Pill Report: On Star
On Star


Posted by
December 12, 2005
Date Submitted
m dit aimez
This pill is a well known speed here in Quebec (Montreal).
I decide to make this report in reaction to one submitted last week. The pill have been discribeed as MDMA and DXM, something false. I reagent tested the pill and it's speed...
Color change description:
No reaction. No blue or black, so definitely not ecstasy-like substance!
Turn immediately orange: indicates amphetamine or methamphetamine(both speed).
Turn slowly light blue: indicates methamphetamine instead of amphetamine (only if the simon's reagent test positive for speed...)
So it's METH.
OK, again... I have no probleme with the fact that some people like speed or other kind of drug as dissociative one (PCP, DXM, Ketamine), BUT STOP SELLING THOSE THINGS AS ECSTASY, PLEASE!
Last Update
December 27, 2010
On* (On star trademark)
11.0 mm
4.0 mm
Hard edges
Suspected Contents
Marquis Reagent
Mecke Reagent
No Reaction
Simons Reagent


mercuryst4r (member since September 29, 2005)

Oh man...yuck!!! Who's the idiots that distributed this crap????

October 23, 2005, 9:16 am GMT

jpdanis (member since October 22, 2005)

Ont pourraient avoir des commantaires sur la prise de cette pillz ? J'en ai une et je compte la prendre dans un rave samedi prochain, jaurais aimé savoir si 1/4 est assez ou si 1/2 est mieu.
Autre question. Ta onstar vient de MTL, la mienne vient de Québec(ville), c'est la même batch tu crois ?

October 23, 2005, 5:58 pm GMT

m dit aimez (member since October 5, 2005)

Salut, pour la deuxieme question, verifie si elle est exactement comme ma photo. Si c'est le cas, c'est tres probablement la meme. Elle est tres rependue au Quebec depuis deja un moment. Pour ce qui est de la prise, je n'aime pas le speed, alors je n'ai pas essaye cette pilule. La meilleur chose, c'est d'y aller graduellement en gardant en tete que le temps d'absorbtion du speed est plus long que celui de la MDMA. Souvent plus d'une heure en comparaison de 20 minutes pour la E. De plus, le speed dure beaucoup plus longtemps et le "down" du lendemain est generalement beaucoup plus "depress".

October 23, 2005, 7:19 pm GMT

therollingstoner (member since September 29, 2005)

Thanks for the heads up mdit. Nice pic also. -mod

October 24, 2005, 12:58 am GMT

m dit aimez (member since October 5, 2005)

My pleasure therollingstoner!

October 24, 2005, 1:17 am GMT

chelba420 (member since October 2, 2005)

Thanks for the report !! The pill looks official, just saved me a Saturday nite .....THKS AGAIN !!!

November 12, 2005, 11:07 pm GMT

seforia (member since November 17, 2005)

I took this pill last weekend. I'm an aware speed consumer, and I can tell that this OnStar contains methamphetamin. Be careful with the use oh that pill, its "after trip" effect last very long. Don't take too much of it, particularly if you take it on saturday envening and go to work on monday. Sleeping the night after the party can be very hard.

November 17, 2005, 12:26 am GMT

wastedhard (member since April 19, 2006)

i did 2 of those pill yesterday night at 3 pm, now its 7:00 and i still free prety good. The pill itself is only speed and pretty weak. i dont recomend it.

April 19, 2006, 11:12 am GMT

synecks (member since April 20, 2006)

When taken with Extacy BE VERY CAREFUL! the after effects are brutal! Many people i know get depressed after mixing this with Red Apple Extacy(crap) and even MDMA!.

April 20, 2006, 4:10 am GMT

jack attack (member since April 26, 2006)

i took two of these last weekend, not bad. kept me up till the next night. theyre pretty big and not as strong as i would have thought. typical speed. nothing too specail but they get the job done.

April 26, 2006, 8:48 am GMT

krazevince (member since May 15, 2006)

*Just one thing about the On*, it's that there are a few different kinds 'batches' of it! And the effects are not the same... I suggest u dont get the small On* (the Width is smaller) or the ones that are not hard, they s*ck ass!

But the good ones are wicked *although it has methamphetamine in it I'm pretty sure*!

May 15, 2006, 3:12 am GMT

unicorn style (member since July 31, 2006)

on stars are clean very clean i think there preatty good i take them be4 playin sports there very nice its a very nice buzz

August 1, 2006, 5:01 am GMT

00nate (member since September 25, 2006)

Oh yess th On*, have seen several diffrent kinds, i actualy just put a half one of these up old lefty LOL, The first On* i tried wasnt that good at all but the ones around in the past few weeks are realy good, the best seem to have what appear to be tiny brownish flecks, the pure white ones i didnt find as good.

