Pill Report: 69


Posted by
July 20, 2010
Date Submitted
very thin.. very wide... bitter as fuck... red speckles all over thats it very plain looking.


same as those^ thanks for the pic hope its ok to take.. dint have one of my own an all in the sense of harm reduction :)
Last Update
July 22, 2010
Light pink with red speckles
Circle... very wide and thin
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Marquis Reagent
User Report

saw these all over the festival i was at... heard nothing but good things.. tested it.. best reaction i had out of the pressed pills i tested. as fast of a reaction as all the molly i tested. shit fuckin fizzed in turn black immediatly when the reactant hit it. popped one 45 min later was floored. dont remember the last time one pill did me in this good... shutter vision... empathy... everything i wanted out of a pill. better then the blue stars zorros lightbulbs and real g ladys ive had. this straight up prob best roll ive had. get um if you can!!

EDIT: dropped pill. within 15 minutes i could feel it. i knew it was gonna be a sweet fucking roll. within 45 i was floored i was like wtf!??!?! i felt like i dropped 4 blue stars at once... i rolled nicely for about 3 hrs. i only ate one fingerdab of molly during this time an this was about 2 hrs after i ate the roll.... usually i re dose every half hr to a hr.... with these one pill was almost to much no joke!!!! IF YOU ARE A NEWB START WITH 1/2! if you have a tolerence eat one... wait 45... if ur not satisfied eat another.. i gurantee you these are the best fuckin rolls ive ever had!! as soon as i started coming down i felt a slight back ache but i am VERY sensitive to drugs an no matter how clean i always tend to get mild lower back pains. felt like i could sleep like a baby on the comedown... no amp whatsover. these are fuckin clean baby!! an judging by the reports these are a yr old... so im VERYYY happy that they are still circulatin at festivals :) GET THEM!!!!


we r1 (member since December 27, 2008)

Got any pics? How was the comedown, sleeping afterward, next day, etc. A timeline would be nice. Thanks - we r1*Mod

July 20, 2010, 4:57 am GMT

eiffelrev (member since January 17, 2010)

Cannot believe these are still around. Some of the best rolls I've ever gotten. Picked them up about 4 months ago. Floored after one. Two were an amazing experience. Everything you would want from a roll. Straight clean MDMA

July 20, 2010, 9:03 pm GMT

eiffelrev (member since January 17, 2010)

I believe they came up from the southeast because I couldn't find a report on them back when I picked them up a few months back. They seem to be all over the southeast section. AHHHHH these were f***ing amazing!

July 20, 2010, 9:07 pm GMT

wompwompwomp (member since July 21, 2010)

I believe I was at the same festival, and these things floored me. Very sassy taste sensation. I would have gotten more if I didn't have to drive 15 hours back home.

July 21, 2010, 7:43 pm GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

^TRUTH!!! these were the best rolls ive ever had hands down. the pill barely even hit my tougne an i tasted the bitterness.... i haven't been floored on one pill since i started rolling... i havent had the luxury of trying pokeballs or mints but this straight up is the best roll ive ever had!!! a bunch of my friends took these home for another concert this week an each took one an where uncomfortably rolling... i had another friend who hadn't rolled in 3 months an ate HALF an was faced!! these rolls are the fucking shit if you can get them DO IT!!! they are so basic its great just red speckles you can tell the chemist just made a basic roll that packed a punch nothing to flashy just fucking small and perfect not to much filler. had the best reaction out of any pressed pill at the festival.. literally went black an fizzed immediatly on contact.. these tested as good as the molly samples i was testing... IF YOU SEE THE 69'S GET THEM!!!!

July 22, 2010, 3:41 pm GMT

wompwompwomp (member since July 21, 2010)

I have had a blue star pokeball, and these are a little bit better. The 69's are slightly stronger. Never had the Mints, but I consider myself lucky to have seen pokes. They don't really hit our scene on the east coast. More of a West/Mid-West thing if you look at the locations of the reports. I say these are comparable to the red buddahs, back when they were good in '08. I love flat thin pressies that are straight as fuck. The buddahs were pressed about the same size.

July 22, 2010, 10:16 pm GMT

fatima (member since February 21, 2010)

I ground scored this pill at a festival last week. Good Roll!

July 23, 2010, 7:43 am GMT

wompwompwomp (member since July 21, 2010)

@Rollin: Have you seen the alleged inverted b circle logos? I heard they're 150mg+, but I have no confirmed sighting. I think it is just a funny rumor.

July 23, 2010, 10:45 pm GMT

boriano87 (member since April 26, 2010)

Please read the guidlines
No sourcing / dealing / leaving contact inforation.



