Pill Report: Blue Hearts
Blue Hearts


Posted by
May 11, 2008
Date Submitted
Standard looking pill with nothing more than an engraved heart in the middle.
Round flat top / bottom
Consistent, fairly well pressed
Inward cornering
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Well this is the real deal ladies and gentleman.

The perfect balance - a strong strong MDMA buzz with a nice whack of something to get you up and dancing.

I even got some pretty decent visuals as well. But most of all, it really had good versatility. You can get up and boogie but if you're in the mood, you'll have no problems sitting down for a D & M with friends.

The two most important aspects though were:
1) They were extremely clean. There were no dirty or nasty aspects to it, both during the highs and the come down. It was just about perfect.

2) Long build up, but longevity. It took a good 80 minutes or so and for a little while, I thought they were absolute duds. Quick flashes and rushes followed by normality. As time went on, you could just feel it building and building and then you reach the peak and the view is beautiful.

With such a strong high, you think you'll have to keep topping yourself up, but that isn't the case at all. Each one gave me a good few hours of fun before the real peaks diminished. I get a bit frustrated when pills are rapid but short acting. This was strong and long - the real deal and overall, some the best and cleanest E I've ever had.


blink (member since May 11, 2008)

Sound like some nicely produced MDxx you got there buddy, as for the 'extra kick' possibly a bit of the chefs special ingredient?? :)

May 12, 2008, 12:05 am GMT

spondonicals (member since May 5, 2008)

Well I gave these to fairly experienced user one night and while he said they were really powerful and said he was "absolutely fucked" (but in a good way, of course!) he also suspected that they were not really PURE MDMA pills. I tend to agree. However, to be honest I find it amuzing that these reports asks you questions about whether pills are adulterated or whether they are MDMA or MDxx...etc... I've said in other reports and I'll say it here: XTC, pills... whatever. MDMA is usually just one of many mind-altering chemicals in a pill. It may well be the primary ingredient, but by itself, it's not really the same as taking a pill. A pill had a mix of things to make the MDMA more enjoyable. When I have had pure MDMA, I get a short burst of energy and some really strong mind-altering effects, but after a little while, it tends to cleanly wind down and your energy levels diminish, sometimes fair rapidly.

Pills usually have speed added, pseudoephedrine extracts, a minor dash of something like K, potentially a small amount of meth and even things regarded by this site as dangerous, even though they are present in most pills, just at extremely low doses. I would suspect that many pills contain the tiniest smallest little-est dash of crap like PMA because at low doses, it can kick you into action when combined with speed and MDMA and MDA, which is probably why some pills can really feel fantastic, but you notice small little side effects that you don't always get- such as uncontrollable sweating.

Back to the case at hand, the extra kick is probably just good clean sticky speed and well purified alks. To be honest, I think that a clean pill is not one that is pure MDMA, but rather, one that contains nearly-pure ingredients, the person making it is doing plenty of purifying ("washing") when making it to get rid of the impurities. When most of you have a "dirty" pill, it is often because the makers could not source good speed, so they use analogues and/or stuff that's been cut with something else.

With these ones, they are not pure MDMA because they lasted a long time and the peaks are strong and sustained. But suffice to say that there is a really nice whack of MDMA in them and while I've seen much better presses in my time, I think they used wholesome ingredients and made the whole experience, including come down, really nice and enjoyable.

That said, I've noticed that in Europe, the quality of the press is not really indicative of anything. I took some question marks not long ago and the press was so impecable, it looked like it came from a pharmeutical company. But the pill itself was pretty ordinary.

May 12, 2008, 8:39 am GMT

jtrance9 (member since February 14, 2008)

good post

May 12, 2008, 1:20 pm GMT

extolater (member since September 27, 2006)

very good knowledge my friend.. thanx, im from the us (west coast) and people have no idea what is going into their pills. it makes alot of sense what you say about using pure ingredients verses illegit sources for your substances. i myself have no idea what is really contained within my pills because my only means of testing is a dancesafe regent testing kit which i have come to find to be useful at times as not so useful at times. so my conclusion is im going to europe. turkey to be exacthope to find something good... thanx again for the insight it opened my eyes..

May 12, 2008, 7:53 pm GMT

spondonicals (member since May 5, 2008)

Thanks extolator (and jtrance9) - it is good to get a bit of feedback from others.

However, I would like to add that europe is not to be too overstated. I would say that it is certainly cheaper, more readily available and often of a higher quality than other parts of the world, but there is some regional variation. That wretched "hit and miss" aspect to buying pills is everywhere unfortunately. Generally speaking, London is not just the cheapest but also the best in terms of quality - even when you get them from ... (sorry I just realised we're not supposed to point people in any directions). So: "best in terms of quality, even when you get them from places where most visitors and short terms expats would get them from!" Trust me - you won't have any troubles in that town.

