Pill Report: Tulip

Melbourne, Victoria

Posted by
October 19, 2005
Date Submitted
These pills look quite nice. A good press yet not too hard. As these pills are a little chalky they are easily broken up and powdered into a few lines. The logo is a litle difficult to make out at first but is clearly a flower.
Flower (Tulip)
6.0 mm
8.0 mm
Smooth and chalky
Sharp edges, no bevelling
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx High
User Report

Three different people all consummed these pills from the same batch with varied results. Overall everyone thought "great pill", the female who injested this pill along with a single line went straight up within 1-2 minutes with full eye wobbles and jaw clentching, middle sized guy 70-80 kg took about 20 minutes to experience these same effects after consuming the pill with three lines while heavier set male 100kg took a good 45 minutes for similar effects from the pill and two lines. Quite a long peak was experineced (approximatly 2 hours) and very nice clean comedown by all however greatest effects were experienced by the smaller female. I highly recommend this pill however if you are a larger male and/or experienced pill muncher then consider buying 2 or 3 at least for a big night. If you are a smaller female I think 1 should get you going for most of the night. NOTE: Have indicated the contence may be MDxx and Amphetamine this is not supported by testing evidence however they had a slight speedy feel, this may be due to the high MDxx dosage in the pills.


hardiman (member since October 3, 2005)

yeh, me n' sum mates had these last night, fukin madd pillz went cheers got shakes within first 5mins, then took bout 40mins to hit peak, im 90kg, fukin went hard all night, droped at about 8:50pm started to come down about 1:30 then came bak up after listening to sum techaz on tha way home, was then goin till about 4:00am only droped one

October 19, 2005, 12:26 pm GMT

munchon (member since October 19, 2005)

I had a few of these & thought they were pretty good 4 - 5 hours of arse shaking of the dance floor nice & loved up...

October 19, 2005, 2:17 pm GMT

kenobee (member since October 3, 2005)

good to see these are still floating around.......they seem to have effects equally as good as the orange butterflies which are also floating around melbourne atm.............it seems melbourne is getting some half decent quality pills finally

October 20, 2005, 12:19 am GMT

backstreetgirl (member since September 30, 2005)

These are my my fave....over the green mitsi's too!

October 20, 2005, 6:46 am GMT

fuck pma (member since October 1, 2005)

These would have to be one of the dirtier pills on the market at the momment without a doubt.

October 20, 2005, 7:56 am GMT

kenobee (member since October 3, 2005)

why u say dat fuckpma?

green mitsi's were pretty dirty i must say.......

October 20, 2005, 9:05 am GMT

fordfalcon460 (member since October 6, 2005)

fuckpma clearly has no idea what he is talking about.

These pills are very good, they are definately not the same as the butterflies, the flies are good but these tulips are way better. Probably the best pills i ever had along with orange doves.

October 20, 2005, 10:20 am GMT

fuck pma (member since October 1, 2005)

It is you my friend who has no idea. Anyone who knew distinct differences between similar phenethylamines, in this case MDxx would Agree. Sure they get you "fully sick fucked up yo" but in all seriousness, they are by far not what i commonly associate with MDMA.

October 20, 2005, 12:29 pm GMT

cozmickske (member since October 20, 2005)

Hey fukpma.....

im not a big e user.. but ive got these tulips and ive foudn they make me feel reall sick in the stumic.. each time i had them ive felt that sick its not enjoyable..
is this wat u mean by there dirty? becos i aslo had the yelow doves witch i was told were similar and i didnt feel sick on tho's........

like i said im not the bigest user...

also can anyone tell me..
is it ok for my ( heart/body ) 2 mix 2 diffrent pills
in one nite.. im quite a small person .. like half a tulip/dove is enough 4 me in 1 nite.. but new years is coming and i wana try something new...???


October 20, 2005, 1:03 pm GMT

nice1bruvvah (member since September 30, 2005)

I'd tend to agree with FPMA on this one- i haven't tried tulips but distictly remember a recent report saying there was something dodgy/dirty about the tulips around atm.
do your research ppl- all that glitters aint always gold. PS- for ppl not in the know- listen to FPMA, he knows what hes on about!!