July 25, 2010, 4:18 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

these were just so good... o to go back in time.. :)

July 25, 2010, 5:59 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

an nah inverted b circle logos? neva heard. but there were these blue blanks going around that my boy had that he said were fuckin amazing... never made it over with my test kit to confirm but he has a legit source comin frm europe... super fuckin jealous... wish i culda tried um... :(

July 25, 2010, 6:12 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

an boriano hope that aint directed at me... not allowed 2 contact on this site an shit you shuld know that :)

July 25, 2010, 6:13 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

o wait womp womp i think i might no what ur talkin about? are they the DB logo or sumtin? (might have NO idea what your talkin about hahha)

July 26, 2010, 4:02 am GMT

wompwompwomp (member since July 21, 2010)

Yeah, it is the circle logo apparently.

July 26, 2010, 9:29 pm GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

^hahha i do know what you are talking about then! thats hilarious, definetly a well circulated tall tale im sure but i bet there is probably some that are 80-100 mg that everyone thinks are just so bomb that they slap the 150+mg tag on them.. hahah people looooove to bullshit funny we've heard the same thing tho... i am really beating myself up over not stockin up on those 69's... tasted like straight molly didn't even bite them an i STILL tasted that lovely bitter taste on the way down ahh to go back to the festival.. those were definetly the best ones circulating i tested over 20 pressies an those were the ones i went with an choose to advertise to EVERYONE around me.. o to go back..

July 27, 2010, 4:19 am GMT

wompwompwomp (member since July 21, 2010)

I was able to get these at about the same rate as the cherry cola molly that was going around, but I still liked these better. Did you test the cherry cola at all?

July 27, 2010, 2:16 pm GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

^no i didn't but i did hear of it... i'm sure you also heard of purple moonrocks? didn't get to test those eaither but heard both cherry cola molly and purple moonrocks were legit from friends.. an i trust these friends. fuck i really REALLY miss these 69's.... my friends are goin to another festival this weekend an i have them all on the lookout for them..

July 30, 2010, 6:40 am GMT

wompwompwomp (member since July 21, 2010)

I may have been at that same festival. People knew they were good, but they were taxed. Mostly 420's and cutout hearts, which we all know, are meth bombs. I called out some people on it, and they threatened to beat my ass.
Moonrocks are the shit, a little better than cherry cola.

Funny story: On shakedown, there was a kid hustlin' with a keyboard sampler they adjusted the pitch on each key. Out of nowhere, you here this synth sounding "Moonrocks!!!!!" in different pitches one after another. Best gimmick ever :)

August 9, 2010, 7:44 pm GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

^hahha thats a dope idea! an yah i saw mostly 420s and the 3d hearts you speak of which were called "bleeding hearts" i was holy fuck that is NOT something i want to eat!

August 10, 2010, 3:55 am GMT

wompwompwomp (member since July 21, 2010)

Jesus Christ, did you see how dirty those bleeding hearts really were on ecstasy data?

September 9, 2010, 1:51 am GMT

twizzy (member since July 11, 2010)

i need my hands on these i hear nothing but good things.. im in nyc all the time too but havent ran into them yet here in ct or nyc but i will!!

September 23, 2010, 2:35 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

these were straight up the best rolls ive ever had... miss them :(

October 9, 2010, 6:44 pm GMT

saf3ty1st (member since October 16, 2010)

These are probably mostly gone, but just in case this might be useful info:

I had these tested by a lab. They are not adulterated and contain ~35mgs of MDMA per ~183mg pill. Pretty crappy, but at least they are clean.

I'm guessing most positive posts above were made by dealers.

October 17, 2010, 2:14 am GMT

wompwompwomp (member since July 21, 2010)

When and where were these tested?

December 1, 2010, 4:23 am GMT

saf3ty1st (member since October 16, 2010)

They were tested around October 1st. They were purchased around July, from New York.

They were tested in Spain by a harm prevention lab. Several pills were combined to obtain average weight and content.

Don't get me wrong, I still like these, but they aren't one hit wonders.

December 15, 2010, 10:04 pm GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

wit all due respect saf3ty1st maybe a different batch. i have had my share of experience wit mdma an having one be enough to floor me means these had to be 80+...35 psht that dose would't be enough to make anyone roll let alone be floored. ppl that said these r bomb rnt dealers they just know good pills.

March 17, 2011, 10:13 pm GMT

cortes45236 (member since May 13, 2011)

these hands down are the best, rollin on these is lovely miss them :(

May 13, 2011, 1:24 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)


July 12, 2011, 6:26 pm GMT