Pill Report: Question Marks
Question Marks


Posted by
May 17, 2008
Date Submitted
flat top and bottom. Bottom side has a line running across.
Last Update
May 17, 2008
? question mark
Inward cornering on logo side
Suspected Contents
User Report

Let me do my first time-line report.

12.26: take first pill.
12.50: arrive at first niteclub
1.26: yawning - a bit sore in the back from sitting at work all week.
1.44: decide maybe a different club. Go there.
1.58: arrive at club take second pill.
2.20: Oh - I quick vague flash of something. No jaw, can piss no probs, my dick is normal size so clearly clearly no MDMA at all in these things (sorry ladies, but we men have a few things that go a bit weird downstairs when we take good stuff).
2.27: I'm starting to feel a bit hungry. End of the week so i'm a bit tired as well.
2.58: Leave club - now i actually get about 20 seconds where i think i'm suddenly going to vomit. But it passes.
3.25: I arrive home at last. I take a piss, put on a video and i think i was asleep by about 3.45.

It is a shame that the policy of this website is that we are not allowed to name where you can get pills. Frankly, I wish I could because I really want to "Name and Shame" the dealers at this place.
Normally reliable and on occasion, they usually only had weak ones, in which case you needed two. But evidently, there is a batch of shit floating around that they are really keen to offload.

I have bought pink and blue question marks three times at this place - the press or color was slightly different each time, but quality was the same: non-existent. So whoever owns the question mark pill press, time to find yourself another mixer... and perhaps some ingredients.

The dealers there are usually supplying everyone at the nightclub and it was no surprise to see that half the nightclub had left by about 3.00am. Pretty bad for club that doesn't really get going until about 1.00am.

These are not dangerous by the way. I wasn't sure whether we restrict warnings to dangerous pills. They are not biochemically hazardous. They are simply inactive. Well there's a touch of some sort of alkaloid or some crap to give you a real vague rush for about 10 minutes but that's it.

And now I really can't resist. If you are a moderator and what i say here is appropriate, please just delete this and the following paragraphs, but I'll try to keep it as vague as possible. I won't name names of places (or people!!!) but I will simply mention that in prague, there's a lot of big night spots where there are gentlemen of african ancestry who are typically around near the toilets. That's as much as I'll say - but what i will add is that usually these people are more trustworthy than street dealers because they are there each week and management clearly doesn't ask them to leave, so one would assume that they would sell reasonable stuff there to respect the management. Get a nightclub high and you'll sell heaps of drinks be open late and almost no fights. Dealers happy, clients happy, management happy, what's the problem?

However, in the past 6 weeks, these dealers (in a number of clubs around prague) are just unloading this question mark rubbish. I can see from a distance that they are really not selling much. People are clearly buying one and when they get no effect, they obviously aren't going back for more.

When the clubs start emptying three or four hours after opening, you would think that management would be actually pissed off at the dealers for selling shit and worse still, it can give the establishment a bad rep (especially in a smaller town) and people will, bit by bit, stop going there.

These guys better find something better soon or they'll be out of business for sure. Pill heads can be suckers for a while, but even they will reach a point where they don't want to throw away good money on something which has an effect comparable to decaf latte.

In any case, I woke up this morning at 9.30am, had a shower, some coffee and breakfast. I caught up on the news from home and then wrote this. Not exactly scattered and fried as you'd expect. In fact, I feel perfectly normal this morning.


i heart love hearts (member since November 21, 2007)

probably caffeine pills or something

May 17, 2008, 3:16 pm GMT

crassmenagerie (member since July 15, 2008)

The same shit pills from the same shit press are still going around 8 months later.

February 28, 2009, 11:26 pm GMT

turboduckhead (member since November 7, 2010)

i have different ones from that, blue questin marks, the UK is flooded with them

December 1, 2010, 10:55 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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