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Blue Defqon


Posted by
October 31, 2015
Date Submitted
i dont know whether this pill is real or fake. this is the first time i see the pill. i searched it this website and its different than "the fake defqon blue" because the other one seems dark and shitty but my pill had good shape. im sorry i forgot to take pic because i just wanted it inside me ^^
Last Update
October 31, 2015
Defqon event symbol
Light blue
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report


i swallowed it with my best friend.
30 min later i felt that something is coming and i felt REALLY happy. my chin muscles started to strain and i took a gum.

45 min later i was really relaxed and happy but unconsciously i smoked 6 cigarettes in 20 minutes and i puked. i felt that it is not about the pill its about the cigarettes because im not a chainsmoker in normal life.

1 hour later i was at top. listening masters of hardcore with headphones, drinking water but little (i feel nausea, i afraid to puke again. and luckily it didnt happen) i danced 15 minutes.

75 min later we started a conversation and spoke about 15 minutes and we took an other half and felt better than before.

2.5 hours later it started to go down and we took another pills.

i recommand it because i think its clear. other day i feel hungry and ate so much. just little exhausted.

it was perfect day for me but my friend said that he didnt feel anything. he took 3.5 pills and his eyes were normal. we took same pills i dont know what happened. he is also regular user. if you use this shit once a month, it will DEFINITELY kick in.
i saw some visions 4 hours later but i dont know which pill caused it.

euphoria 9/10
visual 8/10
chin spazm 9/10 (passed 20 hours and it still hurts)



abi her sey mükemmel. çok sigaradan kustum bi ara işte, kalanı harika. total kafası 3 saate yakın. extra bişey var mı pek kestiremiyorum ama mdma net fazlaca var.

arkadasım 5 tane atmış 3 gün önce. onla takıldık ona girmedi, hiç girmedi gözbebekleri bile büyümedi cocugun hayretler içinde kaldım adeta :D ben en son geçen ay takılmıştım totalde bi 8-10 defa takıldım hiç kötü şeye denk gelmedim ama şunu soyleyeyim bu en iyisiydi denk gelirseniz kaçırmayın.



erray (member since October 31, 2015)

Ah be kardeş bulabilsek kullancaz da bu ara piyasa sıfır :))

October 31, 2015, 8:36 am GMT

theextacy (member since October 27, 2015)

Şuna mı benziyodu?
Did it look like this?

bi de nerden çözdün?

October 31, 2015, 10:57 am GMT

euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)

There should be a "dance" stamp on back. Does it have? Maybe it's copycat batch from UK.

Arkasinda dance yaziyomuydu dostum bide sanirim onlar basilmiyo artik direk etkinlik sponsoru turuncu q-dance ler var avrupada:D( dan ne var ne yok bizde niye yok bunlar amk diye bakabilirsiniz buraya bagli bloglardada avrupa dagiticilari var / koleksiyoncular var. Adamlar kimin bastigini kimin yakalandigini mdma araliklarini biliyor) Sakli sekerlerdir muhtemelen. Q dance in yesilini bulmustum bi kere (1-2 saat max suresi)

October 31, 2015, 11:10 am GMT

mollyisparta (member since September 18, 2014)

Bilader aylardır bunları arıyorum inşallah antalya ıspartaya düşer bunlardan şanslısın kardeşim orginal şeker!!

Bro i dont find this pill for months. I hope it will come to antalya ısparta . You are lucky cause its original pills. ;)

November 1, 2015, 9:31 pm GMT

meuteu (member since October 31, 2015)

beyler jetonlar orjinalmiş takıldıgım arkadasla konustum dance baskısı varmış o incelemişti baya :). sol taraftan bulduk hacı ya louis vuittonların pink'i güzeldi baya tatlı şeylerdi ondan denk gelirsen onu da kaçırma. maviyi denemedim.

pills are original i asked my friend he said that dance stamp was there (backside). i bought the stuff from the left side (only eskiÅŸehir people will understand:) )

November 7, 2015, 11:32 pm GMT

ozgur06 (member since October 31, 2015)

Arkadaşlar şekerden mevcutmu Eskişehir'de? Ankara'dan gelmeyi düşünüyoruz Ankara'da şeker kalmadı ak. Bu babonun yeri nerdedir Nasıl gidilir

November 8, 2015, 9:53 pm GMT

meuteu (member since October 31, 2015)

Beyler bu jeton istanbula düştü arkasında "dance" baskısı yok. Fake ama baskısı, kesimi net Avrupa. Şekerde speed falan sezmedim ben düz öfori vardı, mdma oranı yüksek

This pill arrived to istanbul. There is no "dance" stamp on the back but its press like european, sharp and smooth. I think its mostly mdma

November 29, 2015, 9:57 am GMT

berkalon34 (member since February 26, 2016)

bende eskısehırdeyım yardımcı olur musun

February 26, 2016, 8:48 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.