Pill Report: tesla


Posted by
June 28, 2016
Date Submitted
Used a diff pic but are identical modle x on the back thease pills are by far the shittest pills ive ever taken
Last Update
July 1, 2016
See photo
Suspected Contents
User Report

Had them a few times now i think they are mdma but shit mdma hits you like a train then just want to lay down not move after a hour or 2 boom sober all of a sudden very weird high been doing pills for 15 years never had one like this reminds me of ket cant have a good time on them


collegeflicker (member since November 9, 2015)

You have used MY picture from MY report on these pills. I tested them myself and they are definitely MDMA. Friends have taken them and all said they were fine, strange that you had this experience. I haven't taken myself yet so can't say for certain but thanks for report

June 29, 2016, 12:20 am GMT

henrikque (member since May 18, 2016)

I tested these myself and they're flaky, badly made. Tested as methylone for me. I'm in Ireland if that's where OP bought this pill.

June 29, 2016, 4:41 am GMT

collegeflicker (member since November 9, 2015)

Hi Henrikque. I'm from Ireland but didn't buy the pill here. Perhaps there is a bad batch now going round? The press I have is incredibly well pressed, not flaky at all. Tested it with 2 different reagents too, my report is here. http://www.pillreports.net/index.php?page=display_pill&id=36004 Seems the Tesla press is now completely compromised, such a shame :(

June 29, 2016, 12:38 pm GMT

neebor (Moderator)

This is the shitest stamp on the scene ppl. So many colours and so many fakes. Wouldnt take the risk

July 1, 2016, 2:03 am GMT

bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)

This report is all over the place - removed the test results (please do not copy photos showing test results), changed suspected contents to MDMA as per the user report.

July 1, 2016, 9:06 am GMT

caztar (member since February 2, 2015)

Tried these last night, dropped at 11pm, 30 mins later start to come up, butterflies in stomach and deeper breathing as I normally experience, another 20 minutes and I'm there, or at least I thought I was, 10 minutes later and I reach another level, I guess I peaked a while later, teeth chattering and eyes all to fuck. Couldnt sit still had to get up and dance even though I'm at home listing to some old school Sasha, dancing round the living room like a homeless person, or thats how the missis describes it. start to come down after about 2hrs 30mins, a gradual come down which probably lasted another hour till I was straight again. Took another about 4:30am and the experience was exactly the same, not tried to sleep today yet but feel absolutley fine. not the strongest pill i've had recently but definately nothing to worry about, would deffo take them again.

July 3, 2016, 4:25 pm GMT

stroperllip (member since June 26, 2015)

I have consumed these and would not class them as needing a warning. Half was enough to come up, so I'd agree with them being strong (15yrs of taking MDMA) I suspect there is quite a spread on them, some seemed stronger than others.

July 5, 2016, 5:41 pm GMT

ramona (member since June 6, 2016)

Did these have Model X on the back or was the back plain?

July 28, 2016, 11:43 am GMT

doofers (member since January 15, 2009)

model x

July 31, 2016, 7:24 pm GMT