Pill Report: Orange Apples
Orange Apples


Posted by
October 17, 2005
Date Submitted
No score on the back.
4.0 mm
8.0 mm
Normal - not too hard or crumbly
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
User Report

Average MD pill. Had an enjoyable night on these, certainly not as strong as the Yellow Tulips or Green Mitsi's but a decent buzz nonetheless.


chopper (member since October 11, 2005)

Nice pills, recommend, not mega intense, but very cruisy and nice. 2 for the nite

October 12, 2005, 7:11 am GMT

backstreetgirl (member since September 30, 2005)

how is that pink?

October 12, 2005, 9:23 am GMT

undertaker (member since September 30, 2005)

Yeah they is definatly orange. I had one of these, they dont make you rush hard, but they are great to be social on. You can chill with a mild buzz and keep it all together well. I want a few more. Everything I have at the moment gives hard rushes and you can't talk to people who arn't on drugs without being busted for being on drugs. I had no problems conceling my wastedness on these bics, however I knew I was right on it!!

October 13, 2005, 9:18 am GMT

notlame (member since October 3, 2005)

Dropped one of these, had some nice MD effects but certainly wasn't knocked on my arse.

I have low-medium tolerance.

Was very dancy and social until the peak wore off after 2/3 hours.

Very little jaw grind, seems to be a fairly clean pill.

October 14, 2005, 9:00 pm GMT

ekstasis (member since September 29, 2005)

Pretty sure these are all the same pills as the ones with either a bird/dolphin/butterfly pressed on it. Check in this report...

I had a half (with the butterfly logo looks like in the link above) in Syndey. Also had a quater (with the apple logo) in Melbourne. Was given by friends on the night so I didn't get to use my EZ-Test: Complete. I'm well expereinced with MDMA and these seem to have exactly all the effects. Both had the usual strong bitter chemical MD taste and made me feel very nice, relaxed, peaceful, happy, honest and touch felt so nice.

Cannot comment too much on strength as both times I consumed at the end of a big night out. Half one time in Sydney and a quater the other time in Melbourne was enough to get me feeling very nice, happy, relaxed and loved up again. My guess is the dose ammount is quite descent but maybe not very strong.

October 16, 2005, 8:38 am GMT

hoptis (member since October 7, 2005)

UPDATED: Sorry, change pill color to orange. Listed it as pink because they were sold to me as "pink apples" but in hindsight (and actually looking at my own photo) they are probably orange. Ha-ha :)

October 17, 2005, 9:08 am GMT

cozmickske (member since October 20, 2005)

had these couplemonths back....

half an apple - half a yelow dove


the visuals were STRONGER THEN ACID
eveything wen SUPER 3d on me
it was like i was in a video game
was GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 23, 2005, 1:09 am GMT

jumpincrazy (member since October 29, 2005)

picked up a few of these up last night so looking forward to trying em....i'll get back to everyone with results shortly

October 29, 2005, 10:19 am GMT

blakus (member since November 4, 2005)

a resonable batch not too bad, i guess , good for being social but seriously is not stronger then acid (thats just a silly thing to say or u get sh** acid) but yes kept me awake and no dramatic come down effects though my m8 who had one was in an unnaturally friendly mood so if you have a level of tolerance its ok but if you don't its awsome or so he told me while trying to lap dance a poker machine

November 4, 2005, 9:10 pm GMT

jumpincrazy (member since October 29, 2005)

finally took the apples that i picked up last week just chilling with a few mates at a pool place...took half at 11pm then other half about 11.20pm, then split my next half with a mate at 12 and let me say although i wasnt clubbing this bic was working me out a bit...making me so chatty to the point my mates tell me to shutup coz i couldnt stop... eye wobbles for the next hour and a nice rush or 2 here and there but all in all a clean pill...not bad comedown either....i have little to medium tolerance by the way and massive pupils too :)

November 6, 2005, 5:11 am GMT

junkyexcel (member since November 6, 2005)

Popped half at 12am and then the another half at 12.30am No massive head rushes but having a great time, very energetic, social and lots of fun little peaks. 3am I thought the effects completely wore off so I popped half then another half at 3.30am. This is when things started to get really fucked.

15 mins after the last half I sat down with a couple of friends coz I was peaking like never before with my eyes wobbling up and down in the mirror and felt like they were popping out of my head. I couldn't even tell my heart beat coz it felt like almost a constant pulse. Then the music sounded like it was a million miles away and all I could feel was how much my head was tingling. I couldn't move to any beat sitting down becuase I couldn't work out which part was the bass from the other sounds. It took me about 15 seconds to register what anyone was saying to me and then I couldn't even answer them properly. Then I would start like hyperventilating where my breathing was really fast and irregular. This lasted I reckon about an hour and was the scariest fucking shit ever. I had never been like that with any pill and thought I was going to collapse any moment.

