Pill Report: Glocks/Pistols/Guns

Savannah, Georgia

Posted by
February 28, 2016
Date Submitted
Could not break in half with my fingers no matter how hard I tried. Had to use a knife and it would break into several pieces when I tried to cut it in half. Has blue on the outside of the pill, but I am pretty sure that is because the seller kept it in the same bag with a bunch of blue ones. It did not have any blue inside the pill. Tasted mildly bitter and smelled like weed again because the seller doesn't know how to separate things properly. Marquis regeant test turned orange then settled on black. Warning added for suspicion of amphetamines with the mdma.
Last Update
March 13, 2016
Glock pointing left
4.0 mm
8.0 mm
Hard And Smooth
Slightly Beveled
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx Medium
Marquis Reagent
Other - Please see description
User Report

A little background information on myself: I used to be an extremely heavy ecstasy user around 2004-2007. This was the first pill I have done since I started taking them again recently(moderately and only on weekends). I picked up a mixed bag of multi colored glocks and grenades from the same seller. The pills were kind of pricey for me but I hadn't done it in a long time and really wanted to. I tested the pill first after work Friday night using the Marquis Regeant(it turned orange then settled on black in about 20 seconds). I took one and gave another to this girl I am talking to from work at around 12am and we went to a local bar and played pool. It took about an hour to fully kick in. The come up was very gradual, but around 1am both of us were feeling pretty fantastic. These were definitely more speedy than the purple glocks I got from the same seller. The bar closed at 2am and we went back to my house. The ride home was pretty awesome driving and listening to music. At around 3:15 I could tell the pill was starting to wear off so we each took another half a pill and that kicked it right back in. Started getting slight eye wiggles and kept closing my eyes and rolling my head around. Slight jaw clenching as well. Music was incredible. Every time I would use a Vicks Inhaler it would kick it right back in. I did get up and perform a light show for my friend during a few songs. The lights looked awesome and I started sweating. My eyes were moderately dilated. Ended up staying up all night and having a lot of trouble falling asleep, followed by mild nausea because I did not eat first and consumed alcohol beforehand most likely. Overall I would give this pill a 3.5 out of 5 rating. Definitely a solid pill but by no means spectacular.


stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Welcome to the site

Thanks for the report / testing by any chance do you have a pic of the pill?

Also it's vary unsafe to drive well under the influence of drugs/alcohol.

Next time plz use a cab or have a dd.

February 29, 2016, 12:55 am GMT

crobarkid00 (member since August 22, 2011)

Is this a domestic press bro?? Or did they come from overseas?
Damn last glocks I had were around 2007ish when they passed thru chicago, very similar looking press in fact. Great pills those were

February 29, 2016, 8:20 am GMT

heavymetal (member since February 28, 2016)

Sorry about the price discussion, thought that was allowed here. Normally I wouldn't drive while under the influence like that but the bar was right around the corner and I was feeling pretty focused at that point, but that's not really an excuse and you are right. Also @crobarkid00 these pills came from Atlanta before they got to Savannah(I know this for a fact). Beyond that I have no idea where they came from. This is my first report, but I plan on putting some more up soon. I had to order another bottle of the Marquis Regeant so I can test the grenades and handicap/wheelchairs that I have before I upload more reports. The bottle should be here any day now.

February 29, 2016, 9:43 am GMT