Pill Report: louis vuitton Pink
Louis Vuitton Pink


Posted by
April 10, 2016
Date Submitted
smooth backside, there wasnt any stamp or any letter on backside, it was smooth and hard as fuck. bitter taste.
Last Update
April 10, 2016
Louis vuitton
Hard - Easy to break
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

guys my last report was about yellow euros, and a good friend said that these are not mdma, and i called my dealer and said give me louis vuitton's instead of this. he said yes and i dropped 2 louis vuittons (2nd one is 50 min later) by the way my last roll was about 4 months ago, i dropped some pills 2 months ago but it doesnt count because they werent mdma. whatever,
at 2.40 am me and my girl dropped 1st, about 3.20 we started having sex. that was AWESOME.
some times later, we started to listen some armin van buuren and AHZEE. music was awesome, 9/10 (it wasnt loud but i could feel that in my veins.)
visuals was perfect 10/10, we watched some armin van buuren concerts on phone (i strongly recommand phones or high quality tv's because laptop was not HD enough :D) i was like there, at ultra music fest... touching sensation was awesome too, (9/10) we kissed about 2 hours (not always but u know what i mean) we didn't sweat too much, so it was long-lasting roll :D (burayı nasıl yazacağımı bilemedim, çok terlemedik, çok yormadı, kan ter içinde çatır çatır çatlayıp 2 saatte yorulup uyumadık yani, az terledik ama aynı zamanda o yüzden uzun tuttu demek istiyorum moderator abim yardım ederse sevinirim. ingilizce iflas etti :D)

() -> translation:
Didn't feel exhausted after roll. We didn't fall asleep even rolled crazy for 2h. I mean we sweated a bit at all. Rolling duration was long.

my whole roll ended at 8.30-9 am and we slept. we didnt chew gum, my chin is perfect right now. my apetite is good, we had sex about 2pm again, (it was surprising, u know day after rolling...)

i will not type in turkish im bored actually ^^, just few words,

abi en son aralıkta falan takıldım herhalde defqon vardı baya güzeldi, çatlamaktan dişlerim kilitlendi gözler falan kayıyodu, bunda oyle olmadı abi gayet güzel bi kafası vardı yormadan her şeyi verdi, ben çok terlemememize bağlıyorum. ha boyle seratonin bombardımanı olmadı ama acayip keyif aldım yani şöyle söyleyeyim yüzde 80lerde gezdim hep. 3-4 saat. bi de sekerleri bütün değil 2 yarım 2 yarım halinde attım.

ben mdxx medium diyorum ama yine de, son takılma zamanım baya oldu ondan 2 medium bile 5 saatten fazla tutabilir. abiler bu kısma bi destek verirse editlerim. euro'lara kötü diyen arkadas çok büyük adamsın sayende onları atmadık bunları aldık çok muhteşem kafa yaşadık teşekkür ederim.


meuteu (member since October 31, 2015)

picture is the same with my last-report. u can see louis vuitton, if moderator thinks its necessary, i can try to add some better quality photos.

April 10, 2016, 1:40 pm GMT

euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)

Hi mate i cropped the image and translated requested part. Picture is okay i think :) Thanks for the report.

April 10, 2016, 9:51 pm GMT

meuteu (member since October 31, 2015)

Hi again, im curious something about this pill, when im rollin, i peed almost 5 times, it never happened before, is it normal or its some variation of mdxx?

Merhabalar yeniden, aklıma bisey takıldı, ben bunu attıktan sonra defalarca işedim yani kafadan 4 var. Bu normal mi yoksa Başka bi maddenin falan belirtisi mi? Az alkol vardı bi de su da içtim yani vücudu susuz bırakmadım.

April 12, 2016, 7:23 am GMT

euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)

Alkol ve su idrar getirmiştir. Gerçi mdxx türevdi ADH(anti diüretik hormon) hormonu salıyo işemek zor oluyo :D bunu aşmak içinde bölgeye sıcak uygulayabilirsiniz.

I think alcohol and water helps to peeing. Actually, you couldn't pee easily because releasing of ADH. You can apply hot water to genital area. I mean take a shower in easy way :D

April 13, 2016, 8:30 pm GMT

cyclone (member since April 7, 2016)

Meuteu dostum ankaradasin sanirim kanal konusunda yardimci olabilirmisin caresiz durumdayim suanda yardimci olursan sevincem. Bluelight forum kullanici adim cyclonex5
Can you help a desperate situation right now, I think on Channel Meuteu man in Ankara, if you could help, sevince. Cyclonex5 forum my user name Bluelight

April 16, 2016, 9:03 am GMT

criminal35 (member since February 17, 2016)

aynen bende idrar tutulması yaşıyorum hatta ertesi gün bile devam ediyor

I'm just keeping me in the urine or even the next day continues even

April 16, 2016, 8:04 pm GMT

meuteu (member since October 31, 2015)

üyelik aldım, nickname meuteu, bi sohbet çevirelim oradan ama ben siteyi kullanmayı bilmiyorum

April 25, 2016, 1:28 pm GMT

cyclone (member since April 7, 2016)

Meuteu dostum tesekkur ederim cevap yazdim siteden sana gorusuruz.
Thank you dude I wrote and I'll see you Meuteu answer from the site.

April 27, 2016, 12:32 pm GMT


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