To make things worse, I was full on paranoid that everyone was staring at me. Everyone who walked by and looked in my direction seemed like they were eye-balling me and all I could see were the dark of their eyes. I was convinced that they were because maybe my eyes were so big. But friends were convincing me that it was all in my mind. In the car about an hour later, I was still in another planet for another hour at least. Couldn't keep a conversation and when I turned around in the front seat all my friends were still staring at me. I looked at my arms and it felt shit was crawling up them too.

So yeh, about 20 mins after the second pill the peak was overwhelming. I was convinced that there was something wrong about the second pill. But I spoke to a few friends and they reckon that I just took the last one too quickly and my tolerance is still pretty low. I have taken about 12 pills since late March and the last time I took a pill was about 1 and half months ago and the last few times I would take about 1 and a half pills in halves spaced over about 6 hours. Also, this girl who only did half of one of my pills last night went home early and I found out in the morning that she had some strange feeling and felt sick for about an hour and was throwing up. She said she had never felt like that either and she has a medium tolerance and has been doing it for a lot longer than me.

My brother tested it with the Mendelin or something and he said that the pill looked normal for a MD pill. But he only takes speed so I'm thinking that maybe he didn't do it properly. The ones I took were identical to the one in the picture and I bought it from my brother who bought it from a friend on Friday night.

So fuk I just want to know if these pills seem dodgy or maybe I just went out too hard because I took a bit more than I normally would? I had 6 beers before as well but was just a little tipsy but in a really good mood. Is hyperventilating and getting paranoid a normal thing??? Will I get it again if you do a little bit too much or was it just something in the pill. It was the scariest fucking thing ever!

November 6, 2005, 9:11 am GMT

junkyexcel (member since November 6, 2005)

November 6, 2005, 9:14 am GMT

mdma gaaren (member since October 18, 2005)

Yeah I took 2 of these this week both on seperate occassions. One on Tuesday night and the other last night (Thursday).

Tuesday Night: Decided to do some maths homework before the pill kicked in as I am some what behind in my maths class (no guesses why, hahaha) and was chilling out doing some co-ordinate geometry listening to techno. At about 45-50 minutes after ingestion noticed a high lift in mood and got up out of my seat and started dancing without the lights on. I then noticed that I had glowsticks in my drawer. I made the conclusion after grabbing an orange and pink (I thought the little round sticker was red) glowstick that those two colours together were somehow wicked to dance with. Wen't out side listening to my mp3 player and all of a sudden got a massive head rush so tried to sit down to have a smoke but couldn't sit still. I felt very floaty when I walked around having the cigarette and felt some what better when I went back inside. Came back in and listened to a bit more music but noticed that I didn't really feel like dancing anymore. Also didn't feel very loved up throughout the peak, but rather curious. This was strange for me because normally I am VERY loved up on pills. I checked the time and it was only about 1.5 hours after it started to peak so I got a bit annoyed with the pill and decided to do some drama homework with my mum. hahaha. I was fairly chatty and curious while doing it and allways opted to help and then at around about 9:00 (dropped at 7, peak started at around 7:40ish) wanted another one but knew I had school the next day so just went to bed at 10:00. My pupils were still massive at this stage. My mind seemed to think that it wasn't that good of a pill, but in analysis it's exactly what it should have been. Controllable but you know you're not sober!

Thursday Night: Got home from a session and decided to take some codeine. 24 nurofen's later and about 2 hours after taking them, decided to have a pill. Popped one of these again and in about 40 minutes this time the effects were in. The weed and codeine had allready played around with music and made it sooooo euphoric in my head but when this lollie kicked in all of a sudden, I started charging and my right leg (hanging off a chair) started bobbing up and down like crazy. This peak was much more mellow and chargy (mellow due to codeine and def budds mixture taken before hand) and somewhat more enjoyable than Tuesday night. The peak on this one definately lasted 3 hours + as when I went to have a shower 3 hours later I was listening to hardcore rock and just going nuts in the shower loving the shit out of that music and still feeling very loved up (sent soooooo many appreciation directed emails and messages and on some forum website just complimenting everyone, this is throughout the peak) checked my pupils and still they were massively dilated. I still felt very mellow thought process but I was racing. Just appreciating a good night for me! School the next day was fine aswell. Comedown is seldom felt on these.

In summary, I think a medium dose of MDMA but probably would have to have 2 to charge hard if you like that. If you want a pill that knocks your socks off and munts you down hard, don't get these. If you want to have a nice time just talking and being more social and maybe a bit dancy, then take these.

