No Image
White Dove


Posted by
October 5, 2005
Date Submitted
Sorry, no pictures. Small pill, nice press. Looked very professional. Pretty dove :)
Pill-shaped (round)
Suspected Contents
MDxx Low
User Report

Very small amount of MD__ in it.

Have to take 3 or 4 to feel the "typical" MD__ feeling even if you don't drop much.

Pill seemed pure enough, just really really really week. You can get the blurred vision and shaking and stuff if you take enough.

Worth about $15 max.


repulsiv (member since September 30, 2005)

October 6, 2005, 3:37 am GMT

repulsiv (member since September 30, 2005)

Sorry, not tested:


Got 8 (after waiting being on 9 month break)

As mentioned, excellent press + hardness, I was really looking forward to a great night.

Took One: 30 mins in, I had a 'dirty' taste in the back of my throat (last time I had this was from bad speed). Not good I thought.

Felt like it was TRYING to do something, though I felt irritable.

60mins in: KNEW they were shit, didn't feel anything apart from jaw clenches. Really pissed off in general.

Took number 2: 20mins in *SLIGHTLY more energetic. Didn't want to talk, dance, screw, or think. Just wanted SOMETHING to happen.

50mins in: Very grudgingly accept that these are total and utter crap. Jaw clenches a-plenty, no rush AT ALL.
Discuss the possibility of flushing them.

Waited about an hour...Took number 3

15mins in: NOTHING.

40mins in: Felt ill, vomited (as did my partner though a few hours later) felt a bit better afterwards.

Not tired, still angry, desperately wanted SOMETHING to happen.

Wasted time, talked sat round, became depressed.

Around 4:00am had the last one. Whoo Hoo, finally felt as though I'd had maybe half a tab of good e, for about 10 mins.

2 hours later fell asleep.

Very VERY depressed for about 1 hour the next day, then fine.

I'd really like to see EXACTLY what was in it. I've never before felt so totally UN-Eed. If you can imagine all the good things about E removed with all the other effects left in (wobbles, cheek chewing etc, that'd be how I felt.

October 6, 2005, 3:49 am GMT

complex (member since September 29, 2005)

sounds horrible. This kind of thing makes it essential to have test kit. You can uaully work out whats in them before you eat 4!!!! eeeew.

October 6, 2005, 3:59 pm GMT

complex (member since September 29, 2005)

sounds horrible. This kind of thing makes it essential to have test kit. You can uaully work out whats in them before you eat 4!!!! eeeew.

October 6, 2005, 3:59 pm GMT

ylepe (member since September 30, 2005)

yes your right you can see whats in the if you test...but you cant see alot of things that dont show up.... tests make it safer but not safe.... when you test you test for a positive reaction.. does anyone know if cooks can mask substances so they dont show up on tests eg. pma??? can pma be masked so its still there and active but not show up on test?? i had these a while ago in brisbane.. they were ok... there was another batch that were speed bombs.. this was about two months ago the ones i had looked identical to the 120's going around the gold coast with exception to the stamp they were both even off center logo's

October 7, 2005, 2:04 am GMT

rollinlarge (member since October 5, 2005)

Well, was it the Dove (As in the soap product) Dove? Or was it like this one?

October 28, 2005, 3:54 am GMT

rollinlarge (member since October 5, 2005)

Well, was it the Dove (As in the soap product) Dove? Or was it like this one?

October 28, 2005, 3:54 am GMT

christine nixon (member since October 2, 2005)

Just picked up some then which I actually tested with a kit. Using the Marquis kit the colour went a deep purple quicker then the yellow bombs. Using the Mandelin tested very black which give me hope in these pills. only problem is the fact they are white (White pills are usually shit) and they are doves (Doves are always shit as everyone owns a dove pill press). But dropping tomorrow night so see how they goa dn if they are the smae as the ones everyone has been dissing here.

November 3, 2005, 10:58 am GMT

bnl05 (member since December 3, 2005)

December 3, 2005, 9:28 am GMT

bnl05 (member since December 3, 2005)

Don't know if they are from the same batch, but we got some of these last nite, and would love some more. Planned big nite out with friends, me and mate dropped at home and within 20-30 mins of dropping was that intense had to cancel plans. Spent 4-5 hours off head.
So intense we deceided to go for half today, then dropped the other half an hour later. Not as intense with half, nice and cruisey but we've been trashed all after noon.. GREAT PILL AS FAR AS WE ARE CONCERNED.

December 3, 2005, 9:49 am GMT

xrizz (member since May 28, 2007)

i went into the night wif 3 of these, had 1 took awhile to feel anything, was dancing for about 30 mins before i got tired 0.o, droped another about 20 min later, ( i waited cos i normally dont drop so soon) once again took ages to come up and was only good for 20-30 min, got tired again, and then it felt like i had droped a tab, well half, but it didnt help pretty much every1 else had a sugar cube.. but yeah a major let down

May 28, 2007, 10:04 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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