Pill Report: Mitsubishi/ Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi/ Mitsubishi

Cracow/ Krakow

Posted by
September 20, 2009
Date Submitted

Kolor: Cos pomiedzy jasnym turkusem a jasnym blekitem.
Gdzieniegdzie sa niebieskie kropki.

Powierzchnia: Zbita, twarda, gladka.
-nie kruszy sie.

Krawedzie: lekko zaokraglone.

Przepraszam za slaba jakosc zdjecia, ale zrobilam je aparatem komorkowym. Na dniach postaram sie wrzucic dokladniejsza i wyrazniejsza fote.


Colour: Something between pale turquoise blue and pale celeste.
It has blue spots, which are placed sparsely.

Surface: Smooth, hard.
-it doesn't crumble easily.

Edges: Little bit rounded.

I'm sorry for the bad quality photo. It was made by cellphone camera. Soon I will seek and post much better, closed-up photo with visible "twists and turns".
Last Update
September 27, 2009
Mitsubishi sign/Znak Mitsubishi
Pale turquoise blue
Round and flat/Okragla, plaska
2.0 mm
6.0 mm
Smooth, hard/ Gladka, mocno zbita
Little bit rounded/ Lekko zaokraglone
Suspected Contents
User Report

W piatek zjadlam polowke.
Tabletka "wchodzila" okolo godziny. Objawy byly nastepujace:
-wrazenie "pelnego" zoladka
-odczuwanie na przemian ciepla i zimna
-lekki ucisk w zoladku, delikatne nudnosci (trwajace krotko)
-przyplyw energii.
Gdy juz zagoscila sie na dobre w moim organizmie to smiechawa sie nasilila, smialam sie z totalnych glupot, nie moglam powstrzymac tej glupawki. Trwalo to okolo 1-2 godzin. Pozniej "faza" zmienila sie nieco i przeszla w psychodeliczno-lekko halucynogenna forme. (lekkie falowanie krawedzi obiektow, zmiany kolorow itp)
Konca fazy, wlasciwie nie zauwazylam, tj zadnego hardkorowego zejscia nie bylo, przysnelam na 1,5 h i poszlam na kolejny melanz na ktorym o godzinie 22:00 spozylam sztuke jedna.
Na efekty dlugo czekac nie musialam. Okolo 20-30 minutach od zazycia, odczulam przyplyw ciepla oraz smiechawy.
Razem z osobami co tez jadly te cuda, wymyslalismy pseudo neologizmy oraz przerabialismy slowa, smiejac sie przy tym do rozpuku.
Trwalo to z 1-1,5h.
Po jakims czasie odczulam "zimno" w stopach (wszyscy co brali to odczuli) i przyplyw energii.
Chcialo mi sie tanczyc, nosilo mnie. Sluchanie muzyki sprawialo mi ogromna przyjemnosc, wlaczyl mi sie lekki slowotok.
Po jakims czasie zrobilo mi sie niedobrze, ale trwalo to tylko kilka minut.
Aha. Nikt z nas nie puscil pawia.
Po tej "sytuacji" px wszedl na dobre :)
Hmmmm... opisze w punktach co sie dzialo oraz odczuwalo przez 1-1,5h:
-smiechawa az do "zapowietrzania sie"
-zawieszenie sie na danej czynnosci (ja np robilam zdjecia w roznych trybach)
-uczucie przyjemnego ciepla
-chec tanczenia
-slowotok (w pozytywnym tego slowa znaczeniu - czyli nie "sraczka slowna") wielowatkowa rozmowa
-lekkie zmiany percepcji.
Po tym czasie nastapila kolejna "zmiana stanu" ktora objawiala sie:
-poczuciem wewnetrznego spokoju, radosci, rozluznienia
-zmianami percepcji (falowanie ksztaltow, lekkie OEV, zmiany kolorow, znieksztalceniami obrazu:
-pomiesczenie w ktorym sie znajdowalismy "oddychalo", falowalo, drgalo
-pojawialy sie lekkie fotopsje
-przedmioty "parowaly" kolorami)
-lepszym odbiraniem dzwiekow
-stanem pobudzenia mieszajacym sie ze stanem wyluzowania i checia obserwacji otoczenia.
To wszystko trwało tak do 3 nad ranem, pozniej "faza" zaczela powoli schodzic.
O godzinie 5 wlasciwie nie odczuwalam dzialania tabletki. Stopniowo ustawaly tez zmiany percepcyjne.
Okolo 6 faza zniknela calkowicie.
Wrocilam na hawire.
Teraz jest 12:52 jak pisze ten raport. Czuje sie dobrze, zejscia brak.
Wnioski (+ i -)
+wystarczy malo zjesc zeby miec bardzo pozytywne odczucia
+to jest wlasnie to czego szukam w tabletkach (polaczenie energii, euforii, spokoju i psychodelii)
+ogromna smiechawa
+brak szczekoscisku
+brak zejscia
+brak upierdliwego uczucia goraca
+dlugie dzialanie

- brak. No dobra, moze nie kazdy lubi takie stany. I nie szuka takich doznan.

