Pill Report: White Playboy
White Playboy

Canberra (ACT)

Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Very Shit pill, A Total Tranquilliser\\\' Got these late friday night off a source i dont usually go through, an thought dees mayB real good since an old mate/seller ov mine tryD ta sell these too us fa ridiculously high price wen he only had 2 left. Anyway\\\' ended up very\\\' very disapointed, especially paying full price fa em\\\' ontop ov dat, i was havN these with a few friends that had only ever tryD pills 1once before, they were pretty pissD off, considerN tha 1st ones i got em were green doveZ.
I Want every1 around town ta kno these R kettY bombs an ta stay tha hell away\\\' whoevAs puttN these tagether deserves ta B bashed\\\' an definatley dosent deserve the money.
If theirs any good 1s of these being produced\\\' i addvise them ta make a slight change ta the colour or logo or sumthN, cause ill remember these ta be 1V the shit 1z\\\'....
Playboy Bunny Head
Round/Flat bottom/No score
Suspected Contents


complex (member since September 29, 2005)

I think people should be warned of this pill, they are crap.

September 29, 2005, 6:59 pm GMT

straight ridah (member since September 30, 2005)

actually i had these about 2 months ago in sydney on a couple of occasions and so did a few mates, and we all loved them. they werent the strongest come on but they definatly kept me going all night long on one and a half. was very dancy and lovey. probably not the same pill then, but mine were definatly white play boys. dont think they around anymore though.

September 30, 2005, 12:36 pm GMT

coulage (member since October 2, 2005)

i had these 1 week ago. same description and from same area. i also thought they were shit and a bad waste of money. im not a heavy user, but after dropping 2 within 2 hours and barely feeling any mdma effects, i was disappointed. i felt 'happier' but not euphoric. music and dancing seemed mediocre, no eye wobbles, very very mild chewing, no tingles. as for them containing predominantly k...i doubt it. found it very difficult to sleep (didnt til next afternoon). i unfortunately didnt keep one to test, as i ate it in the hope of something good happening. from observing 6 people that took them, id definately say they have some active ingredients apart from k. mdma + amphetamine, but both in very low doses. no real come down, but notable insomnia, others become touchy feely and buzzy, but they did diddly squat for me.

October 2, 2005, 7:33 am GMT

bikymuncha (member since October 5, 2005)

Strong K bombs.

October 5, 2005, 3:57 am GMT

tkcr3w (member since November 17, 2005)

There just shit. I had them at beachie 2 fruidays ago i double dunked 2 straight up and i only just felt it after 1 n a half hours. Im not that heavy user.. but after 2 of those i needed more to keep me going. I took 2 more purple doves and then i was fucked but the playboys are a waste of time..

November 17, 2005, 1:12 am GMT

natho (member since October 15, 2007)

Had these last week. Dropped one and wasn't pumping at all. Felt happier etc. but not really in the mood for dancing. I also had the problem with not being able to sleep the next day. Me and my mates decided they were probably loaded with gear.

October 15, 2007, 8:12 am GMT

munty madness 411 (member since December 25, 2011)

Just got a couple of these at a rave, preety poor, mate was on 0.5G of base aswell spread over hours before and followed the same routine as me. I dropped one at 3am then last one at 4am in search for something more.
On the trip home at about 7am i started feeling more awake, no eye wobbles, no jaw clenches or tight feeling at all, and no spaced out feelings, it felt like a hidden roll, preety alertive tho.
At about 11am went for a smoke [heavy smoker] and really tripped out on these things, vision distortion and perception was really wack, my ears went all tingley and sound was feint, had anxiety hard about anything, felt preety sick overall and that everything was wrong at the time, dissapeared after about an hour - hour half // Wethr this is because of the pills or the base + lack of food and sleep im not sure, but a few other mates had base only and where fine.
They are fairly chalky, not a hard press - easy to break.
*Licked* it didnt taste like anything at all.
*Racked* didnt burn or sting, felt like i was snorting chalk
*Chewed* the first one and it tasted like nothing, very very mild chem taste in there but its not much mdxx if any at all couldnt taste enough in it to see much. Was preety disapointed with them, wish i spent my money elsewhere - definatly not worth the coin. I dont really have an idea on what is in these, if I were to take a guess I would say methylone [bK-MDMA] possibly, or low dose of amph.
overall BAD

March 4, 2012, 5:21 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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