Pill Report: Red Bull
Red Bull

Central Poland

Posted by
June 5, 2017
Date Submitted
Pink Redbull Pills. There is a "bull" logo on one side and "Red Bull" written on the other side. Very good and solid press. Tested with Marquis reagent. Reagent turned black fast. Local vendor told me that should be a 250-260 MDMA and i guess this is possible. Unfortunately I have no access to gas chromatograph to test exact value. Ok, pills looks good, smells like MDMA but how it works?
Red Bull
7.0 mm
11.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Marquis Reagent
User Report

T+0 - Applied 1/2 pill around 9 pm (21:00). I ate 2 hours before dinner so I expected that effects can be delayed. Taste was like a good MDMA with bitter aftertaste (when i cut pill my hand was little shaking and i screw this so another half just broke and left some powder so i had opportunity to taste powder)

T+1h - First symptoms showed up. I have a "smart talk" and felt great with another people.

T+1h30m - (Peak) Music and touch became intense and i was looking for integration with everyone. Great mood. Vision became little blurry and eyes were rolled. Felt little power boost and I was everywhere (You know what i mean, for sure ;) ). I dont think so, that was some speed inside a pill but definitely it was more power boost than i had after regular pills. Maybe it was a dosage reason - it's still a strong pill.

T+3h - I felt that effects were slightly came down, still having fun but i considered to take another half.

T+3h30m - Decision was made. I took another half, fun is fun right?

T+4h - Second half totally kicked me. I had peak same as first but little bit more intense. Look above for description of peak.

T+6h - I had to go to sleep because i had plan for another day. I woke up after 6 hours of sleep with no hangover. Mind was clear and I think, I was able to drive a car but i didn't do it because its still a drug and i'm trying to be responsible ;)

To be honest, I was positive surprised about effects especially next day with no hangover. Totally recommend this pill. If you have opportunity do not hesitate to try this. I hope you were enjoyed my report. Take care all!

1 Comment

speeder (member since April 7, 2012)

they was many times in my city. medium good pills

June 7, 2017, 10:45 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.