one night i took two pills spread over the evening, and did only feel a bit fuzzy in the head but defenitly no mdma feeling.
Other day i took 3 at once, and then i was really dissy, but more very very stoned in head and body. I wasn't active at all (no stimulation), more like passive, my energy level sucked. At a moment I even thought going home, because i felt bad. After 2 hours, this feeling faded away. I don't know what it could be, seemed different from mcpp, certainly not mdxx,... Strange ez test reactions as well, I can't figure it out.
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
g lady newyork rolla (member since January 18, 2010)
Looks like amphetamine to me
March 3, 2010, 9:42 pm GMTbearlove (member since August 25, 2008)
Yuk thanks for the warning on these ! Very strange reactions, especially that over on the right hand side :0
March 3, 2010, 9:58 pm GMTYour crazy for taking them when they tested like that - I know that its hard to throw out pills when you have bought them but its not worth the risk.
loved up raver (member since February 22, 2010)
I also had the unpleasant experiance of dropping these. Well i think they were these, only time i got a look at them was on the dance floor so im not 100% that they were the same press, but the effect you listed sound similar to the effects that me and my friends got. Every1 who dropped them felt really slowed down and drained. Bit depressed too, was like an instant comedown! I thought they were just a standar BZP pill but from the reaction from your tests they look like they might be some thing different. Maby a new type of pip chemical? Thats the last thing we need atm :(
March 4, 2010, 11:11 am GMTcitrobacter (member since March 10, 2008)
@bearlove: I just bought a ez testkit this week, and I dropped them a few months ago (I bought these beans in october or november 2009, and had some left to test). Last time I took pills whitout testing!! few years ago it was not neccesary to test pills , i could trust dealers on their word, nowadays it's different.
March 4, 2010, 5:01 pm GMT@ raver: yeah, feels a bit like pip's, maybe a bit like dxm too, maybe a combination of chemicals, but certainly not an amfetamine (no increase of energylevel at al)
bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)
citrobacter - I can remember those days very well :), think they are long gone now though.
March 4, 2010, 6:51 pm GMTweetvanwanten (member since August 17, 2009)
Very creepy
March 20, 2010, 7:42 pm GMTmisirlou (member since March 4, 2010)
A friend of mine arranged two of these for me (almost three years ago I toke an xtc pill) and she said they were nice pills.
April 20, 2010, 12:43 pm GMTOff course not sure these are the same ones but the star and colour scheme look the same.
Have not tried them myself.
rioxx (member since August 7, 2011)
Me and some friends bought some of these pills from a friend at a party. We all dropped our first pills, and it really took 1 hour before they were kicking in. My friend was constantly talking and her eyes were just rolling around. As I dind't feel anything, I dropped my second. +- 20 minutes later I began feeling a little bit dizzy and I was sweating like hell. As we went into the dance hall, I did not feel mdma rushes, just a very small body high. 1 hour later I was getting bored and depressed, so I decided to look for some better pills. Some time later another friend introduced me to Sonics. Instantly took 1.5 pill and about an half our later I was getting the love feeling, actually very strong mdma rushes. I guess the sonics had saved my night. I would recommend not taking the Mercedes'.
August 7, 2011, 2:54 pm GMTrioxx (member since August 7, 2011)
Does someone know if these pills are still going around in Belgium? Not that I want to buy them but I just want to let you know that these pills make you very sick. Everybody here in Limburg talks about them, some people say that they are very good, I tried them once, but it was a disaster. Maybe there are a few different pills of these presses, I don't know :S. I just want to know if more people might have the same problems I had. Thanks, rioxx.
August 8, 2011, 10:15 pm GMT