Pill Report: Blue Dolphins
Blue Dolphins

Austin, Texas

Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Hey everybody, this is my first post and I hope it is by the guidlines. I am an old school bean eater(when they were good back in the days), so my expectations are high. Okay here I go...
My buddy and I each popped one at 11:00pm. We drove to his house and we chilled and listened to music for about 30 min, then we went outside and talked to the neighbors. I forgot to mention that my buddy snorted about half a pill when we got to his house. The come up was pretty quick but suttle. Took maybe 45 minutes to kick in. And before you know it, you are chatting your ass off. It felt great to talk to people. We felt alot of euphoria and body tingles. Body rolls were great but short lived and insperatic. Now it is 2:30am and we are downing our second pill. That took about 20 minutes to kick in, and the weird part of it is I staggard the pills, and the second one I took, actually hit me harder than the first one. My freind is snorting the rest of his pills throughout the night. My friend was totally messed up and it seems the snorting worked for him. I It is now 8:38 and we popped the last pill at 7:30. So you can guess how feel right now. The time period between 2:30am and 8:38am, we just talked outside and was filled with meaningful conversations.
Overall, this pill is really good and I would recommened anyone the comes across them, to at least try them before you knock them.
Blue w/white specks
Round and domed on one side
Suspected Contents


stinger05 (member since October 3, 2005)

Yeah the blue dolphins are GOLD!!

October 26, 2005, 7:22 am GMT

scorpiodomina (member since December 27, 2005)

i tried them dolphins 3 times here in florida,look like the pics you have.
They were good rolls,nice sensations,nice conversations,and fucking horny as hell,but the withdraws were a killer,it was impossible to sleep,and 2 days later my body was still cranky...I suppose if you have some stuff to put you to sleep,it would be recommened...
Still good tho,fast within 30 minutes you should be rolling and yes the second pill will hit you hard...
Have fun!!

December 27, 2005, 1:37 pm GMT

superflyraver (member since December 19, 2007)

so is it bad to mix different types of pills?

December 19, 2007, 6:48 am GMT

sake420 (member since April 18, 2009)

Naw go for it, Just be careful on what you take.
Last night was my first rave and we're all celebrating 420 in portland th 17th of april, friday - last night.

Straight up I'm Etarded now.
Don't drink high ammounts of energy drinks fyi

April 18, 2009, 1:12 pm GMT

lizzqueenbubbles (member since December 5, 2010)

hahahaa I took those today... one at 9 am.. and one at 3pm.. and im still rolling a little bit.. these r the bomb

December 23, 2010, 6:06 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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