Pill Report: Star


Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Took picture from another report. Same shape and size except bright pink. Specs where white and bigger.

Well to start off... As some of you might have noticed i haven't posted any reports in the last 2 months or so.. Decided to take a decent break from everything.

Anyways I picked up 6 of these pills off one of my buddies who normally has good pills. Dealer told me these where some imports (but like always i never beileve any dealer)


Star Shaped Pink with white specs. Kind of domed on each side. rock hard press, proffesional press. Tasted EXTREMLY bitter like a typical MDMA pill. Smelt like normal MDMA pills.


11:30pm - Consumed 1 pill orally swallowed whole. With a half stomach full.

11:45pm - Felt strong MDMA Comeup.

Midnight - Full blow MDMA high. INTENCE eye wiggles... never ever had such intence eye wiggles in my life non-stop through the WHOLE trip. all i could see was blurry images.

12:15 am - eyes wont stop wiggling. Very touchy. was kind of loved up but not extrremly loved up like normal MDMA beans.

12:30pm - from 12:30am to 12:40am i was coming down . right at 12:40am i was complety sober with the WORST depression of my life.

So i consumed another one. (chewed this one up) same thing happened. 15 minute comeup. after the second pill wore away (45 minutes later). AFter the second pill wore away i was soo depressed i ate a 3rd one which brought the high back with less intence eye wobbles but INTENCE hullicinations. saw people standing next to me. (people where very real). Saw a mouse running around and a news paper fold up into a crab. (these where life like hullinsations).


hour after the 3rd pill wore away i fell to sleep with abouslutly no trouble. pretty much 15 minutes after it wore away. (still had tingles in my legs when i fell to sleep).

Stay away these are some really weird pills. not worth your money what so ever. I called my dealer and he told me PURE MDMA tabs last 45 minutes and give you bad depression. what a idiot!?!
Star shaped pink
Pink With white specs
Star shaped, kind of domed
Suspected Contents


jebus (member since September 30, 2005)

Actually pure MDMA, DOES last 45-60 minutes, and once it wears off it's a kind of shitty experience.

September 30, 2005, 8:49 pm GMT

reronic (member since September 29, 2005)

not from fully smashed to sober mybe the peak is 45-60 minutes,


October 1, 2005, 3:38 am GMT

xmagicx (member since October 11, 2005)

hmm ive seen poeple before off of pills? its weird shit hu

October 16, 2005, 3:46 pm GMT

madchemist (member since October 21, 2005)

I'm sorry, but those pills are just a weak dose of MDMA, if you read pihkals qualitative results (available on erowid), or even looked at the graph that the erowid link references you would notice that the "peak" or plateau...lasts between 2 and 3 hours (most likely at a dose of between 75-100 mg which is average for most people..and pills) your dealer was just placating you. I'm tired of the consistent misinformation that is present in the drug subculture..knowledge is power.

October 21, 2005, 4:27 am GMT

trance69 (member since October 1, 2005)

i had those exact pink star-shaped pills in montreal, it lasted about 3-4 hours. different pills ????

October 26, 2005, 12:05 pm GMT

bboyswitch1 (member since September 30, 2005)

I've tried these pills a couple of times and they make me hallucinate... when my eyes are opened i dont feel high but when I close them I feel all smashed...It has to be real dark for it to make you hallucinate and get confused...faces change..good but wierd trip.

December 13, 2005, 3:11 am GMT

tartar (member since December 13, 2005)

I've tried E for the first time last week. The ones we had looked similar to these, they were bright pink star. I live in montreal. The effects came on about an hour after I swalled one pill. It was awesome, I have no words to describe how I felt. One thing I hated is that my I couldn't control my jaw, it was either being all stressed out, or going all over the place.

Anyway, the effects lasted for a good 3 hours, after that, it gradually went down. I felt very sad that the buzz was going away but that's about the only negative effect about the comedown. I encountered the weirdest hallucinations I've ever seen. I had some beautiful closed eyes hallucinations. When I opened them, I saw a walking koala on a wall, I kept on seeing giant men wearing black suits and umbrellas walking out of trees (what the hell?). When I came back home, I heard some people talking and whispering while I was completely alone in the bus. It was hella weird.

I had a little trouble sleeping, even though I was really tired. I had to work the day after, I felt very relaxed that day. I had a little headache.

Two days after (today), I'm feeling very weird : I have some light headaches and some difficulty focusing. I feel a little bit sick and lazy mentally. I hope it'll go away tomorrow.

I have no idea if this was real MDMA, but it was a very pleasant trip. I'm not even sure if they were the same pills as the ones shown on this page, but they looked alike.

December 13, 2005, 5:19 am GMT

anthr4x (member since February 6, 2006)

I agree with trance69 and tartar... i'm from montreal and i've tried these pill since 5 weeks and i had an awesome trip !! the effect came on about 45min/1hour ... my trip was good for 3 hours!

I think this is not the same pill that you've take !

ps: sorry for my writing in english :P i'm not good!

February 6, 2006, 8:59 pm GMT

oblivionsalt (member since February 16, 2006)

Been taking these pills for about two months (only because I bought a stash) and I will not be buying them again. They don't last long enough, therefore I have to take more, and then I end up hallucinating... If I wanted to hallucinated, I would just take shrooms or something! Sigh... these pills pissed me off.

February 16, 2006, 4:06 am GMT

oblivionsalt (member since February 16, 2006)

Been taking these pills for about two months (only because I bought a stash) and I will not be buying them again. They don't last long enough, therefore I have to take more, and then I end up hallucinating... If I wanted to hallucinated, I would just take shrooms or something! Sigh... these pills pissed me off.

February 16, 2006, 4:07 am GMT

tenuousandpale (member since January 7, 2006)

These are very good.
I think MDA. I've had some really vivid hallucinations off mda before, mainly in combonation with speed it was crazy.
I wouldn't say these are clean though. In my post someone mention a 2c of somesort that it could be adulterated with.

August 3, 2006, 2:06 am GMT