Once you're into continental europe, i think it really just depends on the local scene. If you are in a city where the nightclubs are pumping and everyone looks pretty messed up, you're probably sorted. If you go to a place with a small nightlife and a small local drug scene (generally) then you may find it comparable to US (West Coast), which sounds like it has a large general local drug scene, but pills can be hit and miss(?).

Can't speak about Turkey as i've never been there. Despite all the things you hear about large XTC distribution networks that originate in Amsterdam, I personally wouldn't go there for this either. They may be good on the exports, but in terms of local supply, it's very questionable. However, i have not stayed there long enough to establish any reasonable contacts.

Anyway - good huntin!

May 13, 2008, 8:41 am GMT

pinokio (member since February 9, 2008)

spondonicals: nice report, the comment is bullshit tho. HOw do you expect a pill having k, meth or anything to be actually "good thing" ? lol.

seems like u've never had pure mdma pal.

May 16, 2008, 10:17 am GMT

ampar0 (member since April 8, 2008)

WOW so yeah i got these pills from a friend and GOT DAMN they were very good.

popped at around 10:15 got the visuals at around 10:30 (i chewed them) then at around 11:15-30 i started to feel the body high just take over. I was dancing and dancing the night away. with me i let the roll take over everytime so i was able to roll for about 4 hours. After the club my friend and i met up with these girls and we decided to pick up more. So we did and since i was still on my roll popping another made it way intense my visuals and body high were nearly maxed out i laid beside one of the girls that came over and just started getting intimate and i couldn't think straight after that. I remember the light shows my friend was giving us while we lay there then after that i just remember looking outside watching the sunrise and walking to Albertsons for orange juice lol.

GOOD pills but not sure how was able to roll that hard off 2

June 24, 2008, 1:09 am GMT

spondonicals (member since May 5, 2008)

In fact, I would also add that these ones are fairly trippy if you take three or more. Some rather intense visuals. I actually began to wonder whether these had a small dash of K in them and if you take enough, they really kick you about.

Great pills and most users who know their shit mention that they are really strong.

July 7, 2008, 3:08 pm GMT

pfelstein (member since August 20, 2008)

Did a bunch of these out in Ibiza last week and think they are the best i'v done in a long, long time. Very clean and very good.

August 19, 2008, 10:36 pm GMT

knierex (member since August 17, 2008)

they are tested on 174mg MDMA!

August 30, 2008, 6:57 am GMT

mnmlr (member since October 1, 2008)

Agreed with pfelstein, had the same blue pills (and red too - totally the same except for the color) on Ibiza this September - these were awesome, so much energy! The rest I've tried there are so shitty!

October 1, 2008, 9:41 pm GMT

eezyduzit (member since June 12, 2008)

@spondonicals, for i agree with what most you say, the one part I disagree with is your assumption that most pills contain that many different active ingredients. take a look at http://www.ecstasydata.org/ long list of pills. While some DO contain 3 or 4 different active ingredients, the majority of them only contain 1 or 2...

January 11, 2009, 9:09 am GMT

rpgxiii (member since August 24, 2008)

spondonicals knows what hes talkin about, if my pills have a little bit of meth or speed <for the hard blow up> or h <for the coutched feeling> is call it a damn good pill to, but only if its goood washed speed meth or h

April 24, 2009, 3:42 am GMT

clubguy813 (member since March 25, 2010)

hey props to spondonicals .. im an avid user myself and ur post opened my eyes alot too!! hope to find these in the states some day! answer me one thing tho.. is amsterdam as good as its made out to be?

March 25, 2010, 5:14 am GMT

spondonicals (member since May 5, 2008)

Hi clubguy813

Amsterdam is a strange one. There was, when I was there, ways to get good pills and ways to get bad ones. Do not buy from the street dealers. Best to try your luck inside nightclubs, but be discreet. Taxi drivers can often be handy as well.

But to be honest, sir, the quality of pills across europe has gone down the toilet. Paris, London, Prague, Berlin and Amsterdam - most of the stuff is just a bit of speed and something weird. Very hard to come across good MDMA anywhere in the world. The precursors have become difficult to get and a lot of chemicals needed for processing safrole have been more heavily banned. Fair to say that late 2008 was probably the last time big batches of strong pills were made. Since then, it's been descending almost everywhere into crap, inactive, speed and experimental compounds.

May 18, 2010, 3:14 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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