^^ as for double-dating with 2 pill types, go for it if u know what you're taking. i'd test both pills first tho or only use ones i'd had before and knew strength of batch etc. just take it easy, listen to your body, and know your substance and theres nothing to worry about. mind u tho, the comedown is never as good off lots of shit mixed together as off purer substances, and thats one thing thats MUCH harded to avoid off 2 different pills. but most ppl i know use pills plus meth, speed, weed, acid, ketamine, and whatever when they feel like it- and as long as u play it safe and know what you've got and what it'll do to u, you'll be fine.

he who dares, my son!!

October 20, 2005, 2:30 pm GMT

dg102 (member since September 30, 2005)

fuckpma - I have to agree with fordfalcon. Ive consumed quite a few of these bix. They definatly contain mdma. Its funny you couldnt feel it. When I drop, i dont take anything else, no alchahol, no speed, nothing just pill. I think this is the only way to do pills. Alot of people drink or do speed when they drop. Just so u guys know, pills are soooo much better when you take em by themselves. Less sick feelings, much cleaner. These are a definate mix of mdma and mda - i would say a very good dose too. Probably 10 parts mdma to 1 part mda. I get butterflies everytime i take a pill. Some people can't handle that and heave on strong pills. These are strong pills. Ive heard alot of people are getting sick on these. Its all in your mind. I too used to get sick off strong pills. Then I learned how to ride the trip. Makes pinging sooo much nicer. Accept your trip and ride it. If i overwealmed by a pill when my peaks coming on. I close my eyes and i trip. I can close my eyes when I'm E'n at a rave listening to hardcore trance for hours at a time. I love it. One of my favorite trips is that I'm riding a dragon, into battle, like in lord of the Rings, with the hardcore bangin music in the background. Its a beautiful trip, gives me strength. Remember you can choose to reject your trip or accept it. Acceptance is a really strong word. If your peakin out think of words like control and strength and acceptance. Suggestive thought is a powerful thing when your E'n, use it! Remember that its a beautiful thing.

October 20, 2005, 2:41 pm GMT

ekstasis (member since September 29, 2005)

It is difficult to tell from your picture if this is a new batch with a dodgy looking press or if it's just a very poor photo. If these are the same batch as going around ealier this year and again recently in the last couple of months, they definately DO NOT CONTAIN MDA... I tested them using all 5 different reagents and robadope did not react (ie. No Primary amine such as amphetamine, MDA or PMA) ... And I am confident my robadope reagent works as I've tested 2 differnt kinds of Capsules that both have tested postive to Robadope. One was tested only recently.

Please have a read of my report on the Yellow Tulips if you have the time. I'm sure you'll get a better idea of how they differ in effects from pure MDMA and are more than likey in my opinion to contain a large dose of MDEA rather than MDMA.

October 20, 2005, 3:27 pm GMT

cozmickske (member since October 20, 2005)

dg102 sounds like u eat mushrooms as well?

becos thats how i feel about shrooms....

just i dont trust e's as much as i didnt pick them myself....

and i dont no wat is in them...
and if my body will accpet it or not....

October 20, 2005, 3:47 pm GMT

dg102 (member since September 30, 2005)

hey cozmickse, its funny u say that cause shrooms r practically the only thing i havnt tried, for the same reason u havnt tried pills, I dont know how big a dose of stricnine or whatever it is u get when u take em, also i dont really like psycadelix anymore. I guess i'm lucky with pills, i'm very close with my D and he uses too so we dont get shit pills. I dont recommend takin pills unless you know what there like. Or at least take halves and use this place a guide and u should be right.

October 20, 2005, 4:19 pm GMT

dg102 (member since September 30, 2005)

ekstasis - u can't tell the difference between mdea and mdma using a tester can u? I'm only going by my personal experiences on these pills.

October 20, 2005, 4:26 pm GMT

cozmickske (member since October 20, 2005)

yer ive ate bix b4
just mixing 2 diffrent types in the 1 nite... im a bit sus on

becos both of them have a diffrent make up...
and maybe some chemicals might react badly to other chemcals in the other pill

October 20, 2005, 4:46 pm GMT

complex (member since September 29, 2005)

yeah how, or why do some people think these are 'dirty'? If they do infact contain a large dose of mdea how is that bad? I mean i know it is not mdma and may not produce some of the desired effects of mdma, but it is in the mdxx family and surely must be better than getting a k bomb or a speed pill. Im not sure if reagents test kits can tell the exact differences between the mdxx family, ill check my test kits.
I guess another point is that its not just the active mdxx like substance in pills, but other shit that may be getting pressed for various reasons (in production and for quantity, not usually for quality, colours, textures) If uv ever pressed pills you kn ow its as easy as putting what ever powder u want through the hopper. so be careful what u dump, even a test kit wont show up alot of toxic crap,.

