Pill Report: Green Grenade
Green Grenade


Posted by
January 6, 2013
Date Submitted
The pill was the firmest press i'd ever seen. Green colour was both outside and in the pill.
Last Update
January 6, 2013
3.0 mm
10.0 mm
Firm pressed. Grenade textures present.
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

He was told these had a high amount of ecstasy on them, claiming 250mg per pill (although I believe this to be an exaggeration, the pills where still absurdly strong). I took these twice. First, I consumed one half a pill. I rolled harder than I ever have for about 3 hours, strong jaw clenching, and subconsious dancing. The second night I took a full pill. I had hallucinogenic visuals as strong as though I had taken mushrooms, but the roll felt super clean, and lasted only about four hours. I have consumed plenty of drugs, including RC's, it seems these where just super high in content rolls. Overheating became an issue on a full roll, and slight bouts of nausea where present but not detracting. Eye wiggles persisted to a point at which I could not read anything. The next day I felt physically drained but mentally ecstatic.

I do feel a warning is necessary for these. Because of the strength of effects on only one pill I can only imagine what more would do. I was with friends in a calm environment, and despite a lack of high-energy location still had a rise in body temp. It would likely be wise to start low with these.


crobarkid00 (member since August 22, 2011)

these r definitely imported pills, but i believe they r closer to the 170mg range, still strong beans thou

January 6, 2013, 7:21 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the report and welcome to the site.

Please do not add warnings simply because they are strong. By all means mention it in your user report but keep the warning for adulterants etc.

These are very strong pills and people should take care when dropping.

January 6, 2013, 11:15 am GMT

facedbeyond (Moderator)

I thought these were confirmed 200mg+....its probably just rumor like the skulls being 310mg. these are still one of the coolest presses ive ever seen.

January 6, 2013, 10:18 pm GMT

freshmints420 (member since August 16, 2010)

no these are 180mg and the skulls are actually 310mg is what i was told

January 7, 2013, 3:02 am GMT

vickslobotomy (member since December 18, 2011)

mmmmmmmm :))

January 7, 2013, 8:43 pm GMT

folley (member since April 26, 2011)

I'm glad to see we don't have such a big fuss over these reports anymore

thumbs up

January 7, 2013, 10:47 pm GMT

jimsteele (member since January 16, 2011)


January 7, 2013, 11:43 pm GMT

yodelingdog (member since January 6, 2013)

I'd definitely believe that they where only 180mg. I didnt ever contact the person selling these myself, it was all second hand. Definitely a fantastic press regardless.

January 8, 2013, 7:57 am GMT

quantumthizzics (member since January 9, 2013)

No contact talk plz* -chemically insane

January 9, 2013, 5:45 am GMT

mrnic3guy (member since August 11, 2012)

gotta love this press.. exaggerations and dealers go hand hand in hand bud haha. nice find

January 9, 2013, 3:21 pm GMT

ganjen (member since July 12, 2009)

folley wasnt it mainly you putting up those fusses? i think it was.

January 10, 2013, 10:50 am GMT

folley (member since April 26, 2011)

You are mistaken then my friend. I have long been saying that one of each import pill should be reported on in the American section for searching reasons

January 10, 2013, 10:58 pm GMT

we r1 (member since December 27, 2008)

/\ I still think it's a shytty idea to announce to homeland security and the DEA that these pills are being special-ordered overseas. You'd think if someone wanted to find a dutch pill, they would check the dutch section :?

Just making it harder for them to keep coming. I only get domestic pills but I'd hate to see imports get fucked up for those that get them because of a few show-off's

Besides - the search engine works worldwide...

January 20, 2013, 2:08 pm GMT

lay0low (member since January 23, 2013)


January 23, 2013, 3:33 am GMT

marquistadorous (member since January 8, 2010)

Man, PR is going downhill... I hate to be a downer, but am I the only one who sees these obviously aren't MDMA? Obvious RC/ Pipe press. First of all, just look at it. It is next to impossible to find a pill with MDMA that is that pressed so hard and, most importantly, super waxy.

"First, I consumed one half a pill. I rolled harder than I ever have for about 3 hours."

Unless you are in Switzerland, where ecstasy possession is just a minor offense and mdma is being produced with little penalties enforced, pills nowadays never contain enough MDMA to roll "harder than I ever have" off of a half pill. Pills in America basically never have over 100mg of MDMA in them, so a half of the strongest pill you could find in CO would be almost inactive (50mg). However, half of a pill with whoknowswhat drug in them could get you very high.

"The second night I took a full pill. I had hallucinogenic visuals as strong as though I had taken mushrooms"

MDMA does not make anyone have full blown mushroom-like hallucinations, even at high doses. Sorry.

Really don't mean to tear you apart dude, but this pill and report screams bunk. Just educate yourself a bit more and PLEASE get a test kit. No one should be without a marquis at the least. This just shows me how crappy the ecstasy scene in CO has become.

January 23, 2013, 7:05 am GMT

we r1 (member since December 27, 2008)

These don't even look like the real grenades from Holland.



January 23, 2013, 6:40 pm GMT

yodelingdog (member since January 6, 2013)

@ marquistadorous
, I appreciate the cause for concern. I am fairly interested in self education, particularly when it comes to harm reduction. I'd never take a pill I wasnt certain of the effects of the contents of. I have rolled before this, on decent and mediocre rolls, I dont believe this was anything less than MDMA. I am a lightweight, I was simply reporting what I experience. Again, I appreciate the concern, there is no doubt in my mind these where MDMA, from both having tried near every 5-MeO-(tryptamines) to deliberate experiments with pipes, NBOMes, etc. I just dont see what else it could be with a <5 hour duration, and effects unique to the phenethylamine class of compound in feel. I am not a regular roller though, certainly I was hit harder than most.

February 1, 2013, 6:48 am GMT

yodelingdog (member since January 6, 2013)

@we r1 perhaps my picture wasnt hi-res enough? I dont see the complete dissimilarity you do. Perhaps they are, but they are damn good at that. No way to know though.

February 1, 2013, 6:50 am GMT

newbornalien (member since June 17, 2016)

I don't get it all of the reports of these pills are good but I took these mutliple times, me and my friends didn't feel anything or barely anything from these pills.

June 17, 2016, 11:20 am GMT