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White Fox


Posted by
November 16, 2009
Date Submitted
not the best press, lots of chalky residue left in the bag.
Had the usual sas smell.
Last Update
November 16, 2009
Fox Racing Logo
8.0 mm
4.0 mm
Soft ( Not the hardest press )
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
User Report

Hey all,

These have been floating around my area for the last 2 months or so, But the previous batch were deffinately different ( pipes ).
It tested up well but as my kit is comming of age the reactions took place slowly.
Ive been good for the last 2 months, not rolling once. I did notice a strange taste whilst taking it, it tasted sweetish, so im gathering that the main binder used may Have been glucose/dextrosed based.
The pill took about 1 hr to come on, and it was a smooth gradual come up. Lots of eye wobbels and euphoria followed and i got to sleep fine towards the end of the night.
I still have an aching jaw as i write this report too. All of my mates who were having a break off it liked them aswell.
Sorry about not having any pics of the reactions ect.


seith (member since December 21, 2008)

Could you please fill out this template. Just paste it in your description and fill out as much information as you can. As you have no picture this will help us get a better idea of what the pill looks like. Alot of the recent Fox presses have been very nasty so this will help up tell 2 similar pills apart.

SHAPE: (eg. round with domed or flat face & back)
COLOUR: (note if speckled or a plain colour also)
LOGO: (plz describe well or give link to logo brand website)
PRESS: (Is the logo indented or embossed [out-pressed]?)
EDGES: (Is there a bevel on the face or back?)
TASTE: (give it a lick and describe)
TEXTURE: (hard or soft & crumbly, ect)

-Seith *Mod Aus/NZ

November 16, 2009, 3:09 pm GMT

xtc1337 (member since August 12, 2009)

tested these today, drove about 2 hours to do this. thinking i was going to get some good medium dose stuff, instead i find out they are duds, complete shit. it was crumbly, it broke in my hand, it looked like shit. i got a plate and got out my kit, they were trying to tell me theyre acid based. i test it with marquis, it sort of bubbled, the color didnt change, it like started fizzing or something, i tested with simons and got no reaction.

the ppl trying to sell me these had no idea about anything, they just liked the fact that it could get u off ya head. i gave the rest of the pill away and said nah i dont want them.
im in north qld too

fucking terrible, keep the fuck away.

November 24, 2009, 7:55 am GMT

tpillz (member since September 21, 2009)

these white foxes are wierd up here in nrth qld, if you could post your reactions up here i would like to see no reaction but highly doubt it. from my experiences, and i have actually taken these, they are awesome and definately worth a try.

November 29, 2009, 3:32 am GMT

goldenoldie (member since February 10, 2009)

I've had these white foxes on a few occasions now and have founds them to be okay, not great but one of the better pills going around atm. I'd say they are comparable to the blue or green hearts from a few months ago and are better than the blue foxes or white mitsi's. Interestingly enough i've had very similar results from testing all of those pills with Mandelin, kinda greyish purple (anyone know if that could indicate I need a new tester?)
Last occasion i took these i had a white mitsi (hardly felt anything) then 2 hrs later had a white fox and within 40 mins was feeling it, wasn't till about 4 hours later that i decided i would have another one to keep me going (was at a festival). No bad comedown, slept easily, nice afterglow next day, mmmm.
The white foxes I had were average size and shape, had no score/snap line and were fairly hard and matte looking (not shiny). Tasted quite bitter and chemically.

November 30, 2009, 10:05 am GMT

mr smiley (member since June 28, 2009)

Just got the exact same results as goldenoldie. Not real keen on taking with all that fizzing and cloudyness. It did go a purple though.

Does anyone know what the fizzing and cloudyness indicates?

December 29, 2009, 6:41 am GMT

awshelbyrose (member since July 17, 2009)

when i had these pills around july 09 they were hectic! double dropped two and i was completely out of it, extreme hot and colds, shaking, huge pupils and frequent pupil shakes, i was unable to think or know what i was doing. totally out of my body

February 26, 2010, 11:52 pm GMT


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