Pill Report: (!)  26.02.07 - LES: PILLREPORTS INFORMASJON (!)


Posted by
February 26, 2007
Date Submitted
- Pillreports is a site hosted/run by voluntary people.

Recently there has been cases where many people have spread their email and contact info on this site.

It's okay to talk about where you bought pills or which area it belongs to, but to give out info and email for purchasing isn't allowed.This should not happen.

As for now the site has been a legal site with information about ecstacy. But now it looks like a blackmarket for ecstacy.

If this happens, pillreports might get problems with law's regarding drug politics. If this happens, pillreports may be shut down.. which no one here wants?

So please read the guidelines, don't spread contact info.
(users that do this will be deleted without warning and hostmask will be banned.).

Anyway, I would thank people for posting and show activity.

thank you.

- moderator: larsa(.no)


For tiden har det blitt mer og mer reklame for salg og distrubisjon av piller. En ting er å snakke om hvor man kan få tak i, men direkte kontaktinformasjon skal ikke forekomme på denne siden.

Dette er ikke gjort slik for å gjøre det surt for alle pilleknaskere.

Det går på lover og normer.

Grunnen til at pillreports er lovlig er rett og slett pga. at det er en informativ side. En side som bidrar til å gi folk informasjon som er viktig. For å unngå dødsfall etc.

Når dere oppgir emailen deres, så blir pillreports.com en kontakt side med kjøp/salg, som igjen gjør siden ulovlig. I værste fall kan vi risikere at siden blir tatt ned, og det vil vel ingen?

Håper dere kan følge reglene(se: guidelines) og fortsatt å benytte dere av siden.

Mye bra rapporter ute om dagen, informative. Har ikke vært innom her på en stund men ser at det har blitt mer aktivitet her, noe som er bra.

Ja, og om dere kan/orker så prøv å skriv rapportene på engelsk, kommentarene er ikke så farlige, men selve rapportene er greie å ha på engelsk pga. utlendinger surfer her også.

Mvh. larsa , mod.
Last Update
February 26, 2007
Informasjon fra Moderator larsa
Suspected Contents


ruffneck67 (member since December 20, 2006)

can you please translate this into english

February 26, 2007, 6:40 pm GMT

larsa (member since October 18, 2005)

sure. ill do it right away

February 26, 2007, 7:04 pm GMT

punjab (member since July 23, 2006)

Heya larsa!

Thnx for the translation! You are right about the site loosing it's functionality in harm reduction and information providing. I see your point in PillReports.com becoming a trade market more and more. To be honest this is the only place on the internet that I know that makes this possible! It will be a fight from PillReports.com volunteers against (mainly) the dutch visitors of the site who see it as a great place to make new contacts!

If you ask me you will need a dutch volunteer to participate in the project in order to control this behavior!

There will be a day where even the dutch government instances will wake up and get a court order to shut the site down. Since you are hosting the site in NL all it's content is under dutch law!

Anyway, heads up to those who participate in the good work on sharing information about subjects that this site was made for!

Punjab NL

February 27, 2007, 10:44 am GMT

kabouterplop (member since May 27, 2006)

yes indeed i see lots of ppl sharing their p.f) names.. which is rather unsafe

February 27, 2007, 11:42 am GMT

larsa (member since October 18, 2005)

hm to be honest it is starting to be a problem, at least at the Europe->Norway section.. =/ Though, I don't mind people buying selling, just don't do it at this site.

February 27, 2007, 1:51 pm GMT

smoke (member since January 28, 2006)

don't people realize that the feds might be reading ther posts....what idiots

March 1, 2007, 12:01 am GMT

larsa (member since October 18, 2005)


March 5, 2007, 2:28 pm GMT

ezrgood (member since April 14, 2007)

Hei! Jeg har noen bilder av Rosa Supermann. Er det noe mulighet for å få lastet opp bilde på den allerede eksisterende rapporten, eller må jeg lage ny?

April 14, 2007, 2:09 pm GMT

larsa (member since October 18, 2005)

make a new one, I'll delete the other. give me the url

January 17, 2009, 4:32 pm GMT