October 20, 2005, 5:21 pm GMT

disorientated (member since September 29, 2005)

these r putred bring back the orange stars

October 20, 2005, 9:36 pm GMT

cyberdyne (member since September 30, 2005)

for clarification:

The use of the term 'dirty' refers to anything at all that is not MDMA. An MDA pill is a dirty pill. It does not mean you feel dirty inside, or it is a nasty experience...I prefer MDA to MDMA. Its simply the meaning of the term, and this confusion is why its generally a good idea to avoid slang terms.

Coversely, a clean pill is one with a good hit of almost entirely mdma.

October 21, 2005, 3:14 am GMT

search4thebest (member since September 30, 2005)

I agree with ekstasis, compared to the yellow tulips that were out not long ago the tulips in ur pic have to either be a remake or a really bad pressed original. In my opinion these look like remakes...But i just have one question, does anyone know for sure if these r remakes or not?

October 21, 2005, 3:50 am GMT

dg102 (member since September 30, 2005)

search4thebest - these bix are exactly the same as the older ones - look at the ruler in the photo - the reason they look chipped is cause of the resolution, have a look at the 1 on the side, its perfectly flat. The tulips i got the other day look identical to the tulips i got 3 months ago.

October 21, 2005, 4:14 am GMT

ninja (member since October 20, 2005)

October 21, 2005, 5:39 am GMT

ninja (member since October 20, 2005)

Had a couple of these puppies a few months back.....can't say I've been that wreckerd off of one pill, without any nasty comedowns for a long time. Am looking forward to these crossing my path again if the same batch!!

Need to know bout a cpl of pills which i have recently acquired in Melbourne, can't find any reports on them - One is a really dark blue/Teal w/Playboy bunny stamp, Other is a light blue/Grey with a Lexus symbol...- If anyone in the area has Had/tested/heard of these, your feedback would be much appreciated!!!

October 21, 2005, 5:47 am GMT

picadore (member since September 30, 2005)

ninja-if you have mesurments and/or a photo of the pills you should try bluelight australian drug descussion.

October 21, 2005, 7:11 am GMT

kenobee (member since October 3, 2005)

i agree with cyberdyne..........i prefer MDA to MDMA as well.......its similar to MDMA but feels messier and makes you trip a little bit.....not too much though.....and has a generally warmer fuzzier messy feeling and lasts alot longer than MDMA........if i want to consume MDMA i usually go buy MDMA caps instead

October 21, 2005, 8:15 am GMT

cyberdyne (member since September 30, 2005)

thats ok dg102...different areas and social groups often have different meanings to slang terms. Perhaps you could elaborate on what it means for you and your social circle?

October 21, 2005, 9:53 am GMT

mavrick157 (member since October 4, 2005)

does anyone think these look different to the press that was around about 1 1/2 months ago, they dont look as well pressed

October 21, 2005, 10:25 am GMT

six ways till sunday (member since October 21, 2005)

Well hello.... as the previous 27 messages have implied, much has been said regarding the contents of these yellow tulips...
I have read with much interest as to what everbody thinks regarding wether they're mdma,mda,mdea or combined of one of the two mentioned....
Well i decided to add to this debate as it amused me too see people getting so fired up about supspected contents of these pills when it is obvious (too anyone, me included as i have ate quite a few of this pill) that these tulips contain MDXX...Without getting too longwinded about it, i haven't had a pill for nearly a month and before that was a heavy user eating up to 3 to 4 a weekend..... and during this time i found i had to argue the point as too wether a pill was mdma or mdea yada yada....i do appreciate that this website focuses on harm-minimisation and knowledge is power etc etc, but i have noticed that people get quite pissed off to who they think is right on suspected contents.... i guess i'm saying somtimes you just gotta get over it....you will get some wanker trying to tell you a speedbomb is a great E(not in this case!)...people are always gonna have differing opinions....does it really matter too much??

