Pill Report: Green Diamond (Kristal)
Green Diamond (Kristal)


Posted by
June 19, 2011
Date Submitted
This is my last report. I quit drugs, i am happy that my last time was with these pills.

At last these pills arrived Turkey. I was looking for a month. According to users all colours was same.

These pills have a lab report, according to report :

6mg Speed
138mg MDMA

References :



ps : the picture to the right belongs to me, to the left belongs to lab report. You can check references.

In Turkish :

Bu benim son raporum, uyusturucu ve uyarici maddeleri birakiyorum, son seferimin bu hapla olduguna sevindim.

Sonunda bu haplar Turkiye'ye ulasti, 1 aydir bekliyordum. Kullananlara göre bütün renklerin icerigi ayni. Rengine yesil demek yanlis olur turkuvaz daha dogru

Bu haplar laboratuvarda test edilmis, bu testlere gore sonuclar su sekilde :

6mg Speed
138mg MDMA

Referanslar :



not : sagdaki fotograf bana ait, soldaki fotograf laboratuvar testinden alindi. Referanslara bakabilirsiniz.

Last Update
June 19, 2011
Green (Turquoise)
Round & Beveled Edges
5.0 mm
8.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx High
User Report

I was looking for a good "thing" for my last time. While searching pillreports, diamond shaped pills attracted my attention.

I was so excited about these pills and i was right.

Clean pills, pills kicked in about 40mins later, it was really hard.

Lights started to "shake", thanks to psychedelic trance i had an amazing jubilee.

Pill's effect longs for 3 hours but come down was really painful. "High Times" stops immediately.

In Turkish :

Son sefer kullanmak icin guzel "bir seyler" ariyordum. pillreports'u gezerken bu elmas sekilli haplar ilgimi cekti.

Bu haplar hakkinda heyecanliydim ve hakli da ciktim.

Temiz haplar, 40 dakika icinde etkisi geliyor, hem de oldukca guclu geliyor.

isiklar titremeye basladi, psychedelic trance sayesinde mukemmel bir jubile yaptim.

Etkisi 3 saat suruyor ama dususu oldukca aci verici, aniden dusus yasatiyor.

Birakma sebebim sagligim uzerindeki olumsuz etkileri, umarim kullanan herkes birakma gucunu kendisinde bulur. Sagliginizla oynamayin.


pluril4 (member since December 26, 2010)

nice find good pills there all over the place too about the speed im sure its a mistake they dont feel speedy at all.

June 27, 2011, 9:34 pm GMT

rollnpeace (Moderator)

if you're rolling on 138 mgs of mdma, it would make sense that you don't feel the 6 mgs of speed. 6 mgs is an extremely small dose

August 15, 2011, 11:26 pm GMT

xstreem (member since February 25, 2012)

Bu haplarla ilgili kimle konusalabilirim acaba ?

February 25, 2012, 2:49 am GMT

iamdemonaz (member since February 25, 2012)

nereden bulabılırız bunu? yardımcı olursanız.

February 25, 2012, 2:50 am GMT

workingcake (member since March 21, 2013)

soldaki sahtesi sagdaki orjinali . ilk seri sarimsi olanlar hayatimda attigim en iyi sekerlerdi. saf mutluluk aydinlanma 3 kat ozguven 3 kat mutluluk 3 kat konusma becerisi o zamanlar limitless yeni cikmisti bu seker o seker diye oturup haykrdigim dakkalardi yasadigim hayatimin en gusel yillariydi :) onlardan 200 liraya bulsam yinede alirim . Ve sonra korkunc degisim basladi ilk piyasaya maviler cikti mavi kristaller terletmesi titretmesi ve kafasi ayniydi gelisi bile ayniydi bacaklarda bir bosalma zank diye yukari cikan bir kafa ama birsey eksikti MUTLULUK . Sari Kristallerde resmen kokain icmis gibi kafa yasiyordun ama mavi kristalde yoktu . sonra yesilleri cikti onlarda mavilere cok yakin bir kafadaydi ama speedi daha azdi git gide kotulesiyor derken. sarimsi kristallerin kafa guselkenki goruntusu beyazdi pat torbacim aradi ve beyaz kristal geldi dedi . buyuk bir hizla evden ciktim kosarak yanina gittim ve seker bembeyaz orjinal kristaldi sarimsi olmadiindan dolayi icimde bir suphe olmustu ama inanmak istiyordum deliler gibi onun o olduguna sekeri attigim mavi ve yesillerle ayni kafadaydi .. Sari Kristal beni duyuyorsan Don bana ne olur :D

March 21, 2013, 9:53 am GMT

zoretanin (member since July 7, 2013)

bu haplardan satan var mı

July 6, 2013, 10:08 pm GMT

kaptan (member since August 19, 2013)

istanbulda sari turkcell/dominator var onlardan alin saf mdma. gerisi hikaye.

September 30, 2013, 11:03 pm GMT

byhorizon (member since February 16, 2014)

Kanal lazim ist esenyurt

February 16, 2014, 5:23 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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