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Blue Butterfly (domed, No Score)

Chicago, IL

Posted by
July 9, 2012
Date Submitted
Domed on both sides. Light blue to blue-ish green in color, mostly blue. No speckles.

Faint butterfly logo pressed into one side, looked nearly rubbed off or not well pressed because of the dome shape. The logo itself looked more like a delicate butterfly with pointed wings (kind of like the butterfly/pokeballs I see on here)rather than the more cartoony looking rounded butterfly stamps I see on the bunk pills on here.

There was no scoring or pokeball
on the opposite side.
Last Update
July 12, 2012
Blue/green mostly blue
Domed top and bottom
Suspected Contents
User Report

Got these in Chicago from a friend who lives there and deeply trusts their hookup.Took one at a bar before going into the strip club with some buddies. Had a couple beers in me but not drunk by any means. Shortly after taking it at the bar we all started feeling slightly euphoric but very chatty.

By the time we got to the strip club maybe 30min later the euphoric feeling was gone. Replaced with a totally "up" but clear head effect and a racing heartbeat, with obvious effects on the circulatory system. My jaw was clenching a bit and my hands got cold and slightly tingly, and after getting a few lap dances without even a hint of life from my crotch I was starting to get annoyed. One dancer even offered to take me in the backroom and take care of me, but as much fun as it sounded I had to decline because I could tell I wouldn't even be able to get it up.
At this point I was almost mad and irritated with most things around me, so I decided to start drinking quite a bit more to try to calm myself down. I really could have used a joint, but it wasn't an option at the time. For some reason I felt the need to take another butterfly, so I did.

