Pill Report: Heineken (Different Batches)
Heineken (Different Batches)


Posted by
December 1, 2014
Date Submitted
I found another heineken on the streets of belgium. They have been sold to me as + 200mg.

I compared to 1 heineken i got left came from dutchies side.
Same press, same logo, same hardnes but easily break in 2.
They weigh the same between 0,50-0,52mg on scale but most of them stay on 0,51mg.

The one at Right side of the pic is definetly first batch, 212 mg clean MDMA lab tested.

The Left one on the pic had more white specs and a more muddy darker green more to gray. They are more shinny but al beautiful pressed. I send one in to dutch testcentre and hope the batch is still between 180 nd 220 mg, that was the spread i got from TC.

Some feedback or experiences would be great about the new batch. Play safe!
Last Update
December 7, 2014
Green/muddy green
4.0 mm
12.0 mm
Green/white speckled
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Reports Heineken 1st Batch 


Report Heineken other batch

Got them tested at TC ; 193mg MDMA with spreading (if i remember good) + - 223-168 is what they said

*will update when consumed*


junknerd (member since October 26, 2014)

Nice man, I waited so long for a decent comparison between the batches I hate that they put less ingredients in those.
Here are some lab results which show the difference lol:

December 1, 2014, 12:51 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

I didnt test the left one, but other for shure 1st batch.
U can see clearly difference in color and 1st batch have some yellow specs.
If there is the same good quality MDMA i am ok with 170/160. Hope they dont go lower as i want a couple for NY

December 1, 2014, 2:59 pm GMT

hug e bear (member since October 31, 2012)


Looks like second batch! 160mg

December 1, 2014, 3:07 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

If they keep up the same quality MDMA no complains from my side, i love the roll with this heineken and i started a half. No doubts i drop a whole one if TC's answer is 160mg...

December 1, 2014, 6:04 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

Update: they keep up the good work. labtested 193mg

December 7, 2014, 7:10 pm GMT

sashaw (member since September 2, 2014)

Since when can you test in belgium? In The Netherlands they don't take them in anymore because there is allready a second spread known at the moment that is significant lower.

Also who says you have the "newest batch"?

Smells like a lot of bullshit again :-)

December 8, 2014, 6:21 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

Damm you sashaw why you always go bad on me mate

There is a testservice in brussels if u dont know, and i have dutch mates testing all there pills.

I didnt said this is the newest batch, i said new, that stand for new in my region, new over here, not have seen yet, etc...

Results are clear

December 8, 2014, 6:28 pm GMT

charelli (member since December 12, 2014)

well said,warnerboy whats up do you live in brussels?

December 12, 2014, 9:25 am GMT

withoutab (member since April 25, 2014)

Dutch tc spread is in freebase MDMA, highest tested is 226 mg
checkit tests MDMA.HCl 160mg -->134 mg MDMA

December 12, 2014, 2:09 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

Yes indeed withoutab, my result is from good week/2weeks ago so spread could already be bigger or they dont test dem anymore, i got dem both tested.

Early batch 212 mg MDMA base , Later batch 190 mg MDMA base no hci results so in this region dem stay on a high level.

Play safe guys!!

December 12, 2014, 5:44 pm GMT

wahching (member since December 23, 2013)

Took these last weekend. It's ok but doesn't last long. Still recommend purple battery over this

December 16, 2014, 2:24 am GMT

wahching (member since December 23, 2013)

Sdfu warnerboy. You consumed these?

December 17, 2014, 4:56 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

yes man, dont need the stfu for that one ;-) you say heineken around 210mg seems to be better then purple batteries going down to 160mg?

December 17, 2014, 6:32 pm GMT

wahching (member since December 23, 2013)

210 mg of bad quality mdma yes

December 20, 2014, 7:13 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

Seems to be you're good mates with battery succesors, no doubts you hate the heineken press just because they do better :-)

December 30, 2014, 10:54 am GMT

rollinabq (member since September 29, 2005)

Got these on the state side....probably one of the strongest pills i've ever had. These things are intense.

January 22, 2015, 12:41 am GMT


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