Pill Report: Adidas

Rio de Janeiro

Posted by
January 2, 2016
Date Submitted
Pink pill. Adidas logo is not very deep, but it's well made. Very grainy. Not too bitter.

Tested Mandelin and Mecke, both reacted dark purple/black, positive for MDMA.
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Mandelin Reagent
Mecke Reagent
User Report

Great pill! Dropped one, took almost one hour before feeling the effects. Lasted really, really long, for about 5 hours.

Was feeling light, awesome buzz! Was completely aware of everything, wanted to talk a lot, that feeling like you love everyone. It didn't feel as if there were any anphetamines, only pure MDMA. Just wanted to dance, but wasn't too accelerated.

Woke up next morning feeling amazingly well. Didn't feel like the usual crappy next morning state.

Had several friends who took this together and everyone felt the same.

One of the best pills I've ever had!


superuser (member since December 27, 2015)

Very clean pill indeed. Got these in my region (Centro oeste) a couple months ago. I'd say mdxx medium though, as for everyone who took it it lasted 2 hours max. No handover or noticeable side effects. Be safe!
Pinkbutwrfly, where did you get your test kit? I need one, but the exchange rate is too high...

January 3, 2016, 3:07 pm GMT

pinkbutterfly (member since January 3, 2016)

I got it on eBay. It was way cheaper than on most sites. I also got lucky, didn't get taxed or anything. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marquis-Mandelin-Mecke-Laboratory-Reagent-Tests-With-ID-Cards-and-Reaction-Vial-/221710714425

January 4, 2016, 2:22 am GMT

superuser (member since December 27, 2015)

Nice! I though ebay had stopped selling those things. Found a really good priced, free shipping, marquis reagent. Thank you for the hint! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marquis-Reagent-5ml-Test-vial-Color-chart-instructions-/281795135556?hash=item419c4c8844:g:1ikAAOSwuTxV9Hic

January 4, 2016, 1:49 pm GMT

sugarcube (Moderator)

That indeed looks like a good time! Thanks for reporting it -sugarcube

January 12, 2016, 5:19 am GMT

blindsnake (member since October 1, 2015)

My friend boughtd in brazil at olx http://m.olx.com.br/anuncio?ad_id=150275012&last=1

January 13, 2016, 8:02 pm GMT

blindsnake (member since October 1, 2015)

It comes in 3 days.

January 13, 2016, 8:03 pm GMT

blindsnake (member since October 1, 2015)

The only place that i find in Brazil.. My friend bought there and comes in 3 days.. R$ 50,00 and shiping R$20,00

January 13, 2016, 8:22 pm GMT

blindsnake (member since October 1, 2015)

You must find on Paraná state at olx.com.br teste marquis

January 13, 2016, 8:30 pm GMT

wideopen (member since June 14, 2016)

I had seen the same pill in Germany / Baden-Wuertemberg

June 14, 2016, 3:36 pm GMT