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Peace, Love And Rock N' Roll


Posted by
May 26, 2017
Date Submitted
forgot to take a picture but identical to the other green peace love and rock n' roll pills on this site.
Last Update
May 28, 2017
Rock n roll fingers on one side,
Very smooth
Slightly curved
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Background: 180 pound male, going to an EDM show. Ate a good size meal three hours prior to arriving.

10:00 - Drop one whole pill before going into the club.

10:30 - Little bit of pre-roll anxiety. Starting to come up HARD. Pressure building in chest and back of the head/neck. Starting to feel hot and take a break from being in the crowd and go drink some water off to the side to cool down.

11:00 - Feeling amazing. Talking/making friends with everyone. Vibing to the music. Eye wiggles but nothing too intense. Average amount of jaw clenching, feels amazing to bite down or have someone else touch me. Sweating A LOT though, even though I was wearing a tank top

12:00 - Dancing nonstop, roll still going very strong. Music sounds incredible, still feeling to need to talk to everyone and dance with strangers. Tank top and hair are soaked with sweat.

1:00 - Briefly made out with a girl and I could not stop telling her how amazing her lips felt haha. They really did feel incredible. Roll still going strong

2:00 - Show ends, starting to come down but definitely still feeling it. Still talking to people after the show is over until security makes us leave

3:00 - Get back home. Come down for the most part. Thoughts still somewhat racing. Didn't have any benzos or weed to help with the comedown so I just watched TV until I finally fell asleep around 5;30am

Next day - Wake up at 10am, feeling a little bit of an after glow. Able to go through my daily activities with ease. Next couple of days were a little rougher. Not like full on depressed feelings but more so feeling indifferent towards everything.

Conclusion - 8/10 - Very nice pill, would definitely recommend. Too bad my dealer's all out now. One pill is definitely more than enough, if low tolerance or inexperienced start with half because the comeup was pretty intense.


raptor2010 (member since May 27, 2017)

havent had or seen a good one since 2010. FML

May 27, 2017, 3:35 am GMT

serotonin theory (member since April 19, 2016)

Dude i just got some grey gameboy cutouts last weekend bomb im praying i run into again so i can post a report raptor believe it or not theres still good beans around this way

June 8, 2017, 2:38 am GMT