 3-5.
i got really edgy and abusive and violent about 2 hours after dropping.

took another the next night.. [usually having only one the night before doesn't affect my peak the next night] and hardly felt it again. started to get edgy.. before it got too bad had to take speed to make it go away."

October 10, 2005, 7:06 am GMT

pillage (member since October 1, 2005)

hey these pills sound fkn awesome but i am worried they would make me messy if i popped a whole one because i want to pop it at the melb cup but would hate to make a fool of myself. Can somebody tell me if these are the type of pills that make you clear and alert whilst bein ecstatic on the inside or if it will put me on my ass? I have a medium tolerance to pills and find that with pills such as the green doves which everyone raved about i was less enthused. Well anyway any advice would be very appreciated! Thanks xox

October 10, 2005, 12:39 pm GMT

samtheman (member since October 10, 2005)

thought i would add my comments for the first time in years.
i hadnt popped in about 6 months. took half at 1:15. pill was very slow to come on. at least 2:30 i was feeling very little. took the next half. then pretty soon it began to hit me, but more i feel i settled into what was the "required" groove for the pill. i found it was a very non talky pill. i enjoyed the rush in silence most of the time, and found ppl distracted me. but the rushes were hard and constant. usually there's a peak for an hr or so and its over. but this one without fail kept re-rushing every 10 mins till about 5am. i had another quarter during that time. after that i was getting tired of rushes so kinda made myself not have them. but this pill woulda kept delivering the goods if i was up for it. very clean, and may not suit some ppl who like to feel "mashed". cos u just wont feel that. very crumbly pill. is hard to eat in halves.
imho, best pill ive seen in years. what they all should be.

October 10, 2005, 2:12 pm GMT

sablabs (member since October 12, 2005)

warning: this pill is very strong. tried this stuff at a rave - not bad of a pill if had in moderation.
i started off with 1 didnt feel anything so an hour later had another one. i usually munch about 4-6 on an average night, had one about half an hour later. by this time i was getting pretty big rushes but after that i dont remember much other than walking around lost & confused. most simple things i forgot what i was doing and had some close encouters with the cops due to not knowing what i was doing or where i was going. alot of my night was ruined because i forgot what i was doing - at a rave. strong md in this pill but i have a feeling there could be k or something even worse.

October 12, 2005, 5:17 am GMT

jumpincrazy (member since October 29, 2005)

picked up a few of these biccies last night in melbourne.......complete duds....i took 2 of em with no affects whatsoever and with me being new to this game......smelt of dettol as well...not good...not happy

October 29, 2005, 10:13 am GMT

duuuu (member since November 2, 2005)

these pills sounded too good to be true! they hit you hard but after an hour it wore off! Ruined my night, i was so dissapointed! Overall they're crap!

November 2, 2005, 9:48 am GMT

frizey7 (member since November 8, 2005)

i took these a few weeks ago.....took one and nothing.....i was angry and seemed to yell at my friend alot....took another about 3 hours later,......when kicked in it did so hard! i was mass tripy and chatty....i was confussed and didnt really know what i was on friends thought it was very funny....lots of hallusations.....but very crusie the next day....overall...these pills were good...
(horrible taste and smell though!!)

November 8, 2005, 11:54 am GMT

pingin (member since November 11, 2005)

took 1 a few weeks ago.. waited.. waited.. thought i'd been ripped off.. took another half then straight away kicked it in. wouldn't rate it high, but i got pretty fucked up. peak didn't last long tho. overall, good for getting fucked up.. shit if you want a sick night.

November 11, 2005, 4:56 am GMT

rave man (member since October 8, 2005)

i had 2 of these the other night which is usualy enough for me on a big night as i have a low tolerance. I found these pills to be very wavey with lots of peaks but may have had something to do with taking 4 seperate halves. By the end i was completely fucked up from wat i assume was a high dose of MDMA but may have contained other stuff because i had a lot of wierd experiences on the night. Most notabley i got realy bad pins and nedles feeling and every muscle in my hands and arms got so tensed up at one stage i couldnt open them and i felt like i was breaking my own fingers. this lasted bout 30 mins from about when the last half kicked in. Has anyone else had this sort of reaction before

November 20, 2005, 5:32 am GMT

bzzed (member since November 18, 2005)

had 2 of those on the on the weekend (also had the white maples) but the moonshines pack a kick... real good rushes and i couldn't stop dancing for hours.

November 30, 2005, 6:23 am GMT

xoxoshortiiixoxo (member since August 4, 2007)

i agree with rockinnn
their fukn AWSOME!! u think its over den out of no wer your just fuktt as again.. I LOVED EM!!!!!!!!! wooot.. great rush!! derz a really good batch goin round.. and a bad batch going round in melb.. watch out!

October 9, 2007, 7:11 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


Successful Onsite Drug-Checking Service at Beyond the Valley Festival, Victoria

Beyond the Valley will host Victoria’s first pill testing trial.

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Pill Testing bill to be introduced to Victorian Parliament

N-ethylpentylone in Montreal, Canada

New Zealand - dangerous drug n-ethylpentylone sold as ecstasy

NB Pentylone and N-ethyl-pentylone turning up in more pills

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WARNING! - PMA/PMMA is being sold as MDMA in Victoria Australia


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**WARNING** 210mg Beige/ Pink Ace of Spades

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