pill looks just like practically every other blue pill i have seen in cali lately. same press and i believe the same maker as the girl scouts, air forces, and seahorses. same bitter taste as the girlscouts. no speckles. solid deep aqua blue. no score line. bevelled on both sides.
well, these are very decent tabs....wonderful? no, but still very clean. no other stuff in this one. if there is anything, there is a little caffiene, but i didnt feel edgy at all. the comeup, just like the girlscouts, was very smooth, and a little slow to start, but i bit the pill before i swallowed it, so it didnt take as long to kick in as the girlscout did. now, we took these right before we got out of the car in golden gate park for a day of fun running around in the arboretum and what not, and i had eaten a piece of pizza approx 30 min before. started to feel effects about 40 min later. it took another 30 min to start peaking. the peak started off slow, but i think this is because i had just eaten. after i smoke some weed, i noticed an elevation of mood, and i was becoming much more talkative. never felt sick....maybe just a little "heavy" for 5-10 min, and then i smoked a bowl, and i was good. it wasnt a very strong peak. i think i remember some one saying in another report on these that they are just enough to peak, and i am going to have to agree with him on this. these just barely got me there. like, i sort of wanted more but i was entertained just enough to be satisfied for a couple of hours. once i realized that the peak wasnt going to get any more intense, we sat down on a bench and dipped our pinkies into a bag of some molecule we just got that day. the guy told us that if you wet your pinky and dip it into the bag, that that is roughly 50mg, so that is what we did. well, sucking on pure powder tasted nasty, but man, does it work quickly, within 10 min, the molly was working....very well i might add....which puts a conclusion to my experience on the at&t.
these pills are good as long as you have two of them or some other pills like we did, cuz although one did the trick, i would definitely not be satisfied with the overall experience had i only had one of these. since i only had one of these, i cant really tell you how long the peak would have lasted, but i am guessing about 3 hours. i never felt any "druggie" side effects off of these and the next day i was able to work and be in a good mood. i also cant tell you about what the comedown really was like on these alone, but if it was anything like the girlscouts or the air forces it was nonexistent. i never had any hallucinations, and not too bad jawclenching. i would def do these again, but if i had the option between these and the girlscouts i would take the scouts in a heartbeat. i think based on my experience, that these are a 6.5, but i took into account that fact that we were out in public, had just eaten, and our years of rolling (been dropping since 98). i think for the average dropper nowadays, these would be a 7. for a newbie, these would be an 8. i would guess these have about 90-100mg mdma with nothing else.
be safe.
raverx4life (member since September 29, 2005)
raverx4life (member since September 29, 2005)
i had these in denver and yes they are clean not just too powerful. 2 would prolly equal a good dose of mdma
September 29, 2005, 6:41 pm GMTcabbacatfish (member since May 28, 2006)
those are the first pills i popped :)
May 28, 2006, 9:15 pm GMTi took like 6 or 7 my first time.. they felt pretty weak, but some guy gave me all of them. they made me kinda crazy. i was yelling on the bart train and stuff... it was wild.