Took one first. Began to feel the effects in a short time. After 30 minute it hit me. Pure MDMA feeling, felt like I was hovering while walking. Tactile sensation was great. Great quality pill, get bulk where ever you see. Redosed 2 hours later, same effect and extended duration. No comedown at all. Took 1mg xanax and slept like a baby. Could eat little as a breakfast but I got really hungry later and ate both lunch and dinner as usual.
Bir tane attım ilk, kısa sürede hissettirmeye başladı. 30 dakika kadar geçtiğinde tam geldiğini hissettim. Tam bir MDMA kafası, yürürken sanki havada yürüyormuş hissi. Dokunma hissi çok güzel. Gerçekten çok çok kaliteli bir hap, gördüğünüz alda toplu almaya çalışın. 2 saat sonra falan da 2.yi attım. O da gayet güzel vurup devam ettirdi. Düşüşü falan da yok. 1mg xanax ile mışıl mışıl uyudum.
Ertesi gün kahvaltı çok fazla yiyemedim. 2-3 saat sonra da deli gibi acıktım hem öğlen hem de akşam düzgün yemek yedim.
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
magik7 (member since March 14, 2017)
Thanks for sharing. It is nice to see tested reports. I hope it can be found in Ankara. There are too many shit pills on market in these days. Feel the absence of real pills...
March 28, 2017, 9:27 am GMTlucymary (member since February 14, 2017)
You're welcome. I'm also quite surprised to see this kind of pill in Turkey considering the overall quality :D
March 28, 2017, 10:56 am GMTlucymary (member since February 14, 2017)
Yurtdışından gelmesi çok da zor değil, fakat 220mg değil kesin onu söyleyebilirim. 150mg civarı hissettirdi.
March 28, 2017, 3:01 pm GMTSome people can easily import these, but I can tell you it's not 220mg. It felt like 150mg.
mollyisparta (member since September 18, 2014)
Beyler pembe tesla yiyen oldumu??bide turuncu marijuana yaptakları
March 29, 2017, 10:42 pm GMTThanks for report bro did u eat pink Tesla and orange marijuana weed leaf anyone know?
liberty (member since April 15, 2017)
lucymary how we can find it in Izmır actually which district of Izmir ? I've just created an account after read your good report :)
April 15, 2017, 9:11 pm GMTsarilale (member since April 16, 2017)
Lucymary ayaklarının yerden kesilmesi hapın mdma olduğunu göstermez,hapın kafasında mg hesaplayamazsın,gerçek mdma müziğin notalarını kalbinde hissettirir ,düşmanını o an samimi dostun yapar herkesi öpmek sarılmak istersin.
April 18, 2017, 7:58 am GMTLucymary True mdma makes mana music feel its heart,Inexplicable by the taste of mg
alpha2017 (member since April 13, 2017)
mavi viagra seklinde uzerinde 100 yazan sekerler nasil deneyen var mi
April 24, 2017, 8:45 pm GMTharbighetto (member since October 17, 2019)
izmirde olan varsa gelsin
November 4, 2019, 5:43 pm GMT