Pill Report: Purple Orbital
Purple Orbital

Sao Paulo

Posted by
December 9, 2012
Date Submitted
These are the original purple orbital, smooth and round. Bitter taste-ish. Very famous pills in Brazil, and first appeared in the scene in 2007. The real ones have the atom orbits logo at both sides, which are the same of which i am reporting now.
Atom orbits
5.0 mm
8.0 mm
Very Smooth
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx High
User Report

First took half a pill, and then it started hitting me like a train. When I had my other half i knew I was going through a magical process. It was so intense, i had goosebumps all over my body and the beat of the electronic music would play over and over again in my mind. Making my body dance loose, and forget everything. Every touch, and feel i received was everytime more stronger. Lasted about 3-4 hours.


ripley (member since August 17, 2012)

Nice to see you back! I hope they come to santa catarina asap, since we're full of fake green apples

December 10, 2012, 2:22 pm GMT

gabsz (member since October 6, 2012)

ooooooo, soon they will be back! very original and smooth

December 11, 2012, 12:41 am GMT

thichahad (member since December 12, 2012)

Guys...gotta tell you it's true... i took one of these some weeks ago and i was SHOCKED cause when i got hit... i was REALLY paralized for 20-30 minutes... it was SO intense...after that it was pure madness :D... GREAT STUFF !!!

Thanks for whomever brought these beauties back :D



December 12, 2012, 1:11 pm GMT

crobarkid00 (member since August 22, 2011)

nice to see a good pill in SA. you think these are old stock or are the old pressers back in action.??
Lots of forests in South America means lots of safrole :)
im sure theres a huge market for mdma down there im surprised we dont see more presses from this part of the world :/

December 13, 2012, 5:49 am GMT

serverrazor (member since June 7, 2012)

Yes, its TRUE !! I took one and after 2 hours other pill and the effect is very , very intense. The pills are dark purple.

December 13, 2012, 5:31 pm GMT

weetvanwanten (member since August 17, 2009)

Your right crobar and that gets me hard :( If it continues here in Brasil the X country nr1!

Nice report SAMBA SAMBA ;)

December 13, 2012, 11:15 pm GMT

ramzola (member since August 14, 2010)

Posted on December 15, 2012, 1:46 am by ramzola (member since August 14, 2010) [edit/delete]
I believe I got my hands on these. This is the first time I log, so bare with me :-)
1- dropped whole @ 23h30
2- UFC Sotripoulos vs. Preason on. This should be interesting... Progressive House in the background
3- 23h45 : I am getting anxious. Waiting for something good to happen.

4- 23h53 : felt the lights becoming intense. Checked pupils in mirror. HUGE :-)
5 - something definitely happening. Need to visit the bathroom. This is always a good sign :-)
I think I am gonna light my first cigarette :-)

6 - midnight : it is beginning. I need to stand and do something. Need to dance to the music. And my jaw is beginning to clench, but ever so lightly. This is gonna be a great night.

7 - 00h01 : moth** fu**er!! WhoA! Full blast

8 - in an hour I leave to a club. Lets see if I can manage some more writing until then.

9 - wiggly eyes, but still manage to write and read.

10 - UFC main fight card about to start

11 - 00h06 : my lovely wife getting ready for the night out. I can't stand still. Jaw clenching more know. Still have not lit the first cigarette, but now here goes :-)

Everybody should be listening to tommy libra's hit. AWESOME.
sweating ... Problems? What problems?

12- 00h16 : sorry guys. Am no logger to write nor read. Hopefully I'll follow up tomorrow morning after the club.
Over & out

Beautiful, clean and indescribable

@ Admin : thanks for cleaning up my report. In fact, my intention was to do the write up once I got back in but I ended up lighting a joint and just fell asleep to some beautiful music. Slept for most of Saturday. Over the course of the night, I ended up consuming 3 pills. ( 23h00 first, 02h30 second and 04h30 the last one). I fell asleep around 08h00, quite easily. I don't think they had any amphetamines in them.
Obviously the effect of the last one was not as strong as the first but that is normal. At one point, I started to sweat profuously but I think that's because 3 is my limit. So, in conclusion, no trouble sleeping and no Tuesday blues or any other collateral damage, but I never have them with good E. My wife does and was down until Tuesday.

