Pill Report: Pink Grenade / Rózsaszín kézigránát
Pink Grenade / Rózsaszín Kézigránát


Posted by
December 13, 2014
Date Submitted
Moderators, please leave the Hungarian description intact, as a lot of Hungarian users don't speak proper English, and as this is a potentially dangerous pill, all information should be as accessible as possible! Thanks!

Scroll down for English description and test results!

Rózsaszín kézigránát. A képen láthatóval megegyező színű- és kinézetű, átlagos méretű tabletta. Nincs az a jellemző MDMA-illata vagy íze. EZ-Test Ketaminnal nézve, ami az MDMA és PMMA kimutatására is alkalmas, egyből mélybarna eredményt kaptam, ami PMA/PMMA jelenlétére utal. Ezek miatt hullottak az emberek 2013-ban. Kerüljétek, vagy ha vesztek, teszteljétek!

Pink Hand Grenade. Average-sized pill similar in color and shape to the one visible on the picture. No hint of the characteristic taste or smell of MDMA. Tested with EZ-Test Ketamine, which is also suitable for detecting MDMA and PMMA. Upon starting the procedure, the tester fluid turned to a very dark brown almost immediately, which indicates that this pill contains PMA or PMMA. These substances are purported to have caused the deaths of at least 5 people in Hungary in 2013. Avoid, or at least test this pill before consuming.
Last Update
December 13, 2014
Hand Grenade
Crumbly / porhanyós
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Mandelin Reagent


lizardron (member since November 8, 2014)

They have to be a new batch...I consumed this pill before and it was very trippy...thought it was clean.I will definitely stay away from it this time!

Thanks for the warning!

Stay safe!

December 13, 2014, 3:12 pm GMT

billyb (member since July 6, 2010)

Seen loads of lab tests on these(saferparty.ch ,checkyourdrugs, energycontrol ect and they all come back as clean. Could be an identical press in Hungary I suppose that is adulterated.

December 13, 2014, 3:15 pm GMT

kinot (member since December 13, 2014)

Maybe the test I used was faulty; there seem to be a lot of complaints against the head shop I sourced it from in regards of faulty tests . Anyway, better safe than sorry! Test for yourselves, I won't consume it until I can retest AND it proves to be MDMA :)

December 13, 2014, 3:52 pm GMT

kinot (member since December 13, 2014)

Retesting in about an hour, stay tuned!

UPDATE: Mandelin turned out brown again. Stay safe!

December 13, 2014, 4:11 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

pma/pmma is not shure on dem, could be methylone, morfine,.. also with brownish mandelin.

December 13, 2014, 9:17 pm GMT

mooley (member since February 1, 2013)

Had some of these last week. I'm in the uk. Lovely clean mid strength beans. No come down n slept very easily. I'd say they're an energetic pill not heavy n I had a good euphoric roll.
Was at a gig with good friends and we all agreed the pills were nice. Guess it goes to show how important testing is.

December 14, 2014, 10:32 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for testing and the warning - as mentioned above I have also seen many test results for these so seeing them tested as Brown on the Mecke is very frustrating and alarming.

OP which kit are you using?

December 15, 2014, 6:47 am GMT

kinot (member since December 13, 2014)

EZ-Test Ketamine (Mandelin)

December 15, 2014, 9:39 am GMT

bstuff19outlookcom (member since August 15, 2016)


I have very strong xtc pills, mdma, lsd, speed, cocaine and more.

Also weed and hash.

For more info look at my nickname for mail


August 15, 2016, 10:23 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.