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Blue Moons


Posted by
October 6, 2005
Date Submitted
these pills were a very weird blue colour, not like anything i've ever seen before. the test came up as mdma/mda/mdea.. [orange to black] so they must have been cut with something bad. felt like pma.
Two moons
No bevel, smooth edges i think
Suspected Contents
Mandelin Reagent
User Report

i'd already had a lot of pills and speed on friday and saturday during the day, before taking this pill on saturday night, so i think that is why it affected me different to the way it affected my friends.

3 of us dropped at the same time, 2 of the guys felt it after about an hour.. they


peaked (member since September 30, 2005)

Firstly, why do you think these contain MDEA ? An orange reaction with mandelin means ketamine. Also, it hardly sounds like its non-active (i.e. a pill that has no active ingredients therefore causing no effect) when it caused such profound effects. Apart from that tho, the rest is a good report with all major details noted.

October 3, 2005, 7:57 am GMT

randomguy (member since October 1, 2005)

going by ur explanation, as peaked said, K would have been the likely substance. It would explain the visual and the "smacked" out feeling u guys had and not been able to move. But k usually kicks in quicker than an hour.

October 3, 2005, 8:11 am GMT

pillhead (member since October 3, 2005)

sounds like you had to much drugs to begin with mate hahaa

October 3, 2005, 8:22 am GMT

pollyvomit (member since October 3, 2005)

the test went orange to black.. there was no option that said that? or something. my brain isn't working today.
i didn't mean to write non-active, i musta pressed the scrolly button whilst it was highlighted.

the test didn't show up as k. it showed up as mdma/mdea/mda

and yes, i did have too many drugs this weekend, but my friends had who it also affected, 2 hadn't had anything except weed, and the other had only had a pill the night before.

October 3, 2005, 9:54 am GMT

undertaker (member since September 30, 2005)

Excuse me if I am mistaken, but Pollyvomit, didn't you say, in the old-school pill reports, that you believed the yellow tulips to contain PMA? Is it possible these moons are another high quality pill that you have judged inaccuratly due to days of drugfeasting(ie. 2 days in a row of gettin on it, no sleep)? I'm not having a go or anything I just want to make sure I don't avoide some awsome bicks ;-D

October 3, 2005, 12:12 pm GMT

undertaker (member since September 30, 2005)

October 3, 2005, 12:13 pm GMT

undertaker (member since September 30, 2005)

That was a happy winker face. It was mutilated :-(

October 3, 2005, 12:13 pm GMT

eradicates (member since October 1, 2005)

Me and 3 friends had these but thought that they were extremely weak dose of MDxA. Even the Orange VWs were stronger.

October 3, 2005, 2:32 pm GMT

roostergirl (member since October 4, 2005)

These pills I think were absolute crap. I usually take one but that night I ended up taking 2 throughout the night and got no effects what so ever...very dissapointed. Test results also came up very slowly so I'd imagine these are an extremly weak crappy pill.

October 4, 2005, 12:29 am GMT

pollyvomit (member since October 3, 2005)

on the old site, i said that i had heard there was a dodge batch of tulips suspected to be pma, i never said i'd had any that felt like they were.

and just to further the fact that these bikkis are fucked, all 4 people, especially myself, have been wiped out since sunday. i've been sleeping for 16 hours at a time, getting up to be sick, shaking, and not being able to keep anything down. i've also been very violent and depressed.

but hey, take them if you want!

my test results came up really fast.. but yeah, i didn't get much of a "feeling" out of the pills, mostly just the hallucinations that were hella shocking.

October 4, 2005, 1:09 am GMT

mozzy (member since September 30, 2005)

yeah ive been feeling the same as you pollyvomit but its due to the beer, gear and lack of sleep over the weekend. i highly doubt that you feel the way you do just from this single type of pill,(come on you had been on it all weekend) maybe you should just report of the first nights "partying"

October 4, 2005, 7:48 am GMT

cyberdyne (member since September 30, 2005)

Do not mention pma b/c you had a bad reaction. It is extremely common and quite normal to experience extremely uncomfortable reactions, elevated temperature and strong visual hallucinations simply by putting more mdxx into an already stressed, exhausted and sleep deprived system. It is irresponsible to cry pma at the first hint of a bad reaction mate. Please think about your next report more carefully.

October 4, 2005, 12:21 pm GMT

italianbeauty143143 (member since September 30, 2005)

A few friends of mine and I got ahold of some of those a couple weekends ago. You should caution yourselves with these pills. I have come across a few that were fine but, there are a few that are definately not fine.
One of my dear friends has rolled a lot within the past 10 years and let me tell you, we got ahold of few from a bad batch and it damn near killed us. We both dropped at the same one night, hadn't been drinking, smoking or haven't rolled in weeks. At first we felt no effects but then about 2 hours later we were totally incoherant. Sorry about the spelling lol. We saw things that no drug has ever made us see, and we're no rookies. Even days after first taking it, we felt sick, depressed, no energy to open our eyes let alone stay awake. Our chests hurt, heads were pounding, the site's and smells of foods made us sick to our stomaches. It was bad. Seeing thingsm, weird things. But let me school you with some knowledge being your senior. Not every single pill is cut "exactly" the same as the next. The ingredients vary a little or a lot sometimes. In this case there were probally a few thousand produced that were cut with something dangerous. Intentionally or not. But that is the risk that all of us take everyday we choose to swallow that pill. Now the follow week after recooperating, I can across the same pill, different shade of color but same color. I risked it to see what the outcome would be, if all of these happen to be in the same batch or if it was a bad one. Just as I had expected the effects were severely different. It's showed the same characteristics of a usual low grade roll. Nothing more nothing less. No seeing things, no sickness. All's we got was a nice body buzz, the usually tingling sensations, horniness, tons of energy, dialated pupils, some sweating, and an increased sense of love. Far more different then the first ones. Just because it's got the same symbol and same color does not mean that it is the same. Please be careful know your dealer, know your body, and know your mind.

October 4, 2005, 3:34 pm GMT

pollyvomit (member since October 3, 2005)

"Our chests hurt, heads were pounding, the site's and smells of foods made us sick to our stomaches."

this has been the worst part of these pills.

"i highly doubt that you feel the way you do just from this single type of pill,(come on you had been on it all weekend) maybe you should just report of the first nights "partying" "

i have taken shit from friday-sunday and not experienced anything like what i did from last weekend.
plus, i added similar experiences from people who also took them, that hadn't had any sort of drugs for the few days beforehand.

i never screamed "pma", i just said that the effects were similar to that of pma.

October 5, 2005, 11:57 am GMT

undertaker (member since September 30, 2005)

Wow! Cheers for the effort you've gone to, to warn people about these Pollyvomit. These sound absolutley fucked. Thankyou for the heads up. I was offered these on Staurday and disrespectfully declined!!

October 7, 2005, 3:59 am GMT

pollyvomit (member since October 3, 2005)

no problem.

but where is the rest of my report?

October 10, 2005, 7:06 am GMT

tuneboy (member since October 1, 2005)

December 30, 2005, 10:43 am GMT

tuneboy (member since October 1, 2005)

These crap pills are still around in Melb...had some offered to me for NYE. I tested one with both Mandelin & Marquis and both had very little reaction, only the slightest trace of purple streaks. Dont waste your money!

December 30, 2005, 10:49 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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