Pill Report: Blue Foxes
Blue Foxes


Posted by
October 30, 2009
Date Submitted
mrs ketamine
Not a bright blue, more a cornflour blue. Some grey speckledy bits, and some slightly lighter specks. Some of the foxes are pressed clearer, but if you were out you'd probably have no idea. No dome, but the unpressed side has a slight shiny rim. No real taste, not sweet or nasty or chemically. Had a slight smell of brown coated multivitamins (sorry if that means nothing to you)
Last Update
November 18, 2009
Fox Racing
Not particularly smooth, but not rough
Suspected Contents
MDxx Low
User Report

Both Mr Ketamine and I had these pills. I dropped one. He dropped one, then another one an hour later. I thought they were crap, so I didn't bother even dropping another. I figured if the first one did not do much, and there was no sense throwing another one down there. And i'M HERE TO TELL YOU ALL THESE ARE SHIT!
When these pills arrived at ours I inspected them, had a sniff and then did the lick test. Every pill I've ever had that was any good had that hideous taste. I ran one across and down my tongue a few times and had a feeling that these weren't going to be much chop. The supplier hadn't eaten one but assured me that he'd seen someone who had had a half and was completely off guts. I have not blown my tolerance meter by eating more than three in a night, and I'm not an every weekend kinda gal but I am not one to bother with halves, so I'd say I have a moderate tolerance.
Back to the feelings: After about 45 minutes I decided to phone a friend who is renowned for talking quality random shit to see if she could inspire any good feelings. In those 5 minutes I had that restless arms and legs feeling and loved the chat. I reckon I felt a slight tinge of that lovely mdma feeling we all search for. Slight, and ten minutes at the most. Mr Ketamine had a ciggie (which he desires when pilling, but can't stand otherwise) and got all excited when his head had this rushy feeling- but alas that was just the ciggie. He also has restless sleep when he pops pills, but he said that his sleep was the best he'd had in ages. Not the usual reaction to a pill of any quality. So kiddies- don't bother with these, you might have to munch 10 to get anywhere and that's just too expensive and dangerous really. I would not go so far to say these were non active, but these were lower than what I'd rate low. There were no come downs, no adverse effects.


losthippy (member since October 29, 2009)

Thanks for a tidy report, Mrs K, especially the advise against muching multiples in the vain hope of a roll. Testing is always a smart move to avoid poisoning and/or doing your dosh. Might make suppliers squirm, though. Photo's are helpful, so hopefully these puppies won't make it down anyone else's throat. Stay safe, young'ns.

October 30, 2009, 12:12 pm GMT

machetevip (member since July 22, 2009)

A very good report. I haven't come across a single fox that has been anything remotely good, which is quite sad that the presser is still trying.
I had an Adelaide friend say that he bought some non descript blue ones the other night and he said they were a waste of money, these could be them.
If you're a regular dropper I strongly suggest getting a test kit, off ya tree sells them in Adelaide. Better to be safe than sorry.
Do you know anyone who had a test kit who would be able to see whats in these (if anything)?

October 30, 2009, 1:14 pm GMT

scatterpig (member since September 18, 2009)

i had black 1s in newy, i know exactly what you mean by the smell, its like multi vitamins or something...mybe thats all they are.

October 30, 2009, 1:44 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks mrs K - Nice to see you reporting again, (its been a while).


October 30, 2009, 7:26 pm GMT

pinky (member since January 2, 2008)

I had these about a month ago and yes they are SHIT.

October 30, 2009, 9:43 pm GMT

loves pacha (member since July 24, 2009)

These appear to be identical to the blue foxes that appeared in Newcastle about 6 weeks ago. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said - no speedy effects, very low dose of MDxx. A safe pill but not worth the money.

October 30, 2009, 10:11 pm GMT

j0zza (member since August 24, 2009)

these were in melbourne a month or so ago.

their NO GOOD!

November 4, 2009, 9:13 am GMT

munted punter (member since November 7, 2009)

there was 2 different batches of these blue foxes, the first batch my mates had they loved them but the second batch they only got a small buzz

December 10, 2009, 7:13 am GMT

hakken (member since December 11, 2009)

these are shit. my mate dunked 2, had no effect and then racked 6.. felt nothing. all duds

December 11, 2009, 11:04 am GMT


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