And now after that self-righteous spill im gonna give u my opinion...lol...these are definately MDEA!!!
I concur with eskstasis(great previous report by the way!!) and too anyone esle who has thought they are mdea, as they have all the classic signs.....a definately mdxx type peak butnot "loved up" like a true mdma peak, theres definately a messy feel to them(as someone else wrote) and there is also a distinc lack of empathy and they seem to last longer than a true mdma buzz...( i beleive people have stated being drained afterwards, i totally agree)....no i didn't test these pills but too anyone who has taken enough of mdma mdea and mda will know the subtle differences between them and to me, it seems obvious that these are mdea....people these days just assume that anyhting that has an "mdxx feel" too it is automatically MDMA....well i just felt like expressing this, even tho it will prolly take an eternity to read..

October 21, 2005, 3:43 pm GMT

six ways till sunday (member since October 21, 2005)

One last thins....after consuming these fairly recently and a couple of months before hand, i really doubt they're different batches....but who knows

October 21, 2005, 3:45 pm GMT

ian hard (member since October 3, 2005)

Considering that pills consumed are not made by Phamaceutical companies variations etc are likely to occur.

Remember we are dealing (no pun) with a product that is "illegal" as a result who knows what's in each pill?

So I'd have to agree with FPMA

October 22, 2005, 2:45 am GMT

goldenv (member since October 22, 2005)

adding my experience.... mixed these with red russians back at the start of august, had 4 rr thru the night (also mad pills) then got on to the yellow tulips about 5 in the morning and we all dropped about 5.30 by six everyone was smacked out major, people just rushing/tripping hardcore had a line of speed about 6.30 and is the last thing i remember until 8.45 when a few of my mates who only just turned up then found me in the back yard looking over fences and running round in bare feet... from wot i remember it felt as we were all on H everyone in their own little worlds. prob the best pill i ever had, or ver close to.

October 22, 2005, 8:52 am GMT

complex (member since September 29, 2005)

eew yeh that's disgusting.

October 22, 2005, 7:05 pm GMT

six ways till sunday (member since October 21, 2005)

definately mdea.....no doubt about it

October 23, 2005, 3:43 pm GMT

ian hard (member since October 3, 2005)

Funny....The forum says 33 comments...but only 8 appear???

October 25, 2005, 12:38 am GMT

anethepeaker (member since October 3, 2005)

A new batch is going around in melbourne,i had one of the first ones that were going around and they were awesome. im getting a few this weekend and ill report back if they had the same effects or not!!!

October 27, 2005, 10:57 am GMT

scatter brain (member since October 29, 2005)

I agree with MDEA, for those who don't know; it's similar in ways but different to MDMA.
As for the "New Batch" anethepeaker, it isn't. You should be aware that the big boys often put alot of a good batch aside for times like now when all the pills are shit. You may also see some of the Green Mishis from back in April/May re-appear soon I hear.

October 29, 2005, 4:19 am GMT

fordfalcon460 (member since October 6, 2005)

These pills are extremely powerful and weird. My mates had them and really enjoyed them, said they were the best pills ever. So different to any other pills, just made them trip out hardcore, seeing each others faces rapidly morph into thousands of different people, some really powerfull shit, probably not MDMA, i dont know.

November 3, 2005, 11:30 am GMT

jazmin210 (member since November 10, 2005)

these ne good for first timers..

November 10, 2005, 2:09 am GMT

jazmin210 (member since November 10, 2005)

im proly like 63 kgs female but quiet tall so yea.. id b taking them in a club enviroment

November 10, 2005, 2:10 am GMT

pillage (member since October 1, 2005)


November 26, 2005, 2:17 am GMT

samael (member since December 15, 2005)

they r the bomb and i finally found more:)

December 20, 2005, 2:44 pm GMT

butane bob (member since December 18, 2005)

Yeah chamone you better believe this shit, these are hot! Had 2 of these last night (up the nose) over a period of about 4 hours and me and my mate were both fingered the whole time and we're not exactly first timers. Easily the best i've had since orange butterflies.
Now clearly there're more than one lot of these getting around, ask around before you purchase and if you can find out what's in them do not pass up the chance to grab some of the good variety!

December 30, 2005, 3:06 am GMT

peaks (member since December 17, 2005)

THESE WHERE FUCKING SICK AS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 31, 2005, 1:33 am GMT

highrolla (member since January 17, 2006)

These bix are the shit! Happy to report that there are still a few getting around Melbourne. Split two between four of us Saturday night and half an hour later we were all rolling around proper munted. None of us are what you would call first-timers either. Definitely going to get some more!

January 17, 2006, 11:07 am GMT

estty13 (member since June 14, 2012)

you reckon they'll ever come back?

June 14, 2012, 9:28 am GMT