September 25, 2006, 1:11 am GMT

marikavengeance (member since September 29, 2006)

On* . J'sais pas trop pourquoi , mais j'ai jamais autant été en criss après tout l'monde , un lendemain de speed. Est rough le lendemain . J'en ai fait une demi dans les environs de 9h , et a 3h30 j'dormais ben dur. comparément a la "pepsi" , j'en ai faite un quart hier a 10h et j'ai pa dormi d'la nuit. J'trouve d'linformation sur cette pill nul part.

October 6, 2006, 5:15 pm GMT

feebleue (member since September 3, 2006)

La Onstar, il y a une difference de qualite ou d'effet dependant les taches de couleurs qui s'y trouve??

October 14, 2006, 7:57 pm GMT

feebleue (member since September 3, 2006)

Et j'imagine que si elle a 5 etoiles c'est qu'elle est pas pire??

October 14, 2006, 7:58 pm GMT

xxcurtisx21x (member since September 6, 2006)

These are showing up in the Mississauga/Toronto area and other parts of southern Ontario. I have personally taken these and they made my friend and I sick to our stomaches. We couldn't sleep and were up all night puking. Not a fun experiance at all.

October 21, 2006, 10:15 pm GMT

feebleue (member since September 3, 2006)

Yeah.. but if you want to go at a party.. no sleeping...That's good... Well.. me i have this for a rave so... i thing it's gonna be ok!! I will dance all night longggg

October 25, 2006, 12:51 am GMT

charmedmagus (member since November 6, 2006)

the first pill i took in my life was this on star pill. Yeah its speed and i think some special K too coz i felt dazzled by everything around me.

November 6, 2006, 1:06 am GMT

feebleue (member since September 3, 2006)

charmedmagus... finaly. have you like this pill??

November 13, 2006, 1:12 am GMT

oblivionsalt (member since February 16, 2006)

Funny, I love the pure On* pills. I live in Gatineau, Quebec and these pills are pretty easy to come by but everyone here loves them and it is considered the best speed around. Maybe the batch is different.

December 31, 2006, 1:12 am GMT

friik (member since October 21, 2006)

just got some of those, they seem to be pretty chalky, hopefully not a methbomb but with this report it seems it could very well be one.

April 2, 2007, 5:09 pm GMT

friik (member since October 21, 2006)

also, the report states that:

Turn slowly light blue: indicates methamphetamine instead of amphetamine (only if the simon's reagent test positive for speed...)

i believe he meant "only if the marquis reagent test positive for speed"

and also, would the light blue (instead of dark blue) in the simon's reagent test indicate a low presence of meth?

either way i have never tested any pills, i'm just curious, thanks for the heads up 'm dit aimez'.

April 2, 2007, 5:16 pm GMT

outlaw420 (member since March 2, 2007)

WOW these things are still going around??? I had em 2 years ago (around the same time this report was made), they were tested as pure Amphetamine (which is what I was expecting as this is what my connect told me), not meth, or MDxx. Maybe there are diff batches going around now. none the less one of the cleanest pure SPEED i've ever done. (played basketball for 5 hours straight with some friends also on it, we all only popped 1 each) I can remember sweat pouring off of me but i was not at all fatigued or sore, i swear i dropped 10 lbs that night LOL, comedown was WAY better than expected (NO METH) VERY SORE THE FOLLOWING DAYS

April 22, 2007, 10:13 am GMT

friik (member since October 21, 2006)

then the pills you've had were definitly not related to those i've had recently, cause i popped 3 of them in one night and felt a medium speed high and thats it :(

April 28, 2007, 10:54 am GMT

smoothtoke420 (member since December 21, 2008)

Yeah we have this pill allot over here in the north west of N-B and its HIGHLY ADDICTIVE PPL!!! try not to do to mutch and dont make a habbit out of it the negative effects are very powerfull..

December 21, 2008, 12:22 pm GMT

iceysparksfly (member since May 12, 2010)

best pill ever.

May 12, 2010, 6:00 pm GMT

alangoose (member since April 17, 2017)

The Press is being resued again
I got a speed today that was a very soft press of onstar, (same press new batch 2017) (near MTL)
It was an okay speed, But it was very soft, and the burn was weak for experienced users. Kind of tasted like talcum powder. Took about 5-10 minuits after a rail to truly kick in.

But I think its amps, Because It did not have the sparkles like Methamps normaly have.

I think honestly, The same stuff as the Ice square pills going around.

April 17, 2017, 6:09 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.


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