Pill Report: Handicaps/Wheelchair/Disabled

Savannah, Georgia

Posted by
March 11, 2016
Date Submitted
Very hard pill. Could not break in half by hand. Marquis Regeant test shows the presence of MDMA/MDA/MDE (felt like MDMA to me) and also Amphetamine/Methamphetamine. After scraping from the very inside of the pill and dropping some Marquis Regeant on it, it turned orange then dark orange very quickly and then dark purple and settled on black after about 20 seconds.
Last Update
March 13, 2016
Handicapped symbol facing right
4.0 mm
8.0 mm
Hard and Smooth
Slightly Beveled
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx Medium
Marquis Reagent
Other - Please see description
User Report

I have been saving this pill for a couple weeks to do a proper report and I'm glad I did. I waited until all MDMA was out of my system so I could do a clean slate test. I did a previous report on the blue/green/yellow Handicaps that I obtained along with this single blue Handicap. This pill in particular (although not as strong as the multi-colored handicap I tested previously) definitely held it's own. Before consumption I scraped some from the inside of the pill - I have found it is best to test the pill using the very innards of it to get a more accurate result instead of scraping from the outside like most people do. I consumed this single blue handicap and started feeling the effects about 30 min later. It came on pretty quickly. It first started with a general numbing sensation throughout my body that was very pleasant. After about an hour I started getting some jaw clenching and skin felt kind of clammy(but in a good way). After about an hour and 15 minutes my head started to roll around a little bit. I put on some music. I generally listen to some good drum and bass like AK1200 when the roll is coming on and then when I feel I am ready to do some light shows I will put on Bassnectar or deadmau5. 3 completely different genres of EDM but each music style sounded beautiful to me. Because of the amphetamine in the pill, it really had me wanting to move around to the music and just felt really euphoric all around. I rolled pretty hard for about 2 hours and when I felt it was starting to come down a little bit I would just hit my Vicks inhaler or do another light show and that would get it going again (although briefly). Only bad part was that I did not have another blue handicap. I wanted to do an honest report after taking just a single pill so people could get a general idea of how just one of these performed. I came down about 4 hours after taking it but I must say the experience was extremely pleasant and the come down was not bad at all. I usually hate when the sun comes up at that point but I hung a comforter blanket over my window and just sat back and relaxed until I finally felt sleep take over. The next day was great when I woke up. Especially after getting some food on my stomach. I can't attest to what the comedown would have been like if I had taken more than just 1 pill, but I can't imagine it being much worse. This was a very pleasant roll and an all around great experience.


heavymetal (member since February 28, 2016)

I really wish there was a way to upload full sized images or at least multiple images instead of having to combine images in a smaller format with lower quality. I took these pictures with a 1080p camera and had to resize the image down to this. I'm not sure if PillReport has any plans for adding those features but I feel it would be beneficial to everyone if they did.

March 11, 2016, 8:53 am GMT

crobarkid00 (member since August 22, 2011)

Hmm this is a tough one bro, your marquis looks more of a dark red to me. I've tested pills with amp in them before and it's always been a orange/rusty orange color. Although I do see purple/black in your sample but that could be just a small trace of mdma which is all that's needed to fool the test. This is a good pill for edata to test no doubt.

March 11, 2016, 4:35 pm GMT

crobarkid00 (member since August 22, 2011)

Unless u live in cali, the domestic presses have a horrible reputation right now, good pills are very hard to come by.

March 11, 2016, 4:38 pm GMT

heavymetal (member since February 28, 2016)

I think the pill presser that is doing these pills I have been getting lately is a novice and very inconsistent. Some have been way stronger than I expected and others have little or NO MDMA at all in them. They will just turn light orange for amphetamines. But these blue handicaps and the green handicaps both turned dark purple/black and definitely made me roll. I just think that all of his pills have a lot of amphetamine in them and the test is getting confused as to which color to change. At least thats my opinion. All of the pills have been really speedy.

March 13, 2016, 5:01 am GMT