I don't have a tester, but my friend does and he said they contained MDA. These are without a doubt the best pills I've ever had the pleasure of consuming. They are sneaky, I dumped one and after about an hour and ten minutes I still wasn't feeling much. I got impatient and snorted another one, and just after I did the first one kicked in. Very intense eye wobbles and a massive peak that lasted for hours. When the second one kicked in I got very lovey at times, but then at others times I just wanted to be on my own to trip out. Had me floored for most of the night, not a very energetic pill, and experienced slight visual hallucinations at times. I took the first one at 12:30 last night, it is now 5:00pm the next day and I still don't feel straight. I give these a 10/10, I rate them to be better than the fabled Green Mitsubishis.
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
mzdevil (member since October 12, 2005)
Well what can i say except.... Unless you like VERY BAD comedowns and want to feel like you are dying (literally) DONT DO IT! At the time i dropped (as did my boyfriend) they where great... we had 4 over a period from about 10pm to 4am. As they where good, but didnt last too long. So kept topping up. Next day felt fine, day after bit tired.. as the week progressed, got worse. Coffee tasted like powder, BAD BAD heart pains.. and i mean BAD, my boy got the same except his symptoms where a day behind mine. Heaaches, dizziness, loss of balance, blurry vision, and hard to focus. Bloody awful pill in my opinion i have never experianced a come down like that before! UUUUGH! MDMA My ass. If it does contain MDMA i'd like ot know what other shit it has in it!!!
October 12, 2005, 11:32 am GMTmzdevil (member since October 12, 2005)
xanthippus (member since October 3, 2005)
Well I did say it contained MDA as well. I didn't have any of the after affects you experienced in the slightest, and neither did any of my several friends who dropped them. I would say that the batch you got is different to the ones I had.
October 16, 2005, 11:46 am GMTnickthecheese (member since September 30, 2005)
Mzdevil: You took 4 then wondered why you had a bad comedown? Perhaps you need to look at your useage as a factor in how bad your comedowns really are.
December 31, 2005, 4:21 am GMT