[Polish Ver]
Podobno miala miec 200mg MDMA. Na pewno nie miala. Bralem supreme pink(red?) i one to wykurwialy z kapci. Po 1/4 supreme czulem sie lepiej niz po 1/2 zielonego Rolexa.
13:00 - po 1/4 z moja dziewczyna (brala pierwszy raz)
14:30 - ledwo co poczulem, wrzucilismy po kolejnej 1/4
14:45 - jadac autobusem oboje mielismy wieksze zrenice i lekki usmiech
15:00 - wchodzac do IKEA na hot dogi, czulem nagle cieplo od klatki piersiowej po calym ciele (duzo sie pocilem). Hot doga zjadlem z obrzydzeniem i na sile (na dworze, gdzie szybko zrobilo mi sie zimno)
15:30 - wracajac przez las w lekkim deszczu bylo bardzo przyjemnie, fajna gadka, lepszy wzrok, dotyk. (po calowaniu z dziewczyna, oznajmila ze nadal czuje moje usta przez jakies 3 min)
17:15 - wychodzimy z lasu, z niej zeszlo, ale nadal miala duze zrenice, ja czuje takze spadek.
18:00+ - zjedlismy po 1/2
18:30 - w koncu czuje cos wiecej, brak zmeczenia, duze zrenice, gadka, szybkie ruchy galek ocznych, zucie gumy. Dziewczyna zamula, czasem nie wyraznie mowi i musi powtarzac, wyglada jak zjarana z duzymi zrenicami.
Ostatecznie stwierdzila ze dalem jej jakies gowno - to byl jej pierwszy raz. Supreme w porownaniu do tego to byla bomba.
To nie bylo moim zdaniem MDMA, dziwnie sie czulem, sinusoida, nagle troche mocy, lekkiej euforii, i po chwili spadek i czuje sie spiacy, i ponownie energia i spadek.
Czy ktos podpowie co to moglo byc? Wczesniej nigdy nie mialem takiego ciepla od klatki piersiowej, nie pocilem sie w dwie minuty w pomieszczeniu. Idac lasem nie bylo tak pieknie jak po Supreme.
Na partysafer pisalo ze ten pill ma 214mg. Ale cos mi tu nie pasuje.
Energia 5/10
Euforia 4/10
Poped 2/10
Wzrok 3/10
Dotyk 5/10
Relax 6/10
Rozmownosc 6/10
[English Ver]
I've been told that this pill should have 200mg of MDMA. I am sure it wasn't have this much. I had supreme pink(red?) before and those were mindblowing. After 1/4 of supreme I felt much better than after taking 1/2 of green Rolex.
1PM - 1/4 on me and 1/4 took my girlfriend.
2:30PM - I barely can feel something, taking another 1/4 on me anf 1/4 for my girlfriend (1 pill has been eaten)
2:45PM - we're in bus, bigger pupils and we were smiling to each other slightly
3PM - Going to IKEA (we wanted a hot-dog!). I felt a heat spreading from my chest to whole my body. I was sweating a lot. I barely could eat a hot-dog, it was disgusting. I was eating it outsude, where I felt cold this time. Strange.
3:30PM - we were hiking down the forest in the rain. It was realy nice, we were talking to each other a lot, better vision and feeling. After kissing she told me she was feeling my lips for next 3 minutes.
5:15PM - getting out the forest, my gf doesn't feel anything, but she still had big pupils. I felt drop of energy.
6PM+ - additional 1/2 for each other.
6:30PM finally something more! No tiredness, big pupils, being talkative, rapid eye movements, chewing gum. GF has a big drop of energy, she speaks indistinctly and sometimes has to repeat what she wanted to say. She looks like stoned with big pupils.
Eventually she told me I gave her a shit. It was her first time with MDMA. Supreme pills were much much better.
I hope it wasn't even a MDMA. No euphory, sinusoidal feeling (energy drops and rises). It was weird. Energy, slightly euphoric and then drop, I felt tired, and then energy rise. Sinusoidal is the best description.
Could someone tell me what it was? Never before I felt that heat from inside of my chest and I never before has been sweating this much being indoor. Hiking down the forest wasn't so exciting and beautiful like after the Supreme pills.
On partysafer I've read this pill has 214mg of MDMA. I am sure it doesn't contain that much.
Energy 5/10
Euphoria 4/10
Sexual desire 2/10
Vision 3/10
Feeling 5/10
Relax 6/10
Talkativeness 6/10
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
1 Comment
wizardmcnew2 (member since September 25, 2014)
Pma these avoid at all costs
April 9, 2017, 4:04 am GMT