Here is a report from SWIM.
-Pill has obvious chunky white crystals throughout.
-Taste of contents is considerably more bitter and HORRIBLE tasting than mdma.
-Burned like a bitch when snorted, alot more so than mdma.
-Slower onset than MDMA, no eye wobbles or disorientation.
-Sudden lift in mood, but nothing like that real euphoric release of serotonin.
-Last a good 3+ hours when orally ingested
-Made top of tongue go slightly numb
-Hard to sleep for 12+hours after ingestion
-Significant increase in heart rate, tho no noticeable change in body temperature, only a increased sensitivity to cold.
Experience itself was strongly stimulating yet relaxing, positive state of mind and a strong sense of well being for the first hour of the experience, then slowly subsides. My body was fidgety and I was mentally motivated to do some thing constructive but I was too relaxed to move. No typical mashyness that you get with MDMA, instead It's quite emotionally and physically clean. Though there was definite lack of that unqiue magic and empathy that typically accompanies mdma. On the other hand I must add that it had a real emotional openess present, I expressed my inner feelings to others with ease as I would on MDMA.
Physiologically I felt it had a strong dopamine feel with mild serotonin activity, similar to a low dose of MDMA/meth combo but without the cracked out feeling or comedown. I thought of it as meth's friendly sister, clearly it's more of a stimulant than a typical empathogen. The only annoying side effect the next day was a consistent but mild headache that I could shake off with caffeine, it persisted slightly the following day. Besides that I had no typical MD** comedown, nor any anxiety or sketchiness as you might expect with amphetamines.
This stuff is moreish, so you might need a little will power to moderate yourself.
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
satans fist (member since September 1, 2007)
Good report. Check Blue Light and other reports, there have been many variants of these going around, Piperazines is the consensus.
November 18, 2008, 2:58 am GMTorganicshroom (member since May 8, 2008)
I don't believe these contain any piperazines. Marquis strongly suggest these contain a phenthylamine, at least as the main active ingredient. The subjective reports far exceeded what any piperazine experience could yield in my opinion. Even experienced pill heads thought these contained some MDMA, with a strong kicker. Mephedrone is quite a unique drug, and seems to create alot of happy customers.
November 18, 2008, 3:48 am GMTorganicshroom (member since May 8, 2008)
GCMS testing to follow, to put this speculation to rest. Please note, the belief that they contain mephedrone is only speculation for now, but It's the best I can do for the sake of harm reduction.
November 18, 2008, 4:10 am GMTmarley (member since February 24, 2008)
Perhaps related
November 18, 2008, 7:30 am GMTboxtit (member since July 12, 2008)
ive had red/pink ladys before. same color same press but the ones i had looks a little waxier.
November 18, 2008, 1:37 pm GMTthe ones i had where real clean mdxx tho, this was about 2-3 months ago in melbourne.
westaucks (member since May 17, 2006)
Swim also tasted these and thought it was a mdxx/meth combo though had similar effects to yourself. Looking forward to the GCMS test!
November 22, 2008, 3:12 am GMTvsipsliaotn (member since November 25, 2008)
Firstly I am very dissapointed at the lack of any real mdxx rolls in NZ, welly recieves very few - the last decent supply being green/blue doves which where clean but weak... after reports from several sources these pink ladies are clean and strong and the belief has been mdxx - but after reading your findings I am vary wary of them and will be testing myself with Marquis asap - which I will post results for.
November 25, 2008, 5:08 am GMTThey appear a similar press as the doves and I had assumed they where from the same source but from your findings not the same chemical makeup :) pitty
Please post GCMS test results as soon as you can!
westaucks (member since May 17, 2006)
If you think green/blue doves are "clean" as in mdxx only, you are very wrong! These are not pink ladies, pink ladies are just as crappy as all the other bzp junk around the place. These are Red ladies. These look like the same press as the yellow ladies/pentigram/armanis to me, and after seeing the pic of the massive xtc haul in nz of a similar colour I suspected these were the same as the photo and there does seem to be a short supply. As far as the buzz goes its all good, but personally, i wouldnt want to be a labrat in any research chemicals.
November 25, 2008, 8:27 am GMTthepartyscene (member since October 17, 2008)
I think I've seen these pills with a very similar design being called Jordans... i think after the model?
November 27, 2008, 11:55 am GMTJust to let everyone know ;)
doctor war (member since October 25, 2008)
I think I've heard these being called 'Red Jetpilots' as well.
