Got this from a Friend in the area , havent rolled in a while but when i do i do it correctly !!!
7:00pm : Dropped one with some Water (Ate some steak & White rice before hand)
7:30pm: Took a train ride home with the same friend who gave them to me & had a conversation about his last club event
7:50pm: Still on the train But feeling hot , Not rolling yet , no jaw clenching
8:00pm : Music Sounds Really Good Right now , Played the same song about 3x Times now
8:30pm : Reached Home & Now Im Feeling more chatty , Played ps4 online just to interact with people ,Feeling Good but i know im not rolling
9:00pm: My girl sends me a text and wants me to come by and have fun lol told her id be there by 12
10:00 pm : Was playing the game so much almost forgot to Update this , Super Focused no pun intended
10:30pm: Need to smoke something so i got a cigarette just to keep the feel going , Cant smoke weed so this will suffice
11:00pm : Finally Leaving to my girl's place to get sum still feel high , must be the speed in this , it takes about a hour to reach her
12:00am: Train ride was unusual , Two guys played music extremely loud on the train but i was so zoned in my own music i just head nodded my way to her place
12:30am : Watching game of thrones, not as focused as before but im feeling mellow
1:00am : Not hungry and i still feel this pill , She said i keep licking my lips and my jaw is moving , Guess i didnt notice it before
1:30am: Thirsty as hell , She Starts crying for unrelated reason , total downer, Think this should kill my vibe
2:00 am : Whatever speed they put in this is going to have me up all night & i know it because i've had a pill like this before , reminds me of the pink yankees years ago
3:00am : She wants to go to bed so i'll keep you guys updated ;-)
5:30am : Well, we Had Amazing Sex
And it definitely messed with me cuz it took EXTREMELY long to climax , Everytime i wanted to i would lose it but in the end it was great (Sorry if thats too much info)
Gonna try and get some sleep now
6:30am : Could Not Sleep a Wink, I would close my eyes but never any Zzz, Gotta See my barber @ 8 so im gonna leave soon
7:00am : Stayed up all night after 5 rounds with this woman , The speed in this pill is insane
7:27am : Currently on the train ride home , shud be back by 8:30am , I feel nothing but tired but music still sound great for some odd reason
**My opinion- Good pills for music , Socializing & Sex But not the "OMG IM ROLLING " we are all chasing......
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
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