Pill Report: Beige Volkswagen
Beige Volkswagen


Posted by
June 29, 2016
Date Submitted
they are an off white pill with visible flicks of browm mdma thru them which is usually a good sign, domed at the back edges are a little chalky.
i could smell a nice sweet mdma smell from the bag with 6 pills in it
burned a bit to snort but that expected lol
all in all better than average aussie beans and i defiantly will be eating the other 2 i have left lol
Last Update
July 1, 2016
4.5 mm
7.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Tolerance: High -based on the count that on weekends I consume more weight in substances than food
85kg build.
Consumed: 25/6. a week ago

Status before consuming:Ate only a small amount of food for dinner and consumed 3 beers before heading out to events.

Total amount of pills taken: 3.
half a pill snorted
+0:00 Dropped 2

+0:35 Small waves of energy coming on, definitely can feel something big building up

+0:50 Waves of euphoria started to come over me, pupils dilated. Feeling more relaxed (had a stressful day)

+1:10 The deep talks started but tried not to zone out into them and focus on dancing. Started to peak

+ 1:50 Friends starting to tell me i look like im in a good place, felt pretty cooked, stronger than alot of the pills ive been getting lately. Jaw lock was present but not too bad but i assume that would be because i had eaten alot of magnesium based foods on the day i had these pills

+2:30 Kept dancing around didnt want to stop i could feel the engery from the music it was insane, jaw lock still present and eyes were pretty droopey on photos of me, could tell i was pretty pretty out of it. Ate 1 more pill

+3:15 Third people coming into effect now. Still going at the club and enjoying myself,

+4:30 First 2 pills wearing off now. Cant be bothered waiting for the pills to hit me again so I decided to crush one pill up and snort it with my friend (Half a pill each)

+4:50 Up and going again nice and loved up chatty mingling with strangers.

+5:20 Felt alot more chargy after snorting half a pill, eye wobbles went particulary bad around this time

+7:00 Most of the effects of the pills are worn off now, still have a minor afterglow but its basically gone due to my tolerance.

+9:00 Took me a while to get home but once I landed into bed I went straight to sleep

Conclusion/Next Day: Alot stronger than the pacmans/channels/grenades that have been going around NSW. Solid dose of MDMA, highly recommend NOT double dropping these if your are a low tolerance user.

Appetite was fine the next day, felt sort of drained but I hadn't eaten anything in a while so I blamed it on that and the fact I Also had been drinking alot of alchohol throughout the night, including shots so it was fair to say I was going to sleep all day. Which is what I did and when I woke up in the afternoon I felt pretty much fine


pilletr2000 (member since June 30, 2016)

lol read that now but i already double dropped these bad boys while i was at a club weekend was probably way too much as it hit me fkn fast and at once and i started feeling trippy as fuck but once it was steady they are a nice mandy high good pilz

July 1, 2016, 2:20 am GMT

bonnieandclyde89 (member since July 1, 2016)

nice find bro sweet googs

July 13, 2016, 6:53 am GMT

tassylad (member since May 21, 2014)

These look the same as the brown/tan @'s that where getting around..

July 19, 2016, 6:15 pm GMT

sillyrolls (member since April 4, 2016)

Can someone please ban this guy^

This is not what pill reports is used for, it is not a market place and is primarily used for harm prevention, not sales...

July 27, 2016, 3:01 am GMT

medlowbear (member since August 1, 2016)

i tried these on the weekend good quality mdma took 2 pills felt amazing

August 4, 2016, 4:00 am GMT