The Picture is awful, it was the best I could do.
Hard press, smooth edges, Flat (not domed) on both sides; a little wider and flatter than the other (different) pills in the bag.
The first time I've used a testing kit; I've got a grab bag of different pills so I've definitely noticed differences in reaction.
Mecke: Immediately turned dark green, then dark purple/blue-almost black. So Yay for that :)
Immediately changed to dark blue.
Turned almost black immediately, with a slight fizz that scared the hell out of me.
So, according to the test kit, these are pretty clean. I'll update when I try them out.
I took 2 1/2 pills, crushed up and mixed with juice in a shot glass.
They had a definite "tab" taste to them, but weren't nearly as awful as some pills I've tasted.
9:47: took 2 1/2 pills
10:01: It's already hitting me hard, it's difficult to write.
I didn't write anything for a while, but I think I peaked around 11:15 or 11:20. It was so fast I thought-this is gonna be great!!!! It's only a little after 11 and I'm rolling my ass off!
It wasn't as intense as I expect a peak to be, though.
It was a very chilled out roll, I just sat on a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor, listened to some trancy, low key techno, and talked. I was feeling very loved up.
A friend who was with us, however, had taken about the same dose and for some reason got really depressed and snippy. It didn't bother me, my goal in life was to make him feel better. I didn't really notice that it wasn't working,lol.
12:59: Suddenly, I look around . and realize I'm coming down, fast.
At this point Mr. Snippy really begins to depress me.I make him a giant sandwich, which he eats after I decide to give it to him instead of throwing it at his head, and I was in bed by 1:30.
Apparently, they were really clean, but they weren't all that strong, considering the effects only lasted for about 3 hours. I peaked really fast-so fast and not intense, I didn't realize I was peaking, I thought I was just getting started.
I took 2 1/2, so I exprected a lot more intensity.
However, it's hard to roll properly with someone snapping at you every 30 seconds, so that could have contributed to the problem. I wish I would have taken them all and given him...none. :)
It seems like he clean pills I get aren't as potent as the dirty though they just leave out the speed, but don't add any more MDMA.
However, it was the least miserable comedown I ever had, and if I had more, I'd take em all. :)
kingofthizz (member since June 8, 2008)
popPp em all! :D i love thee buddahs. i would like to shake the chemists hand. he really did great work with the buddahs.
July 1, 2008, 10:41 pm GMTROLL SAFE.
ravenousblonde (member since October 1, 2005)
Thanks for the testing results...the popping/fizzing of the Marquis is very special...usually means they are really nice pills. :-) (Unless the reaction is gray & pops/fizzes and puts off a light smoke, that's DXM & not fun at all.) ~R*Mod
July 2, 2008, 7:04 am GMTamoreena888 (member since April 14, 2008)
July 3, 2008, 4:52 pm GMTcourtuhkneekay (member since July 13, 2008)
after i took these i officially changed my religion to buddhist. best roll of my life. fer serious.
July 13, 2008, 6:25 pm GMTrpgxiii (member since August 24, 2008)
i loved the buddhas but from all that ive taken i found there were 2 kinds ones that made u just wanna sit n stay curld up all comefortable and ones that you just wanted to party on. u can tell the good ones by dark colerd orange(orange buddhas), green(gren buddhas exct.), red, blue, spots, and the bad ones would be a lighter color and have more white specks.
November 4, 2008, 7:20 pm GMTmzsphresh (member since March 4, 2009)
hahah changed my feeln of rollin had them once nd i took it with an oragne buddha felt really good for about four hours
March 4, 2009, 3:54 am GMT