Pill Report: Pink Love Heart
Pink Love Heart

SP / Campinas

Posted by
April 29, 2013
Date Submitted
Very well pressed pill. Really solid and shining.
Last Update
July 6, 2013
Pink / Light Red
Heart shaped
Solid and shine. Not crumbly
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
Mecke Reagent
User Report

Pills tested.

All three reagents change to black.
Marquis from purple to black
Mecke from green/blue to black
Mandelin from yellow to black.

Good pills!!!


11:50PM - drop first pill.
00:40 - First effects raising. Not feeling legs, alteration on the breathing, a little dizziness, normal effects from MDMA...
Started really slow, actually, slower comparing with another pills I've been taken before.
01:00 - drop second pill.
01:20 - Still slow on effects, but starting to intensify.
I even thought it was fake pills due to the time the effects took to start get stronger.
01:45 - Effect becaming really stronger. I can say it was one of stronger pills I ever took.
2:00 - Peak. I get even dizzy, almost fall down... ...really strong effects on fisical side.
2:00 - 2:35 - Still in the peak. Legs shaking a lot. Sweeting a lot. Want to dance non-stop! I realize the pill is kind of weak on some effects like feeling horn, touch, etc... but strong on phisical effects on your body.
2:40 e 3:00 - start to get down a little bit. I also realized I took the second pill to early. As it take a little longer to go to peak, Would be better to wait 2 hours at least between first and second pills.

The down is reeeeealy smooth. I was excellent, dancing and feeling amazing. No bad feelings at all.

4:15 - I was with a friend that didn't took anything, so we left the club because she want to leave... but I could stay more 40 min or one hour just dancing or talking... Went home driving in an amazing feeling. Could even eat a chocolate and drink some juice before go to bed.. really good because I never can eat after taking pills...
The only bad part: I couldn't sleep. But not feeling bad at all. Was relaxing in the bed until 12:00!
Left the bed feeling a little headache, which went away durig the day...
The äfter"of this pill was one of the most relaxing and easy I ever had.

Conclusion: Very good pill with medium MDMA dosage.


minty fr3sh (member since March 28, 2013)

Good to see that you guys are gettin some clean pills down there

May 1, 2013, 4:42 pm GMT

halley (member since April 12, 2013)

Definitely! This was one of the best I ever had.... Can tell you even remember me the old MDMA pills... very good...

May 2, 2013, 12:02 am GMT

ramzola (member since August 14, 2010)

I must agree with Halley. I had these a few months back and they were definitely a clean pill. Looks like they are back. I actually got my hands on some from this latest batch. Exactly like the pill above, very hard pressed, shiny, with the word "love" on one side. Enjoy if you get your hands on them. My only question is if these are imports or local production...

May 3, 2013, 1:21 am GMT

halley (member since April 12, 2013)

@ramzola: they are imports. From Netherlands, if I'm not wrong.
There are nothing produced in Brazil like that. Unfortunately most part of production here are fake pills. Really dangerous actually...
Check my report on purple playboys here i Brazil.. FAKE. Terrible.
Take care.

May 3, 2013, 2:56 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Nice report - thanks for sharing. Please be careful double dropping pills which you have not tested or tried before.

Also if your not feeling your pills within the normal time and suspect that they are FAKE do not take more. Adulterated pills like PMA / PMMA take longer to come, start weaker (which leads people to take a second pill) and can kill you.

Test kits are advised

May 31, 2013, 3:40 pm GMT

halley (member since April 12, 2013)

Hey Bearlove, What is the PMA/PMMA and how is a safe dose?

May 31, 2013, 9:28 pm GMT

halley (member since April 12, 2013)

Pills tested. Photo uploaded..
I'm changing to High MDMA...

July 6, 2013, 4:04 pm GMT

ramzola (member since August 14, 2010)

@ Halley : nice! These are quite popular these days in São Paulo. Thanks for posting the results.

July 9, 2013, 9:30 pm GMT

marciofelipe (member since July 12, 2013)

I'll get some of that green.
Let's see what is going.

July 12, 2013, 2:31 pm GMT

gaucho (member since August 2, 2013)

I got a hold of some of these pills in Sao Paulo. I tested both Marquis and for mcPP. Marquis turned purple in seconds, confirming MDMA. The EZTest kit for mcPP showed that these pills also contain 6-APB, as the test turned burgundy red immediately. There is little research on 6-APB, but it takes longer for the come up and a smooth comedown, which is in line with the report.

August 16, 2013, 7:37 pm GMT

ramzola (member since August 14, 2010)

@Gaucho - thanks for the report. I was intreagued with your report indicating 6-APB as well as MDMA. Like you said, there is little research on this compound, which seems to be in a legal grey zone, meaning it is not a controlled substance in some countries. I am also not sure on whether it is good that it is present in the pink love heart or not. From what I have read (mostly on blue light and other sites) 6-APB seems to enhance and mimic a lot of the MDMA effects (empathy, energy, talkativeness, increased sensual awareness, lower inhibitions) and maybe with even a better comedown and less/no Tuesday blues effects. Put another way - it is MDMA (although from what I read not as strong in the come up) without collateral. Based on this, it would seem that the combination is a good one, and that this pill is even better than originally thought.
Any thoughts? Has anyone run into other pills with 6-APB/MDMA combo?

Thoughts and experiences welcome? From my end, this pill has never disappointed, so I am just wondering if I should stock up:-)

August 25, 2013, 6:26 pm GMT

saoleogaucho (member since September 6, 2013)

where I find these in rs?

September 6, 2013, 7:57 pm GMT

samaya (member since November 12, 2013)

@halley, nice report, i actually was so lucky to try it. Great pill. Pena que nao tem mais original, so falsificado e nao presta.

November 12, 2013, 6:05 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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