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G Lady


Posted by
October 23, 2012
Date Submitted
It looked like the good orange G. lady on ecstasydata from longisland NY. It had mostly white specks and a few yellow specks. Tested with marquis mecke and Simon's all no color change on all of them. Supposedly came from NYC so watch out and test before you buy.
Last Update
October 24, 2012
G. On one side lady on the other
Dark blue w white yellow speck
Hard but not waxy
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Marquis Reagent
No Reaction
Mecke Reagent
No Reaction
Simons Reagent
No Reaction


crobarkid00 (member since August 22, 2011)
that sux bro they werent these. so many diff batches of these ills its mindblowing

October 23, 2012, 9:34 am GMT

jimsteele (member since January 16, 2011)

I tested a .G/left facing one legged lady for a friend this past March to take with her down to an event in the southeastern US. Turns out, she had been siting on them since Halloween 2011 (like 5 months before)! Its been QUITE SOME TIME since this press contained MDxx.

Thanks for testing! CT appreciates it...and thanks for noting details about what the pill looked like. G., .G, left facing lady, right facing lady, one legged lady, two legged lady-- all important details.

October 23, 2012, 8:31 pm GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

I remember when the blue and orange versions of these were the only decent press on the east coast(1.5-2 yrs ago). they went from mdxx-medium(70ish mg), to mdxx-low(30ish mg), to trace mdxx(5-10mg), to mdxx+adulterants(likely pipes), and now just pipes? this is a perfect example of a greedy presser's business model, which is-->slowly fuck your consumers in their uneducated anal cavitys after youve gained their trust....for monetary gain. gotta love American businessman. enough bitching, my only suggestion to you gfyspillm is to find a new dealer, i think youd have better chances with molly,considering the lack of legit pressed pills in your region. but of course continue to test yo shit.

October 24, 2012, 5:35 am GMT

ganjen (member since July 12, 2009)


has anyone in the midwest, near michigan i guess, hears of yellow (X5)'s ??? i can scoop some up they are yellow and no dome like those shitty midwest presses i used to post. they are flat on the bottom and slightly crumbly. they match all the good characteristics of the e bombs in 2001, like the green emails that turned to dust in the bag. the only thing, im concerned about is hes saying they are triple stack, but he KNOWS if its not MDMA i dont want it. he says you can see the crystals in the pills. anyone heard anything on these??? thanks, this will be massive harm reduction. there IS A NEW PRESS in the midwest that MAY be good? i want to grab a few, but i no longer have reagents. time is of the essence! hundo- any word on these bro? anyone in the D ???

October 24, 2012, 4:33 pm GMT

gfyspillm (member since August 9, 2012)

@facedbeyond not my dealer my dealer who was the one good dealer around here is sitting in prison everytime I test a new pill it's from a new person. I've tested 50 or more money fake pills in this town before coming on here and I've tested a shit load of fake Molly. I haven't seen any real mdma here in 3 and a half months. The lady looked exactly like the one in the pic on ecstasy data and someone posted that picture on my report. The G had the period to the right of the G and about half way up. Before this I was getting the medium dosed ones from edata and these looked just like them even had the yellow specks with the white specks

October 24, 2012, 5:00 pm GMT

gfyspillm (member since August 9, 2012)

I just tried to upload a picture of what they looked like but it won't let me they look like they blue G lady's on tumblr from satans-sheets. All the blue G lady's in the picture are making a circle with an arrow pointing up that's the picture I'm talking about. If you want to see what they look like go to tumblr and see the picture I described.

October 24, 2012, 5:29 pm GMT

ganjen (member since July 12, 2009)

^well i was gonna grab 3 and consume 1 for harm reduction and post a detailed report w/ picture, but since nobody has any input id rather not waste my money or time. if i do score, and they are legit. im keeping this one to myself.

October 24, 2012, 7:50 pm GMT

gfyspillm (member since August 9, 2012)

@ganjen I have been looking online and asking around and no one has ever heard of yellow x5's. You should get one and test it if you have a kit I wouldn't eat one without testing it first. I've also been reading some comments and everyone's saying a picture of the pills does more harm reduction so I'm trying to buy one of those fake blue g lady's to show you a picture of it with the test results. My friend has the white Paul Frank still since he never took it so I'm getting that one to show you the test results but those are the only ones I can get back so I can't do a report on the other reports I did. So I'm waisting my money on bunk pills just to show you a picture.

October 30, 2012, 6:24 pm GMT

ganjen (member since July 12, 2009)

^they were flame as fuccck. i enjoyed 3 separate times this week. grabbed a couple for a rainy day and taking a break. was nice to find some mdxx ills in my area. i would like to think i have really good friends.

November 4, 2012, 4:20 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.