Pill Report: molly


Posted by
November 30, 2012
Date Submitted
i bought this capsule of crystals that looked real enough. they were yellowish tanish crystals and when i poured everything out there were white crystals also. i tested them from left to right marquis mecke simons and none of the reagents had reacted however they all fizzed alot and the simons turned yellow and stained the spoon yellow. i have no idea what this is from other people that took it said it felt like speed however no tests indicate speed. i dont know what it is or why the simoins stained the spoon yellow. any imput on this would be really appriciated. also the molly was expensive for whatever this fake shit is so i really want to know money is short and since its not a pressed pill i dont think ill be able to send it to ectsacy data. the guy that sold them to me also wanted to know what was in them cuz before he was getting real molly it was just cut and then they gave him this and he tasted it and said it didnt taste right. ive never seen any molly not react to any of the tests most of it has been methylone if its crystals and most powder has been mdpv which makes no sense what moron would pass of something thats like meth as molly and all the pills around here have turned into piperazine last real pill i had was a KLM + and that was from colorado
Last Update
November 30, 2012
No logo
Tan and white
Capsule full of crystals
Suspected Contents
Marquis Reagent
No Reaction
Mecke Reagent
No Reaction
Simons Reagent
Other - Please see description


rollnpeace (Moderator)

eww....thanks for testing!

November 30, 2012, 6:40 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

With these 'Mollies' is there really any point of having them sent in for testing? The chances are the dealer selling them is using anything they have at hand so the contents would changed all the time. Even if you had one confirmed at 'xyz' drug the changes of finding the same stuff again is slim.

Thanks for testing and sharing your results

November 30, 2012, 7:12 pm GMT

gfyspillm (member since August 9, 2012)

@bearlove I know the chances are slim I just wanted to know what was in them because I never seen the Simon's turn yellow before let alone stain the spoon yellow. I usually test before I buy but since I wanted to do some harm reduction I decided to buy and then test so I can have a picture and since the person who sold them to me was a really good friend they also had more capsules they were going to sell and said they got them from the same person I figured other people would buy them, not test them, eat them, and probably die. I'm just trying to do my community a favor

November 30, 2012, 7:26 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Sorry my previous post came across incorrectly (apologies). It goes without saying that I always say test your gear before trying it.

Mollies now seem to be a capsule of 'something' and we're seeing so many odd reactions with the kits so god knows whats being used? I just feel that with the amount of RC's on the go - dealers mixing substances, dealers buying mollies and then mixing the contents to bulk up what they believe to be 'mollies' the contents could be ever changing (even Molly to Molly from the same dealer).

The only way that you could do it would be to send the rest of your capsule to Edata to be tested (not buy another one).

Hope that makes sense?


November 30, 2012, 8:56 pm GMT

gfyspillm (member since August 9, 2012)

@bearlove yes I understand I'm sick if this RC bullshit going around I haven't found any real ecstasy in so long it's sad. I'm not buying any more Molly from that person but I have another friend who said shed going to be getting some Molly so I'm buying a cap to test from her. Hopefully its not the same I'm at least looking for some methylone since that's the only RC I'll take.

November 30, 2012, 9:23 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

The full 'molly' thing has turned to rubbish - at least with a pill, if its real at source then you have the stamp for reference. With 'Molly' you just do not know who is making them and what they are putting in the capsules. Nobody I have spoken too about this knows what would have caused a reaction like this on the simons. Glad you tested it and didn't consume.

December 7, 2012, 8:33 pm GMT

marquistadorous (member since January 8, 2010)

^ exactly. "Molly" is such a scam nowadays it's ridiculous. I've sen and tested so much here and only once was it pure mdma

December 10, 2012, 4:11 pm GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.