November 11, 2005, 10:42 am GMT

trancechik 83 (member since October 2, 2005)

dropped one of these babies last night. Have a fairly decent tolerance (2-3 in a night) all in all, not too bad. been having MD capsules lately so it was a nice change. really cruisy pill, got a few warm tingles, bit of eye rolling and jaw trembling, but not much. Took about 15-20 minutes to settle in and feeling of being mashed had pretty much disappeared an hour after taking them. They seemed a little speedy tho, cos I was rocking for the next 4 hours (granted I had a line as well, lol). Good pill if you want something cruisy without hitting u majorly hard.

November 13, 2005, 12:07 am GMT

pillage (member since October 1, 2005)

December 19, 2005, 2:27 am GMT

pillage (member since October 1, 2005)

Yeh i had one of these on Saturday night, just meeting a friend in the city. I popped at 10:30, then began to feel the effects around 11:20. I knew i could feel it because for some reason i was showing my friend the entire contents of my bag, including a glow stick, a plastic dick lol and all the photos on my camera etc. I had major cravings for water and chewing gum so i set out on a mission to obtain them. All in all i would say these are an awesome pill as i generally don't feel shit off just one pill these days. Extremely cruisy ride with no obvious come down. Also i suspected these may have had some speed in them but some people have ruled that out after doing tests. I base this on the fact that i couldn't sleep a wink all night and i did feel more energetic that usual. Only negative thing i have to say is that the next morning my gums were very mangled up. I usually do quite a bit of damage to my mouth after popping tho, maybe its got something to do with having braces which r comin off on wednesday so it will b interesting to see if that eases up from now on. Anywayz i reccomend these bics definately, i might get a few more for new years

December 19, 2005, 2:36 am GMT

asouljah (member since November 22, 2005)

just a reminder ppl dont hav the green apples had 1 nye andit didnt do nething it was lyk havin a lil taste ov speed so dun buy them

January 2, 2006, 7:59 am GMT

9monkeys (member since January 20, 2006)

didn't think these guys were too fantastic... not much of an effect for me

January 20, 2006, 10:46 am GMT

glowstickboy (member since March 20, 2006)

love these. If you are a first time popper or really low tolerance, be ready for the effects that junkyexcel experienced (above). Same thing happened to my mate. Only sad thing is, I don't think they are going to be many of these left. Can someone recommend any other pills that are similar to these ones?

March 21, 2006, 1:14 am GMT

adrenalin gal (member since November 21, 2005)

I'm from Sydney and loved these babies!!! My man and I visited the Fruit Shop on NYE and came across these apples! We bombed around 10pm, took about 40mins to come on and when it did WOW WEE!! I could not focus when the peak hit me, eyes were shot all over the place and not to mention my pupils massive! Legs a lil wobbly, music was tuning in and out of my ears, nice lil rushes, very chatty, overall feeling good about myself and confidence plus! The smile was glued on my face for the duration of the 3hr peak! Bombed another 2 after that about 3hrs apart. We danced our butts off at UN till 10am.....then after that MAGOTTED but in a nice way....hehe! Nice clean come down and no seedy after feeling and head f***! I know these "PUT A SMILE ON DIAL".....and I'm visiting the Fruit Shop again tommorrow cause they're still around. Cheers

April 7, 2006, 3:57 pm GMT

shokk (member since April 17, 2006)


→ a medium to high dose of MDxx (I suspect MDMA or similar/related substances)
→ also a low to medium dose of some kind of amphetamine (they are quite speedy and make you move around lots)
→ they do not hit you hard straight away (wont make you a social retard!)
→ most people find that these pills really just keep creeping and creeping up on you unitl you realise you have been nicely effected for a long time
→ extremely clean pill (just a notable mix of that smooth MD feeling and buzzy speed feeling - likely to produce that really happy feeling you associate with your first few pills)
→ quite 'lovey','chatty' and 'cruisy' with lots of energy
→ not very 'munty' (but this could be produced by eating 2-3)
→ last a long time (gradual, climbing peak)
→ one is enough for new users, experienced users probably two over a long night or three if you want to get REALLY fucked
→ comedown is existent but mild (might take a while to sleep if you eat a couple)
→ 8/10
→ I would buy if i got the chance, nice, clean, pretty strong and keeps you going (great for if you're out at clubs/raves)


April 19, 2006, 3:07 am GMT

chopstix (member since May 3, 2006)


May 3, 2006, 10:06 am GMT

vitamineb (member since September 10, 2008)

had one last night but with an assortment of pills. yeah i would say these are pretty mild but it was a good mix...like that little edge to get more fucked up. it was good i felt the difference between the first few pills. this pill let me ride til the sunrise and then some. i want to try these alone though like a party to see how i like it then but if anyone has a chance pick em up!

October 26, 2008, 11:50 pm GMT