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Tesla Model X


Posted by
November 29, 2016
Date Submitted
"These will knock your socks off." First-timers, be careful and take half!

Nice solid pill, clean press. Fairly solid and weighty, and same size as my thumbnail (though I have pretty tiny hands!).
Last Update
December 2, 2016
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Marquis Reagent
User Report

VERY detailed report coming up ahead -- just my duty as a conscientious citizen :)

I had a single one of these (Marquis-tested, straight to black) at a festival in August 2016. I'm 5'8", female, about 160 pounds, and had had very little to eat that day (although I did have a small dose of shrooms earlier in the day, which had worn off entirely by the time I was given this pill from a friend). I'd also had a couple of ciders around lunchtime; the day before I'd had a bit under a half-gram of Dutch MDMA crystals, spread out over the evening. Yes, stupid to drop again, but festivals. I don't recommend this at all and almost never drop twice in one weekend -- I'm just saying that I did, for full disclosure on how this pill interacted with what I'd done before.

Given that I'd pinged the day before, I wasn't expecting this single pill to hit me as hard as it did. While I don't have a big tolerance, I'd say I'm fairly experienced with the MDx family. This basically knocked me over the head and left me (figuratively) dead in a ditch in comparison to anything I'd ever had before! Could have been the pill, could have been the circumstances -- you judge. I've also heard that the same pressing of Teslas can be pretty varied in strengths across batches -- maybe we got super-good ones. Anyway.

As my mate lovingly handed me this pill (a belated birthday treat), he assured me that the guy he'd bought them off said they would "knock [our] socks off". The two mates I pinged with that night are both healthy young men and much heavier MDMA users than I am; both of them took their pill in one go, and I decided not to halve mine, instead swallowing the whole pill at around 10 PM. Keep in mind that I was considering that I'd already had some MDMA the day before, and didn't think it would hit me very hard -- I thought I'd have a gentle little roll.

This was not to be the case. About 15 minutes after I dropped, as we were on our way to the stage, I suddenly felt myself coming up EXTREMELY hard -- my eyes were wiggling like fuck, I felt my heart pounding even though my mate took my pulse and told me it wasn't, and I literally felt I could have sprinted all the way to the stage across the site without batting an eyelid. Regardless, my anxiety was spiking, and I decided to go and sit down in the welfare tent for a brief decompress while I waited to get over the initial bump. I had a great pingy chat with one of my mates and a lovely Australian steward (thank you!).

Feeling much better after gabbing my face off at the steward for half an hour, my mate and I headed off to the small stage, where the night began in earnest. We met up with our other friends and raved until probably 5 AM. I felt pretty coherent, VERY lovey-dovey and was absolutely thrilled with the tunes (although I don't remember time passing very well -- I had major time compression).

At around 5 (which was when the music turned off), I was shaken back to earth after spiralling off inside my own head for a bit, told that the tunes had stopped and that I was just standing there stock-still on the raised platform inside the large marquee, staring at nothing with the most dopily happy expression on my face. That was fine! We headed back to our camp -- all of us were still pinging hard, though I was probably the most monged -- and sat inside someone's tent having a few joints, as is our custom when we get back from a rave session.

At this point, I imagine the MDMA had mostly metabolised to MDA, since I wasn't as chatty and euphoric but was getting OEVs in the dark, and was convinced that the droplets of water condensation on the roof of the tent were stars and that we were actually outside. At around 7 AM I began to struggle to keep my head up, so I went to bed for a couple of hours.

Next day, despite all our best efforts with gum and magnesium supplements, I'd managed to chew a small hole through my cheek. That evening, I was physically fidgety and wobbly -- a typical comedown for me, given that I don't really get discernible emotional effects, not even in the few days after -- so didn't ping again, just had a relaxing evening watching some of the acts I'd come to see.

I wasn't expecting this pill to be so filthily strong! The rest of the group felt pretty blasted, too, but don't get anxious on coming up like I do, so didn't get freaked out on the come-up. I'd definitely have halved it and then taken the second half of it an hour or so after if I were doing this again, but all in all, a great night. Anyone smaller than me in body mass, or relatively inexperienced, would be advised to be careful when you have one of these -- and to make sure you have a sound crew around you.


kj123 (member since November 21, 2016)

Everything you have said is what I experienced last weekend! Done my usual half and was fucked within 15 minutes eyes were in the back of my head, kept going to be sick I went to the toilets and I blacked out for a few seconds spewing 😂 had some water then was fine but the whole night seems to be a blur to me! Can just remember one song being played then the next minute I'm back at mine with 15 other people on a bed ha! My dealer said it was 220 mg of MD so even half fucked me up I'm only 7/8 stone so no wonder. defo quarter them next time I thinks

November 30, 2016, 1:37 am GMT

bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)

Great report thanks :)

I have often stood looking at the stage in wonderment thinking what has happened :D

December 6, 2016, 6:35 am GMT

hugs420 (member since March 19, 2016)

I had one of these last night and it was a pretty solid roll but probably my weakest one yet. Started with half and come up was smooth. Then it kicked in, music much clearer, energy from crowd amazing, and good amount of empathy and euphoria. The duration seemed short, I took the other half 90 minutes later and kept the roll going. It was a decent roll with no real peak. Absolutely no come down and I feel good next day and hopefully will have an afterglow.

Background 5'7" male, 155 pounds, 9th drop I've done, wait 3 months in between drops. Supplementation every time.

December 11, 2016, 4:23 am GMT