afta sonu bodrum dan çözdüm bunları. Turkiyeye girişi sakat diye hap şeklinde basiyorlar dedi torbaci. Araştırdım bende boş şeker olmasın diye. tivicay diye bir ilaç aids hastaları iciyormus kutusu 1600 tl.çok iyi dedi torbaci 50 tl fiyat çekti 35 ten bağladım. Kafasi geç geliyor dedi yuvarladim bir tane bekle babam 1 saat yok birsey ikinciyi yuvarladim bekle bekle yok.anlayacağınız bunlardan bulursaniz torbaciniz değiştirin. Aspirine film kaplamislar pahalı ilaç markası basmislar milleti yiyorlar. Sakın bulasmayin.
: TürkçeAfta solved them from the basement. They said that the entry to the country was a pill, he said. I'm investigating you for the empty sugar. Tivicay a medicine called aids sick box 1600 TL. Very good said the baggie 50 tl price I pulled 35 tied. Wait a minute Wait for one Wait for one hour Wait a second Wait a second Wait wait. There you will understand, change your baggage. Aspirin film covers the expensive pharmaceutical brand prints the nation is eating. Do not make it.
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
nomadhere (member since August 14, 2015)
Bodrumda yok, bulamazsın , en az 25-35 TL , izmirden alacaksın.
May 18, 2017, 8:18 pm GMTedit***
You can't find it anywhere in bodrum. Their prices are 25-35 TL at least. You should buy them in Ä°zmir.
euphoricthing (member since February 18, 2013)
Dostum antiviral ilaçtan ne gibi bir kafa bekliyodun anlamadım :D neyse geçmiş olsun
May 19, 2017, 7:53 am GMTI can't get that what's your expectation from an antiviral treatment pill :D Stay safe