Pill Report: ECO


Posted by
May 11, 2008
Date Submitted
Photo makes them look more yellowish or something, but they were a clear white. I split one with a friend and noticed that it was like soft'ish chalk
Round flat top and bottom
Slightly crumbly
Standard cornering
Suspected Contents
User Report

First point is that I don't want to warn people away from this pill. I have said that the suspected contents is unknown simply because it was difficult for me to work out.

The first time, I went to a disco but was in one of those "not really in the mood" moods! So I thought i would just take a quick half and see how i do. I must say that the initial come up was pretty damn intense, considering i only had a half and i am a fairly big guy.

However, there was a strong sensation that what it was not MDxx. Instead, I got the impression it may have been speed and ketamine or perhaps meth or maybe just a bit of a random mix of alks and god knows what. For some reason, dancing didn't quite feel the same and at time, I thought i was just rushing a bit too much for the quantity that i took.

Nonetheless, I wouldn't warn people about it since there are a lot of supposedly good pills that, I thought, lacked MDMA completely and was just a good mix of something else.

The next time I took them was in combination with others and it was unclear what the effect was. However, suffice to say that there was something a bit dirty about them since I had taken the other pills before and they were extremely clean, though the next day after these, I felt like absolute shit. Furthermore, sometimes on the dance floor, my friends told me that i looked like a zombie, though i didn't feel that way. So there was certainly a "mong out" aspect to them.

Nonetheless, since ecstasy is just really a mixture of all sorts of weird stuff, and since this is just a mix of the usuals and does not appear to be dangerous, I won't warn people off them and I would probably take them again if i was desperate, but to be honest, i like nice and clean pills. These probably didn't fall into that category.


rymdman (member since October 1, 2005)

just a quick notice. when using your camera, set whitebalance to "tungsten" or somthing else that doesnt give them the yellowish, almost sepia-looking color.

nice report, cheers! ;)

May 11, 2008, 10:36 pm GMT

marc39 (member since March 27, 2008)

I'm taking one of those to the lab tomorrow. I'll let you know what the results are.

August 5, 2008, 9:57 pm GMT

crompo (member since September 23, 2008)

Had around 10-15 of these last friday in Dublin (don't remember much after 10 but not many left when we woke up).Me and 2 mates went on a mad one (no shit, haha). Ok this is the thing- I haven't felt this bad after pills in a long long time. They worked ok but had this strange feeling during the whole trip, no mdma for sure! got hallucinations after 5 and they kept on coming you more we popped. Still tripping from time 2 time and my whole body is in bits. This is 4 days ago!! Still have a few left so might send them to the lab. Marc39- any results? Guys, if you decide to try them DO NOT pop more than 5.

September 23, 2008, 7:44 pm GMT

thommyy (member since June 30, 2008)

In the netherlands we've got these also but are more grey then white. I've got them tested and were 86 mg MDMA and nothing else. Maybe a different kind? No breakline and the bottom is a little round.

December 10, 2008, 9:26 pm GMT

crassmenagerie (member since July 15, 2008)

crompo no offense but I can't believe that you're surprised about feeling bad after more than 10 pills! :)

February 28, 2009, 11:17 pm GMT

fir3mrk (member since January 13, 2009)

had these the last 2 weekends, not bad pills but defo not MDMA, not even an MDMA-ish feeling, so don't think they could contain MDA or MDEA neither.. the jury is still out on these pills: basically they woke me up and made me feel quite jittery, not in a speedy way... maybe in a caffeine-ish way?
no comedown at all, no depression or bad feelings, could eat and sleep normally after them.


Ok, so I got hold of a EZ Complete Color Test Reagents from a trustworthy pill tests supplier [link: http://www.eztest.com/shop/product_details.php?category_id=48&item_id=129 ] and the 3 reagents all turned out black, meaning they contain an MDMA or similar substance [MDA, MDEA]. I am really shocked by this result, as the pills surely didn't feel like MDMA, more like a ephedrine high [stimulated, but no "love everyone, in peace with myself, oversociable" feeling]. Strange...
Will try to thoroughly test these at home [if I ever come across them again], this time with a full, more accurate report.

Stay safe!

May 12, 2009, 12:44 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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