Jak dla mnie to strzal w 10.
Ocena 10/10!!!

On friday I ate half of this pill. It kicked in after hour.
The signs were following:
-the feeling of "full stomach"
-the feeling of warmth and coolness
-light "pressure" on stomach and squeamish nausea (which lasted a while)
-energy "burst"
When the pill made oneself at home, the laughter increased. I couldn't stop laughing. It lasted ca 1-2 hours. After this time "high" changed and descended to a psychodelic and psychedelic form. (f.e edge undolations, colour changes
I didn't observed the end of the "high". (I didn't noticed any "hangover"). I slept for 1,5 hour and went to another party, where I took on 22:00 one pill.
I didn't have to wait long for effects, because they "appear" after 20-30 minutes after taking it. I felt warmth and I burst into laughter.
Together with people (who also took this "miracles" :P ) I comed up with quasi-neologisms and we generated new words, we killed oneself laughing by doing this. It lasted ca 1-1,5h.
After some time I felt coolness in feet (everyone, who did pills, felt this), and increase of energy.
I wanted to dance. Listening to music was a great pleasure, some kinda of logorrhea turned out.
After few minutes, I felt "sick", but for a short time.
In spite of nsa, nobody of us throwed up.
After this situation, pill kicked on definitely :)
Hmmmm... I'll describe in points what was going on, and what I felt during 1-1,5h.
-we laughed oneself sick
-concentration on one thing (f.e I was taking photos in different effects)
-feeling of nice warmth
-willigness to dance
-logorrhea (but in positive meaning - not a "word diarrhea"), (multithreaded discussion)
-mild perception changes
After this time the new state came up, which manifested with:
-being totally relaxed and chilled up
-feeling joy and happiness
-changing of perception (shapes undulation, mild OEV, colour changing, view deformations:
-the room, in which we raged on, twitched, waved and breathed :O
-fotopsions (?!) appeared
-objects were vaporizing in colours)
-music resounded clinking
-state of stimulation mixed up with state of clearance and wiligness of watching the surroundings.
This state persisted till 3 AM in the morning. Later the "high" began to diminish.
At 5 AM in fact I didn't feel the kick in of the tablet. Little by little let up changes of perception.
At 6 AM "high" disappeared.
I went back home.
Now is 12:52, when I'm writing this report. I feel good. No hangover.
WRAP-UP (+/-)
+the small amount is enough to acquire very positive feelings
+this is what I'm seeking in pills ("mixture" of energy, euphoria, chill out and psychodelic)
+great, great, great laughter
+no lock-jaw
+no hangover
+lack of annoying feeling of heat
+long lasting effects

-I don't see any negative sides of this pills... Ok.
-perhaps not everyone like such states, and doesn't search experiences like this.

For me this pills are "bang on"
Rating: 10/10!
I recommend them!

Stay safe!

PS: My English is not very good, so please don't take notice on mistakes ;) - Rated as low MDMA


emceone (member since March 28, 2008)

mhm .. 2-CB :)

September 27, 2009, 12:00 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Strong reaction to half a pill - I wonder what the mgs are in this? Thanks for sharing your experience with us :).

Please keep the comments in English or they will be removed! This is because too many people are leaving email addresses, contact information etc (sorry)

September 27, 2009, 9:02 pm GMT

bluecocaine (member since August 5, 2007)

They're 100 mg pills.
But I don't now how many gramms of 2cb per pill they consist.
Very strong reaction :D
And after 1 <lol>
Marvelous pills. I hope, that I'll get them soon...

September 27, 2009, 10:24 pm GMT

chemisphere (member since September 30, 2008)

.."objects were vaporizing in colours.." :)
bluecocaine; ..this is "DIAMOND'S ATMO" level -about 10mg:2c-b
-after 15mg:2c-b opened the "DIGITAL DIMENSION" ...
nice report :D

edit:I hope it was 2c-b ,because there are identical Mitsubishi containing mcpp+methamphetamine

September 27, 2009, 11:50 pm GMT

bluecocaine (member since August 5, 2007)

I think, that there was no meth, cuz after meth I had/ have (I don't take it now) very strong lock-jaw.
And my pupils were not dilated, as after takin f.e meth/amph or sth else. :P
mcpp? noooooo (so help me)

2C-B Dosages Oral
Threshold 2 - 5 mg
Light 5 - 15 mg
Common 15 - 30 mg
Strong 25 - 50 mg

So I think it was 2cb & mdXX.
Damn! I wan't my e-test! :P

September 28, 2009, 5:25 pm GMT

emceone (member since March 28, 2008)

Good pills.. But you must them be consumed some 3 - 4

December 1, 2009, 11:48 pm GMT

stru6ka (member since September 12, 2008)


May 18, 2013, 5:14 am GMT


Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.