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Orange Cherries

Central Florida

Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Pill is well packed, but easy to split in half. Flat on logo side, slightly domed on back. Bevel edge on logo side. There are some darker specs of orange on pill. Felt a shift in awareness after 30 minutes and full peak in 1 hour. Come up is very smooth. Felt very happy, somewhat chatty with strangers and the people I was with. The music went well with the pill, no need to go outside to smoke a bowl to round out the edges. Lasted a long time, about 6 hours. Slow and smooth comedown. Went home, felt very relaxed, took a bath, slept easily about 3 hours after going to bed @ 6:30 in the a.m.. The glow lasted until the next night. No ate up feelings at all. No sense that there was any speed at all in it. No jaw clenching, no visuals other than everything glowed. Warm, caring feelings. Did some dancing at one point, but basically was very happy to sit, smoke ciggies and check out the environment and people. This is the best pill I have had in about 3 years, can\'t believe my luck. After so much MDA and speed going around I feel I lucked out with these. Definitely MDMA, and what seems like a potent dose as well.
2 cherries/2leaves
Light Orange
Suspected Contents


up2itt2003 (member since September 29, 2005)

Thanks for the report. Just scored some for the weekend. ANy one else have comments?

October 6, 2005, 5:46 pm GMT

up2itt2003 (member since September 29, 2005)

Excellent! Just got some of these beauties for sat nite. Wife and I are stoked

October 7, 2005, 5:54 pm GMT

princess leia (member since October 7, 2005)

These still remain the cleanest, most potent MDMA tablets I have consumed in years. The maker of these should give lessons in chemistry to all the makers of bunk, speedy or DXM pills.

November 15, 2005, 1:42 am GMT

princess leia (member since October 7, 2005)

These still remain the cleanest, most potent MDMA tablets I have consumed in years. The maker of these should give lessons in chemistry to all the makers of bunk, speedy or DXM pills.

November 15, 2005, 2:04 am GMT