Done with the stripclub we decided to head to an after hours club. We arrived at the scene of a killer rave in motion. Should have been the perfect place for pills, but not these. I was too clearheaded and wired up. With the second pill the stimulant effects only got worse. The cold tingling numbness spread up my arms and into my chest, feeling similar to onset of adderall overdosage. Dancing felt forced, not enjoyable. I didn't really want to dance that hard anyway, as I was wondering if my heart might explode. At this point I started pounding drinks to try and loosen up, but alcohol had pretty much zero effect.
The club closed, the sun came up, and we went home. At this point I was wide awake, heart still beating faster than ever, but the numbness/tingling in my arms and chest was starting to ease up. Most of us experienced some nausea and labored breathing at this point. Tried smoking a bunch of pot to relax, no effect. Tried taking a muscle relaxer (which usually knock me out), it helped with the muscle tension and jaw-clench, but I was still wide awake.
I was finally able to uneasily fall asleep the next day around 1am after taking a muscle relaxer and herbal sleep-aid (valerian root).

~~~~SHORT DESCRIPTION:~~~~~~~~~~~
Very strong stimulant effect.
Rapid heartbeat, mild jaw clenching, tingling/loss of circulation in extremities, impotence, no appetite, inability to sleep for a long time after. Most of us experienced some degree of nausea and/or labored breathing as it started to wear off.
--No enjoyable euphoria, no visuals, no lovey dovey, no sensuality to touch. Mild nausea and labored breathing on comedown.


folley (member since April 26, 2011)

These don't contain any MDxx. You would be lucky if they even had speed in them and not something much more dangerous..

If you're in Chicago, why would you take anything but mints lol?

July 9, 2012, 9:47 pm GMT

criard (member since July 9, 2012)

I'm not from Chicago and this was actually my first time with pills. I only trusted them because I got them from a close friend, and was with a group who were more familiar with pills. I usually just get straight molly when I'm home in detroit.

This stuff definitely reminded me of taking too much adderall.

July 9, 2012, 9:55 pm GMT

yanker (member since March 10, 2011)

Ur friend is an idiot if he's giving u this shit when all you'd have to do is fart and you'd have mints in ur hand in Chicago.

July 9, 2012, 11:20 pm GMT

criard (member since July 9, 2012)

I dont really care, like i said this was my first time with pill form. Ive never bought them myself so i wouldnt know where to look. These were a gift from a friend living in the city. Didnt know to get "mints" and not to take domed ones or not to in chicago.

I just wanted to let people know what happened with it.

July 10, 2012, 4:14 am GMT

safet1st (member since June 3, 2012)

I'm by no means going to give you crap other then you should test everything and anything. I will be honest in telling you that amphetamines and/or adderall for that matter would have been enjoyable. They do have a tendency to fit the criteria of your description. However, a common misconception or lack of knowledge and experience would often have a user that took something as such. Would then automatically assume that they've taken amphetamine/methamphetamine cut or only substance. Let me remind everyone that people enjoy amph/meth for a reason which is also why it leads to addiction. There is a definitive difference between what you took and those two types of uppers. I speak only from my own experience, but even when on Adderral or amph/meth related pharm substances the energy and europhia typically outweigh the negative side effects. Which is why so many millions of people are easily confused with the substances they ingest which are suppose to be MDMA, MDA, or MDE -- combination of those three. They may very well enjoy the experience but not ever realize that the substance ingested was cut with a speed source. Its still enjoyable, movement, sex, music, conversation, alcohol, marijuana, and even tobacco in most cases complement these misunderstandings for MDxx.

I have gone into great detail to make you more of the market that is cluttered with "irresponsible" research chemicals and the likes of other substances in attempt to fool those who consume them. I can assure you that you would have had at least somewhat of an enjoyable night if it was what you assume it to be. Purchasing a test kit is not only your smartest option but it will also slowly build up a safer community that might actually take the time to educate those around including themselves.

When individuals responsible for signal handily ruining peoples lives with such garbage become subject to their own poison it will stop being ingested. This is the same reason why MDMA and its brother and sister have been giving such bad names. People have been trying to cheat those who enjoy the real thing by mixing adulterants from the start. A couple people die and the blame is pinned to the suspected target--Ecstasy. Similar to a wrongfully accused prisoner who has been trying to voice its innocence from the beginning.

Until the people who are intrigued by what the 3 core substances from MDxx start taking responsibility for their own safety this shit will continue to run rampant. Knowledge is key, experience will prosper, and testing will save lives.


July 10, 2012, 5:59 am GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

dont trust your friend from chicago, if hes from here & is still getting fake rolls, he truly knows NOone with the hookup. this is the one city where its fairly easy to get really good pills. i guarantee that if you asked a few ppl at that "rave" you wouldve found the real thing. i bet you just ate bzp in pill form, ppl always think its amp+low-mdxx when they first eat it. thx for the warning tho.

July 10, 2012, 9:35 pm GMT

canadianspeed (member since May 27, 2012)

Sounds like you confused amp/meth with bzp/+tfmpp.

July 11, 2012, 12:31 pm GMT

criard (member since July 9, 2012)

I initially thought it was amphetamine because it seemed very similar to adderall for me. I had been on adderall for nearly 12 years and eventually stopped taking it because it wasn't helping with my ADD and was causing severe social anxiety problems. Back in college I would occasionally take one before going to a party to be more sociable and feel good and everything; but eventually too that stopped and I found if I took an adderall before a party I would end up standing in the corner by myself saying a word to no one, feeling totally tweaked out and anxious, heart pounding. I would also get the similar side effects of impotence and occasional tingling hands.

I agree now though that it was likely not amphetamines. My reasoning is that I don't imagine amphetamines would have such a lingering effect. I took the pills on Saturday the 7th around 12-2am, it is now Wednesday the 11th and I am still experiencing some odd side effects.
My general anxiety is higher than normal, I'm experiencing some mild depression, my heart rate is consistently around 100-110bpm, I find myself having the random jaw clenching session here and there, and am having occasional mild hand tremors. I notice I'm more on edge too, easily getting annoyed or frustrated with the smallest things. I'm also still having some trouble falling asleep without taking a Valerian Root capsule.

I'm really glad that you people who do this more often are smart enough to buy testing kits. I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through this crap.

EDIT: After searching and researching online and reading several journals that experienced lengthy come-down after-effects like my own (and other similarities like fiending), I'm thinking that this pill could have had MDPV in it. That or the forementioned BZP, this is all conjecture though. At any rate, stay away.

July 11, 2012, 8:16 pm GMT

xtzmachine (member since August 25, 2012)

These were also in wisconsin a while back, i took 2 and just like you said my best guy said they were the bomb and he never steers me wrong, well i guess some people have different reactions to whats ever in this press because i just got a really speedy reaction out of it. I didnt actually roll at all sadly enough i just felt like i drank 5 monsters and wanted to go do something!!! Lol but seriously i thought these were junk, i made the mistake of not testing because i just wanted to roll, lesson learned next time it could be something worse! always test what your not sure of peeps, 20 mins to save your life possibly!

August 25, 2012, 12:14 pm GMT