A pill worth recommening. Consumed in the quantity of 1,5. Initially the half. Came up after approx. 40 minutes with a huge desire to chat, sincerity, openness and feeling of unity with the interlocutor. The music felt irresistibly inviting. The effect kept going onfor about 2 hours. After that the rest (one pill) was consumed. Effects as mentioned above, but let's say three times as strong. It lasted also for about 2 hours. Then it started dopping down. The conversation slowed down from like 1000 words per minute to a regular speed, but the mind was still working amazingly fast. A really good mood stayed for another 2 hours. To sum up it was really delicious. Nevertheless I have to mention tha the pill contained some speed (mr. floppy, and really messed up visions that kept from falling asleep).
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
druid (member since October 15, 2005)
No to zawiera mase speeda jak takie byly efekty. Niedopsze. Mam takie tylko czystobiale raczej bez kropek. Przetestuje i dam znac w nowym raporcie z fotka i testem bo moga byc inne.
November 17, 2005, 6:02 pm GMTdruid (member since October 15, 2005)
O kurwa co za syf! Nawet nie chce mi sie nowego watku zakladac. Gowniany naspidowany towar ze sladowa iloscia MDxx. Nie kupowac bo szkoda kasy. Gowno, gowno, gowno!
November 18, 2005, 10:23 am GMTgibafuu (member since October 19, 2005)
gibafuu (member since October 19, 2005)
Masz razcje druid! Tylko ze w natloku tabletek robionych chyba z mieszanki paracetamolu i glukozy dzialanie sladowej ilosci mdxx zwraca na nia uwage! Ludzie! Nie dajmy sie dilerom! Ile juz mozna jesc ten syf?!
November 18, 2005, 9:57 pm GMTnobody24 (member since October 1, 2005)
heh, ostatnio tak widze ze pixy bez kropek sa chujowe jak barszcz, coby nie zakladac nowego watku ,gdzieniegdzie sa biale pentagramy i smerfy(tez nie nakrapiane).pixy roznia sie tylko logo, w srodku minimalne ilosci mdea(trzba wrzucic minimum 3 zeby cokolwiek poczuc)tak wiec trzymajcie sie tez od nich z daleka.
November 19, 2005, 3:13 pm GMTdruid (member since October 15, 2005)
Musze sie sprostowac. Rozkminilem te pille i nie sa takie najgorsze jak mi sie wczesniej wydawalo tylko trzeba zachowac pewne zasady. A moze to drugi rzut byl lepszy ?
December 10, 2005, 8:59 am GMT1. Nie lykac po pol dorzucajac co jakis czas bo nawet po dwoch nie bedzie fazy tylko cos nie wiadomo co.
2. Nie pic duzo przed wrzuceniem najlepiej wcale lub 1 piwo.
trzeba wrzucac calaka na lekka lub 2 na raz na wieksza faze i daja rade, wczesniejsze romby czy mitsu mozna bylo wrzucac po pol i sie efekt kumulowal nawet do alko te tak nie maja a moze to organizm sie juz przyzwyczail ???? hehe. szkoda :-(
druid (member since October 15, 2005)