Pill Report: Monkey (Maymun) /  Paul Frank
Monkey (Maymun) / Paul Frank


Posted by
March 8, 2016
Date Submitted
Jaw: 4/10
Pupil Dilation: 6/10
Empathy: 7/10
Euphoria: 5/10
Sweating: 2/10
Touching sensation: 3/10
Music: 4/10
Visuals: 1/10

Total dropped: I took one pill.
Day after: no hangover

pic added

I changed mdxx low to med they are actually around 120mg
Last Update
March 9, 2016
Paul Frank
Light blue
3D pentagonal
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Last week, I took only one pill from these. It took about an hour to hit. My eyes were extremely wiggling during the first half an hour but then it stopped suddenly. I didn't feel any extraordinary pleasure on touching or music. It is definitely not speed, even though euphoria was also slight and not continuous during the peak. I smoked pot during the entire night but there is no good or bright visuals at all. That slight euphoria stopped permanently after two hours. Although I was not physically active on that night I felt exhausted when the effects of the pill disappeared. I slept well on that night and woke up quite early on the other day. There was almost no hangover feeling on me. There were also three more people who took the same pill with me that night and they also agreed that the pill was quite weak. Only one of them experienced nausea during the roll.

I love the way how ecstasy heighten my perceptions and senses but these pills are not good on these at all.


euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)

Thanks for the report mate excellent.

I know them they are around 120mg mdma pills if you are regular user maybe it's normal that you didn't get what you expect from these paul franks. I heard that pink ones have higher amounts 180mg-200mg. Green ones are around 150mg.

Pic added*** i cant find pic of blue coloured but flash light makes them light blue :D

Tr: dostum rapor için teşekkürler paul frankler 120mg civari yeterli gelmemiş olabilir. Rapordan gördüğüm kadarıyla toleransın yüksek :D Çift atışta güzel bi giriş yapabilirdin ama bi tane şekerin varmış bunların pembeleri 200 mg civari

March 8, 2016, 2:50 pm GMT

euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)


Hi mate. I haven't got it yet. But this summer my friend gonna buy and will bring to me ;D

If you have test result we can analyze it i know some web pages which has many details about color reactions

Dostum selam daha almadım da yaza arkadaş getircek :D

Test sonucun falan varsa yorumlayabiliriz neler olduğunu içinde bazı kaynaklar buldum her çeşit kimyasala göre sonuçlar var baya detaylı aspirini bildiğimiz normal şeker için bile renk reaksiyon sonucları var :D

March 8, 2016, 4:18 pm GMT

hegelonacid (member since December 21, 2015)


thanks for your comment, i didnt have any idea about the amounts of it. i'm a regular user only for a year and i take only 1 in a month (took maximum 2 in one night a few times) so i don't think that i have a high tolerance. those 2 friends of mine have a high tolerance for sure but the other one has not, still he also found this weak. i wish i had a test kit, i didn't come across a strong pill for months.

yorumun için sağol, miktarları bilmiyordum. bir senedir düzenli ayda bir tek atıyorum (aynı gecede 2ye çıktığım azdır) toleransın yükselmesi için erken değil midir? yorum senin :D yanımdaki 2 arkadaşın toleransı yüksektir, diğerinin değil ama ona da hafif geldi. test kit olsa keşke bende de, kaç aydır iyi bir şeye denk gelemedim.

March 8, 2016, 5:46 pm GMT

euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)


I think your tolerance might be changed. You said you didn't find good pills for months. Maybe some of them are mixed pills and you know these substances can cause neurotoxic damage to axon terminals in your brain as well as mdma does. Give a month break is OK but we don't talk about only MDMA. You might be swallowed other substances beside mdma in your last rolls.

Rica ederim dostum ayda 1 takılıyorsun gayet iyi ancak son attığın şekerler iyi değildi diyorsun kimilerindeki farklı şeyler belki toleransı yükseltmiş olabilir amfetaminli veya methylone içeren bişeyler denk geldiyse tolerans biraz değişiyo nörotoksik etkileri daha fazla bunların bildiğimiz gibi ihtimal olarak bunu düşünüyorum oldu mu böyle şeker geldiği? :D

Ok mate i am gonna check with you:) marquis result shows it might be something mixed 2cx

Tamamdır dostum bakalım bi şu linkten sende bakabilirsin 2cx serisi bişeyle karışık gibi ama mecke tam siyah mı anlamadım :D

March 8, 2016, 8:24 pm GMT

hegelonacid (member since December 21, 2015)

you are right mate, i came across a few pills that looked definitely suspected and effected in different ways other than mdma. other than that, most of it were clean but mostly weak. still turkish market is full of garbage anyway.

haklısın dostum, bariz şüpheli birkaç şekere denk geldim şimdiye dek, onun dışında bir sıkıntı olmadı ama böyle şeylerin en boktanları buralara düşüyor zaten çoğu zaman.

March 9, 2016, 10:55 am GMT

euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)


Aynen öyle dostum toleransı biraz daha düşürmek istersen 3 ay falan beklesen aslında iyi olur yaza piyasa daha iyi oluyo zaten :D

If you want to have a good time like old ones i prefer you to wait 3 months at least mate. :D


Rica ederim dostum ne demek aynen butylone olma ihtimali daha yüksek. Ama bulgaristandan falan geliyo olabilir :D Türkiyede çalıntı baskı kalıbı olarak hayaleti gördüm ben :D Burda basılmış oladabilir olmayadabilir baskı güzel çünkü :D

You're welcome mate. You're right i guess it was mixed something buthylone. Maybe they came from hungary. Maybe they bought this stamp maybe it's not. Because you know in Turkey they don't usually use 3d pill stamps :D Generally round, chalky, crumbled easily pills going around :D

March 10, 2016, 5:19 pm GMT

criminal35 (member since February 17, 2016)

bu antalyadan mı geliyor.bunu denedim gayet güzel

I tried to do this antalyadan comes in just fine

March 27, 2016, 9:53 am GMT

criminal35 (member since February 17, 2016)

kardeş bende de bundan bi tane var raporda yazdığın yorum metninin türkçesi yok mu tam olarak çevrilmedi

I also Turkish brothers not comment you wrote the text of the report have to be one that does not fully translated

April 10, 2016, 7:43 am GMT

ashdod (member since December 31, 2018)

Selamlar istanbul avrupa yakasinda kanal lazim yardimci olabilecek birileri var mi? Telegram dan ulasin bana link = https://t.me/TamanShud1

December 31, 2018, 10:18 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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**WARNING** 210mg Beige/ Pink Ace of Spades

**WARNING** Blue Punisher’s 477mg- Strongest Ever Ecstasy Pill Found in UK.

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