Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
ramzola (member since August 14, 2010)
I definitely agree! These beans are dangerous. Had one a few months back and I ended up having one of the worst trips ever. Puked, almost fainted, vision became blurred. It looked like it was raining even though it was a clear dusk. Stay away!
August 19, 2015, 12:41 am GMTriffraff (member since February 12, 2014)
"It's a Trap Bino" is the best description i ever read for a bad pill.....hauahuahuhauauauauhau.
August 20, 2015, 6:56 pm GMTtssbh26 (member since July 26, 2014)
Are they perhaps the same pressers as pink rolexes, PMA by any chance?
August 24, 2015, 3:07 pm GMTelementttt (member since June 28, 2015)
thx for the report
August 27, 2015, 10:46 pm GMTsugarcube (Moderator)
Thanks for reporting this! If you have the time, please describe it's effects on you.
August 30, 2015, 6:55 pm GMT@ tssbh26
If they're exact the same press, I'd certainly avoid them :)