Pill Report: WhatsApp

Pomorskie Gdańsk

Posted by
April 18, 2017
Date Submitted
Officialy 125mg (tested on xtcdata)
Last Update
April 24, 2017
Square quadrat
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

[Polish Ver.]

Test zrobiony w 4 osoby, dwie zjadly obiad, ja i kolega po hot dogu
20:00 - dwie osoby zjadly obiad
21:30 - ja z kolega zjedlismy po HotDogu.
21:40 - Jedna na trzech, kolega od hot doga 1/2.
22:30 - duże oczy
23:40-24:00 - wychodząc na blanta i po koleżanke, wszyscy dostali enegii i jeszcze większych oczu.
24+ Idziemy z buta na bilard, ja czuje gadkę (cala droge nawijalem), energię i lekką euforię, obraz staje sie przyjemniejszy i wyrazniejszy, pelna swiadomosc. Stwierdzam że dorzuce 1/4 z kolegą od hotdoga(ma wielkie oczy, niby nic nie czuje, a bral 1/2) - dorzucamy 1/4.
24:40 - w czasie rozmowy z dziewczyna i kolezanka, dziewczyna nagle do mnie mowi abym się ogarnął. Pytam o co chodzi, dowiaduje sie ze gadalem cos o wielkich oczach i jestem porobiony - szczerze nie pamiętam, miałem chwilowe zaćmienie, może owa 1/4 weszła. Dodatkowo po chwili zaczelo mi mocno bic serce i poczulem rozchodzace sie cieplo od srodka klatki piersiowej
3:00 - robię się zmęczony ale coś trzyma
3:50 - słucham muzyki i idę spać.

Zaobserowałem z rana że mam bardzo małego fiuta. Normalnie zagrałem mecz mimo deszczowej pogody, po nim poszedłem spać bo byłem zmęczony fizycznie i trochę psychicznie (mało snu?).

Po godzinie snu poczułem się o wiele lepiej.

[English Ver.]

Testing with 4 people. Two after a dish, me and my buddy after one hot-dog.

8PM - two people eating dinner
9:30PM - me and my buddy ate a hot-dog
9:40PM - one pill split for a 3 people, my buddy took 1/2
10:30PM - big pupils
11:40PM - 0:00AM - getting out for a blunt and my female friend, everybody felt energy rush. Even bigger pupils.
0:00AM+ - walking few kilometers to get to the pool club. Whole the way I've been very talkative, non-stop speaking. Much energy, slight euphoric, sharper vision, I like my "sight" a lot, felt good watching the sky and the raindrops. Full consciousness. I've decided to take next 1/4, my buddy took 1/4 too (he has big pupils, told me he feels nothing, but he took 1/2).
0:40AM - while speaking with my GF and her friend, my gf yells at me that I have to get a grip. I asked her WTF. I was told I've been speaking about my big eyes and speaking I feel very much stoned. I don't even remember speaking things like that. It was like momentary blackout or something. Maybe that 1/4 hit me like this, in this moment. After a while I felt my heart pounding and I felt heat coming out of the center of my chest.
3AM - I am starting to feel sleepy
3:50AM - Listening to music and going sleep

In the morning I has a very little dick. I played a football match despite of rainy weather. After a football match I decided to go sleep. I've been sleeping 1 hour, cause I felt tired both mentally and physically. After a one hour sleep I felt much better.


thexperience (member since April 22, 2012)

tested with 125mg MDMA, no amphetamines :)


April 18, 2017, 2:22 pm GMT

iryseq (member since April 3, 2017)

All clear, thanks. Propably my body reaction are weird :)

April 19, 2017, 9:18 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.