November 27, 2008, 2:00 pm GMTvsipsliaotn (member since November 25, 2008)
... hmm but are they any good? :) seems to be quite a few around!
December 2, 2008, 6:20 am GMTtasty (member since December 3, 2008)
December 3, 2008, 8:07 am GMTthought jordans were basketball jordan :P
organicshroom (member since May 8, 2008)
Are these any good? Well that all depends on the situation and what kind of buzz your after. If you are like me and just interested in that empathetic euphoric high, then these will be a little disappointing. But if you just after getting "high" and dancing like mad to Drum & base, then these are ideal as they last longer than MDMA and are more energizing.
December 7, 2008, 2:22 am GMTorganicshroom (member since May 8, 2008)
Also please note, mixing these with MDMA, as with mixing any stimulant with MDMA is potentially more neurotoxic. It's not worth the risk in my opinion.
December 7, 2008, 2:25 am GMTscoob112 (member since December 20, 2008)
i had blue one thought there were good give them 6 out out 10
December 22, 2008, 6:40 am GMTlysergic1 (member since December 23, 2008)
I had these about a week ago and they were mostly MDA i'd say, because i took 2 and a half and was honestly tripping balls.
December 24, 2008, 7:02 am GMTSeeing faces, a homeless guy on the street when i closed my eyes, handprints on the backs of car seats, patters on my jacket.
JUST letting everyone know the ones in the northeast are less molly like, more trippy
organicshroom (member since May 8, 2008)
If these were MDA then the reagent test would of given a "purple/black" reaction. No other reports have supported these to contain any MD**. Though it is rather plausible for these to contain a 2c* serious phenylamine. In other words a synthetic psychedelic.
December 26, 2008, 2:37 am GMTthefriendlysausage (member since December 28, 2008)
Hey organicshroom, the description that you have given sounds a hell of a lot like the description of 2cb effects in Erowid ( . Your last comment suggests that the test results may indicated a 2c*, and I note that you posted a question to psy frequency's post on grey V's. Any further thoughts on this? I may (or may not) have some red/pink ladies and am slightly apprehensive about gobbling them. Cheers.
December 28, 2008, 5:06 am GMTblicker (member since December 29, 2008)
Had these about a month ago.
December 29, 2008, 7:54 am GMTTook 1 at about 1am, then double dropped at about 2:30am. They felt very like 2CB mixed with speed as I was hyperventilating and hallucinating for about 5 hours. Best peak I've ever had.
The lazers were attacking me and stealing my memories. I was also walking on the ceiling for half the night.
Will do again if I can find someone selling them. *hint hint*
organicshroom (member since May 8, 2008)
Havn't tried any 2c series psychedelics myself, so I can't compare the effects with these ladies. Most reports I have heard ain't suggested a strong psychedelic element at all, mild even at a decent dose. 2cb turns Marquis more of a lime green color rather than yellow. It's likely these could contain a uncommon 2c phenylamine in combination with a stimulant or on it's own. I believe most common 2c drugs doesn't give a yellow marquis result.
February 20, 2009, 11:04 pm GMTsupradude (member since June 9, 2009)
The main chemical in these pills, mephedrome, does not cause the side effects described by organicshroom.
June 9, 2009, 10:00 am GMTJust this weekend, a friend of swim picked up 10 grams of pure mephedrome. 100mgs snorted gave the most intense e-buzz swim has ever experienced. Swim had the most amazing night of his year on this wonderous chemical, and would definitely do it again. No adverse side effects were noted.
It is not recommended to take more than 400mgs of m at a time, as it is still a reseach chemical and not much is known about it. however, up to 400mgs is safe for a healthy person who has experience with dropping.
Only side effects swim noticed were inability to sleep for 6 hours after railing, and very slight nausea the day after. it is unknown whether this was caused by m, or the party pills that were also consumed.
hope this helps guys
chica84 (member since November 10, 2009)
im pretty sure this is what i had on the the weekend in wellington. had half a white one first then half of one of these at about midnight. it was the worst shit ever. i was absolutely off my head , we had to go back to unit just me and my fiance to ride it out. i must have been gone for a bout 6 hours i felt so hot and tingly my mind was so weird i just wanted it to end. so we tried to sleep eventually it wore off and we slept for 30 hours. im so glad i only had half i probably could have died if i dropped a whole pretty scary shit. never ever dropping in nz again. :) i would rather waste my money on shit brisbane pills then feel like that again :)
November 10, 2009, 1:58 am GMThope this warns people if they come across these ones , dont mix them and sharing is caring people.