Overall, I find that the quality of pills circulating in Sampa has improved. 2010 was a terrible year.

December 15, 2012, 1:46 am GMT

koisa (member since November 28, 2012)

me and some friends bought them in São Paulo, must agree with your summary 100%, only thing is i thought they looked more blueish than purple...

December 17, 2012, 11:56 pm GMT

spgroove (member since December 24, 2012)

Purple orbital used to be one of the top X to take. Took some in July however and they were for sure adulterated. Lighter purplish and too soft, didn't present nice results. The ones that are circulating now seem the real deal. Got a hold on some as described on top and am taking to New Years' celeb. I'll let you know how it goes.

December 24, 2012, 1:05 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the report - You say that these were MDxx (high) and Amphetamine, yet lasted only three hours.

How was the comedown, did you have problems sleeping, how was the next day?

@Ramzola - sounded like you were having a fun night :). I copied all your comments into one to make it easier to read (you should make a report and include your comedown, next day feeling etc.)

December 26, 2012, 9:36 am GMT

ramzola (member since August 14, 2010)

@ bearlove : took your advise. Please see rest of report in my thread above. On your other question, I don't think pure MDMA pills are supposed to last more than 2-4 hours depending on individual tolerance levels.

December 27, 2012, 1:07 am GMT

gabsz (member since October 6, 2012)

@spgroove, i agree with you.

January 15, 2013, 5:43 am GMT

francomg (member since February 4, 2013)

I've just got some of these purple orbital pills, this exaclty same batch as the picture shown here and definatly the originals Orbitals from 2007/08.
I've went to big party yesterday to see DJ Tiesto play some good music and took one of these pills, it took one hour to hit me and it was amazing, I felt so good and touchy, empathy, good feelings and wanted to kiss my girlfriend a lot. Very good pills, definatelly MDxx high, as I felt my jaw shacking a lot, but this normal with good mdma pills, just have a gum, it helps a lot!!!!! This is by far the best pill I've taken these last 3 years. I haven't got so much lucky with the last pills I got here in Brazil these last 3 years, lot's of pipes, 5-meo-dipts and other shit fake pills that did harm my body and made me had a terrible comedown and horrible hangover. I fucking hate fake E pills....
This purple orbital is just an amazing pill, it's just goodness all the way. The comedown is just wonderfull, if you're smart guy like me and don't drink alcohol, just water and soda, you'll feel great all the way, no hangover at all. Actually the comedown is just as good as when the pill is hitting you. You feel great, you can eat, you can sleep like a baby. You can have great sex, but it's so damn hard to cum...lol.
If you got some weed and smoke or vape it, the pill effect can come back even stronger after 5-6 hours you've taken the pill and you can enjoy yourself a lot by having sex or listening to music, even watching a movie... great pills really....

I wish most pills circulating nowadays were like these orbitals, pure mdma pills, that will only make you feel wonderfull and wish to have this amazing experience a couple times in your life...., Loved these pills, just amazing!!!!!!! Get one if you can, and make sure the orbital logo is in both sides of the pill, as the originals orbitals.

February 4, 2013, 2:43 pm GMT

gabsz (member since October 6, 2012)

i couldn't agreee more with you @francomg

February 14, 2013, 9:10 pm GMT

balasetebelo (member since November 12, 2013)

Guys I can trust your reports, since I didn´t see orbitals made with care like this one for a long time ago,
BUT generally I avoid this pills, because it's a famous one and is beeing adulterated ALOT here in SP.
I´ve take one of this one some time ago here and it didn´t make ANY effects on me.

November 12, 2013, 6:34 pm GMT

curuja (member since July 28, 2011)

The real ones have a true purple color, not that very light purple and bad press. Took some in Soulvision Festival last year, great pill this

January 19, 2014, 2:36 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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